I hope Trent goes to the link, as he needs to see what the main page is...in case he doesn't...Trent, this opening website states in slanted letters, "JESUS IS THE SAVIOUR NOT CHRISTIANITY" (sic). I'm familiar with Jay Bakker, as he's been to hell and back. I don't like the modern church music, but, if one goes to Matthew 28 and read the Great Commission (Trent, read it, don't wait for the movie), Jesus tells to "Go..." It doesn't tell us how to do it, what to bring, et al, it just says to "Do It!" If people, Central34, are coming and finding Christ as their Saviour and not a dogma like 1st Baptist Rosemount and other churches of like do, then who are we to criticize God?
It saddens me, as it should anyone, that the Church likes to kill their own wounded and put them out of their misery. I left a "Christian" college earlier this year and could sue them for slander and libel, but I will let God deal with them.
Many, many people were hurt at PTL, especially when Jerry Falwell came. I believed everything that Jim Bakker said was true and still do. Evangelist Lowell Lundstrom was holding "Campmeeting" on the program at the Barn Auditorium one night and, as soon as the red light from the tv camera went off, he started up by saying, "I know there is a lot of anger here...let's talk." He started into a sermon and God just poured Himself out on the people. He was told, when he came onto Heritage USA grounds to, "be careful who you talk to, you may be talking to the enemy!" A partner told me the same thing outside that this is what she was told. I nearly fell over.

What's worse than that, the Church is still doing it to their own.
My regret is not contacting Jim Bakker while he was in prison in Rochester, Minnesota, as I didn't know he could be contacted or if it was allowed. Pastor Johnson and other "men" from other churches could have gone to see him, to pray with him, but oh no, not them! :thumbd:

They have forgotten what the Bible says about love and visiting those that are imprisioned (Matt. 25:43).
I have a CD at home recorded by Gary S. Paxton and on it, one of the songs he sings, which Tammy Faye has sung is, "I Wonder If God Cries?" I often wonder it, too. I used to listen to it a lot; sometimes I'll put it on. I did an oral presentation this past summer and played the song and I nearly lost it. I don't subscribe to meanness that 1st B preaches, but do see encouragement with what Jay is doing. God, we need more of that. I listen to Robert Schuller myself to help me get my sanity. People are so turned off by "Church People" that they see what they're doing long before they can or will hear what they're preaching.
Blessings to you, cental34.