CI and balance Issues


May 27, 2010
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I went to get my stitches out today and explained to him that I have been out of balance since 5 days after my surgery. So the doctor is sending me for balance therapy. Has anyone ever had this? he told me that he thinks i need to walk more... I guess kinda like walk it off...
Also my I go back on Jan 20 for my activation. of my C I Implant
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Im sorry about your balance. I do not have any tips for it either.

My hubby had a CI. After his CI is done, and he seems to get off balance so bad since 2005 or 2006. I do not remember what year was it. He still has a bad balances to the day. His doctor couldn't find anything to make his normal balance return back at all. =?
I have no input on what balance therapy entails. But I was notified by my surgeon that balance could be afected for a short time after the surgery. I have not had any balance issues due to my implant. But then again I've never had the best balance to speak of before the surgery. I sure hope this gets corrected for you. Good luck and godspeed in your recovery!
I have been told by my audiologist that they usually will do a balance test for people getting a second CI implant to see if they will have good balance control after the second implant. I was luckly that I did not have any worse balance issue after my CI implant operation.
i think one of the reasons I'm having balance issuses is because I also have a plate and six screws in my neck. I think it is tied together somehow.
I did at times feel a little wobbly after the surgery. I didn't take any therapy or anything. But the doctor did say to get some walking exercise. And to try to practice walking on a straight line, looking straight ahead or something to that sort. It'll eventually wear off. Mine not only eventually went back to normal , but I'm also currently an avid walker besides. Which I was prior to the implant anyway.
My hubby had a CI. After his CI is done, and he seems to get off balance so bad since 2005 or 2006. I do not remember what year was it. He still has a bad balances to the day. His doctor couldn't find anything to make his normal balance return back at all. =?
Sorry to hear that. Has your husband try some walking exercise?
Sorry to hear that. Has your husband try some walking exercise?

He had seen doctor a several times. They suggest him to walk more but he already is. Doctor didn't suggest him to see the therapy but doctor told him to walk more. Nothing else.
I'm hoping it will pass... I asked the doctor if it could be some internal swelling and he said no. but i think other wise because i do still have a small amount of swelling on the outside. i told him that he needs to attach a weight on the other side of my head to put me back into balance. lol... hopefully it will clear up somewhat next week when i get hooked up.

Frisky maybe your husband should ask doctor it they offer balance therapy anyplace close to you. I was told that they don't offer it at all therapy places just some... so maybe it is something new.
my mistake. i asked my hubby about it last night. He did see the balance therapy about 5 times so far. He stopped going there because he does not see any improves in his balance. After that he did it on his own therapy at home. But It has been 5 or 6 years ago. He did follow up with doctor each year about it. He is stuck with his off balance for the rest of his life. =?
my mistake. i asked my hubby about it last night. He did see the balance therapy about 5 times so far. He stopped going there because he does not see any improves in his balance. After that he did it on his own therapy at home. But It has been 5 or 6 years ago. He did follow up with doctor each year about it. He is stuck with his off balance for the rest of his life. =?

Probably he is. I am stuck with the balance problems since I got my auditory nerves eaten by a virus.
I didn't know that you have to pass a balance test to get a CI. What happens if you fail it?
I didn't know that you have to pass a balance test to get a CI. What happens if you fail it?

I don't know what would happen if I failed it. It was part of the process when I became a canidate. the test they did on me consisted of following red dots and wearing a helment with lid up and lid down follwing these dots. then they blew cold air and hot air in my ears ( i could feel it behind my eyes) making me look far to the left and far to the right with the helment on and shield down.
Like sallylou-didn't know anything about "passing a balance test" prior to getting implanted. From below's comment sallylou doesn't have an implant.
Is this something different than what has been described as "balance tests"? I was operated on-July 12, 2007.
I had all the "physical tests" mentioned above though none was described as "balance tests".
Possible just a matter of appropriate "labels"?

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
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drphi, you're making wrong assumptions. I'm not implanted. I'm not familiar with the process.

I'm not sure that I could pass a balance test. I have sensory ataxia and other balance issues. Look it up.
I have Meneier's Disease and have had many of the Balance or Dizzy Tests myself if they make you really dizzy or sick your fine but if it has no effect on you there maybe damage to the Vestibular Nerve. Your Doctor is sending you for Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy which is a series of exercises to help retrain your brain to keep the body balanced there not easy trust me.

Good luck, Don