You know what WDYS, they said it's never too late, if you think it's not worth it - yes it is,
it's always well worth to improve your ability to hear, yes!.
But, certainly, if you are well adjusted and comfortable to live as a deaf person then it is just a matter of choice for you.
You may, but you don't have to
For me it is more of necessity since I was brought up as a hearie, my friends, family are all hearing.
despite their declarations I simply don't see them learning ASL - just not that kind of people, like awkward, you know - at signing.
Signing and gesturing come to some people naturally and smoothly, some people do it stiffly and feel silly, you know what I mean?
My husband is like that, for 30 years I tried to teach him simple gestures and a few real signs I know.
He tried, but I could tell he wasn't getting the hang of it and felt really embarrassed having to repeat over and over,
so he gave up too quickly as he felt he looks stupid trying to sign.
Talking to him "it's okay..!" and "no, he doesn't look stupid" wouldn't help, he barely learned some few simple gestures we invented
and a few signs for when I am not wearing my HA, and that was it

btw he keep forgetting what it means after a while, lololol
(even the sh*t sign, and he does that upside down way)
My daughter wouldn't have a problem learning ASL, my girlfriend and her husband would learn in time, their children maybe too,
would want to learn,
but I have at least 20 to 40 other friends and acquaintances, I simply don't see them exactly running for ASL classes just for me.
So CI it is ..