Christopher Reeve: Paralysis Cure is Close

Originally posted by deafdyke
Would you believe that Christopher Reeve wanting a cure for paralysis is almost as controversial in the Disabilty Rights community as the CI is in the Deaf-World?

There are a lot of Dis Rights people who think that Reeve should just quit whining about how the disabilty "limits" him and concentrate instead on learning how to live with and adapt to the disabilty.

These "Disability Rights Activists are the WHINERS, not him!

Christopher Reeve is a fighter and he will not give up till he reach his goals.

You better watch your mouth, he has a foundation and it is doing a lot for people like him.

I can't believe that people would want him to concentrate on how to live and adapt to the disability instead of fighting to find a cure for the disability.

He does concentrate on learning how to live with and adapt to his disability.

He has to deal with it EVERYDAY unlikely you.

Disability Rights Activists are the whiners, they're the one whining about Christopher Reeve all the time.

Christopher Reeve is doing a lot to help the other disabled ones on finding a cure for the disability.
The Disability Rights Activists are doing that to Christopher Reeve because they all won't get the credits for what Christopher is trying to accomplish. Christopher Reeve has accomplished a lot ever since. He still amazes me everytime I see him on the public. It's the smilings. He never let it get in his life's way.
Originally posted by SilenceGold
The Disability Rights Activists are doing that to Christopher Reeve because they all won't get the credits for what Christopher is trying to accomplish. Christopher Reeve has accomplished a lot ever since. He still amazes me everytime I see him on the public. It's the smilings. He never let it get in his life's way.


The Disability Rights Activists are simply jealous of Christopher Reeve's achievements. It's so obvious.

It's the same with a lot of Deaf people with Christy on Survivor.

Christopher Reeve is simply the Superman because he've done a lot.
The stem cell technology does NOT use cloning!!! To use stem cells, you need to get emboyro cells, not clones. Bush is against further funding because it is "abortion" although it hasn't developed into a recognizable human being at all, not even that close. It's only a few cells and that's it.

You better watch your mouth, he has a foundation and it is doing a lot for people like him.
HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!! Most of the money from that foundation is in all liklihood going to support perks and goodies for the bigwigs for that foundation. Probaly only a VERY small percentage actually goes to research. The same thing happens with the MDA Telethon with Jerry Lee Lewis! Ah, the horror stories I could tell!
Originally posted by deafdyke
HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!! Most of the money from that foundation is in all liklihood going to support perks and goodies for the bigwigs for that foundation. Probaly only a VERY small percentage actually goes to research. The same thing happens with the MDA Telethon with Jerry Lee Lewis! Ah, the horror stories I could tell!

This simply prove your ignorance. You said, "Probably".

So, that's just an assumption. So far, you have NOTHING to back yourself up on these claims of yours.

Since the foundation was set up, approx. $30 million in research grants has been given away.

CRPF gets the very most out of every dollar we receive: last year, almost 80% of the money we raised was spent on our research and education programs.

So, your assumption is debunked. You really should think twice before making an ass out of yourself. So far, I've provided facts and information.

Did you provide anything at all?

Nope, just hearsay and assumptions.
Originally posted by netrox
The stem cell technology does NOT use cloning!!! To use stem cells, you need to get emboyro cells, not clones. Bush is against further funding because it is "abortion" although it hasn't developed into a recognizable human being at all, not even that close. It's only a few cells and that's it.


According to Steam Cell can use unused human embryo cells. There are ideas of cloning embryo cells. It is known as therapeutic cloning. You get stem cells from the embryos. But because of USA current laws, it is prohibited. I hope you didn't think I was talking about "human clonings."
Originally posted by deafdyke
HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!! Most of the money from that foundation is in all liklihood going to support perks and goodies for the bigwigs for that foundation. Probaly only a VERY small percentage actually goes to research. The same thing happens with the MDA Telethon with Jerry Lee Lewis! Ah, the horror stories I could tell!

Only have a link for you.

Please lose your immature attitude. Thank you.
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Originally posted by Banjo
This simply prove your ignorance. You said, "Probably".

So, that's just an assumption. So far, you have NOTHING to back yourself up on these claims of yours.

Since the foundation was set up, approx. $30 million in research grants has been given away.

CRPF gets the very most out of every dollar we receive: last year, almost 80% of the money we raised was spent on our research and education programs.

So, your assumption is debunked. You really should think twice before making an ass out of yourself. So far, I've provided facts and information.

Did you provide anything at all?

Nope, just hearsay and assumptions.

Way more than $30 million. More likely over $1 billion dollars.

This link gives you more details on it.
I wonder if the same people who did Enron's books decided to do some community service at the CR foundation?
I'm just extremely sister has worked at a few big non-profits and she says that quite a lot of money raised is sucked away for "administrative costs" and things like big fancy buildings!
almost 80% of the money we raised was spent on our research and education programs.
Well...what percentage of the money actually goes to research? From what I know of non-profits, it's probaly only a very small percentage and the research is probaly just in the beginning stage. It takes YEARS for research to yield results and lab results aren't always duplicated in real life. Need I mention thalidiomine? That was a lab sucess, but in real life the the effects of that were INCREDBILY damaging!!!!!
I've also heard horror stories about the money from the MDA Telethon (and as a matter of fact, there is an Anti-Jerry's Kid's movement in the Disabilty Rights movement.)
Oh and Banjo, Maureen (Deafgrrrl) just IMd me about your thread over on DumbOnline, (aka CIsperger Forum.....where you feel like you're surrounded by Asperger Syndrome people who are obsessed about CIs) and I NEVER said that Christopher Reeve is a whiner. What I said was that some Disabilty Rights Activists say that he is a whiner.
I don't think he's a whiner...but I do think he's set his hopes too high that spinal cord injuiry will be cured in our lifetimes...hey we haven't even found a cure for the common cold yet! Hey BILLIONS of dollars have been poured into MDA through Telethons and the MDA building isn't even handicapped assessible!
I do wish him luck in maybe someday finding a cure or an amerilration for spinal cord injuiry but it's going to take YEARS.
I can understand completely his desire for a cure for quaduplegia, as I do think that quaduplegia is a profoundly disableing condition. Even an ameioration would help quads significently as it would help them gain independance(NO MORE Personal Care Attendants!!!!) and they wouldn't have to depend on technology for things like writing, or eating or dressing oneself or whatever.
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i went to his presentation in Utica. NY when i was like uhh 9 years old? it was all about foundaing new bulidng for paraylizers etc
Originally posted by deafdyke
Oh and Banjo, Maureen (Deafgrrrl) just IMd me about your thread over on DumbOnline, (aka CIsperger Forum.....where you feel like you're surrounded by Asperger Syndrome people who are obsessed about CIs) and I NEVER said that Christopher Reeve is a whiner.

You never called Christopher Reeve a whiner?

I'll have to refresh your memory.

DeafDyke/DeafGrrl/Pez (One name is enough, really!) said,
Not too many people in the disabilty community are like Christopher Reeve, sitting there whining that they can't do anything, but rather focusing on what they CAN do!

So, you did call him a whiner!


I quoted that one from *********, the thread may had been deleted because I was unable to find it.

Of course, that's *********.
Banjo for the last time!!!! ...I am NOT Deafgrrrl....Deafgrrrl IS a friend of mine, yes but I am NOT her!
I am Pez,(from PrettyMuchDeadNotes) and where'smyhearingaid(from A/V TherapyWillMakeMyChildNormalExchange) but I am NOT Deafgrrrl!
As for the orginal subject of the thread....I am simply reporting what some very radical disabilty rights activists believe!
Maybe my choice of wording in that post wasn't exactly appropreate. Reeve HAS been through a lot. That's fine and good and everything else. He definitly isn't a whiner b/c he's been through the mill. However it is obvoius that he still hasn't completely come to terms with and accepted his disabilty!
He still rails against what he can't do rather then concentrating on what he CAN do! He's probaly one of those people who hates his wheelchair not realizing that it actually gives him independance and freedom!
DeafGrrl/Pez Dispenser/DeafDyke

I'm sorry, but your name is NOT maureen.

I remember very distinctly that you posted a thread being proud about your writings. Guess what -- It's by "Torrie".

Torrie = DeafGrrl = Pez Dispenser = DeafDyke.

Either you like to lie, or you have a Multiple Personality Disorder. Heck you may even be making up everything about your own life!

Taz, FYI I asked Deafgrrrl to post my writings there. She is a friend of mine and told me that there were some people over at Dumbonline who used to post at Deadnotes (she lurked but never signed up) so I told her to post the links to my stories there as it seemed like many of the Deadonliners had relocated to Dumbonline, and I thought you all over there might be interested to read the stories.
I do not post there as I don't have a pay-fer e-mail and I am not really interested in a forum where the entire conversation is about one subject. (makes me feel like I'm visiting the Asperger's Syndrome BB)
I know you think I am Deafgrrrl but I am not. Hell....Deafgrrrl is straight...I'm gay. She loves punk and Ricky Martin...I love Indigo Girls and Broadway. I'm a brainy theatre geek who wants to be a women's studies professor...she wants to be a psycologist.
She never reads the paper, I live for the paper!
We are two completely different women!
Originally posted by deafdyke
I wonder if the same people who did Enron's books decided to do some community service at the CR foundation?
I'm just extremely sister has worked at a few big non-profits and she says that quite a lot of money raised is sucked away for "administrative costs" and things like big fancy buildings!
Well...what percentage of the money actually goes to research? From what I know of non-profits, it's probaly only a very small percentage and the research is probaly just in the beginning stage. It takes YEARS for research to yield results and lab results aren't always duplicated in real life. Need I mention thalidiomine? That was a lab sucess, but in real life the the effects of that were INCREDBILY damaging!!!!!
I've also heard horror stories about the money from the MDA Telethon (and as a matter of fact, there is an Anti-Jerry's Kid's movement in the Disabilty Rights movement.)
Oh and Banjo, Maureen (Deafgrrrl) just IMd me about your thread over on DumbOnline, (aka CIsperger Forum.....where you feel like you're surrounded by Asperger Syndrome people who are obsessed about CIs) and I NEVER said that Christopher Reeve is a whiner. What I said was that some Disabilty Rights Activists say that he is a whiner.
I don't think he's a whiner...but I do think he's set his hopes too high that spinal cord injuiry will be cured in our lifetimes...hey we haven't even found a cure for the common cold yet! Hey BILLIONS of dollars have been poured into MDA through Telethons and the MDA building isn't even handicapped assessible!
I do wish him luck in maybe someday finding a cure or an amerilration for spinal cord injuiry but it's going to take YEARS.
I can understand completely his desire for a cure for quaduplegia, as I do think that quaduplegia is a profoundly disableing condition. Even an ameioration would help quads significently as it would help them gain independance(NO MORE Personal Care Attendants!!!!) and they wouldn't have to depend on technology for things like writing, or eating or dressing oneself or whatever.

It's just one small step for a man while it's a giant leap for mankind. Christopher Reeves has been trying to make this small step while the rest of the disability groups were slacking off.
Originally posted by deafdyke
Banjo for the last time!!!! ...I am NOT Deafgrrrl....Deafgrrrl IS a friend of mine, yes but I am NOT her!
I am Pez,(from PrettyMuchDeadNotes) and where'smyhearingaid(from A/V TherapyWillMakeMyChildNormalExchange) but I am NOT Deafgrrrl!
As for the orginal subject of the thread....I am simply reporting what some very radical disabilty rights activists believe!
Maybe my choice of wording in that post wasn't exactly appropreate. Reeve HAS been through a lot. That's fine and good and everything else. He definitly isn't a whiner b/c he's been through the mill. However it is obvoius that he still hasn't completely come to terms with and accepted his disabilty!
He still rails against what he can't do rather then concentrating on what he CAN do! He's probaly one of those people who hates his wheelchair not realizing that it actually gives him independance and freedom!

He used to walk...he wants to go back that way...and he has established a goal. It's his goal. No one else's.

For this type of mobility disability, I don't think that Christopher Reeves would ever sit down and say, "Ok you won and I will stay in my wheelchair for the rest of my life."

Maybe your background of accepting the disability has came to the deafness part. You are willing to accept it because of what the Deaf culture has taught you. There's not even a real mobility handicapped culture. Although there might be a minority type like a similar type of group at a type of Rest homes.