Christmas Scavenger Hunt 2006 [FREE GIFTS]

Oopser. LOL I meant Santa, yea, that's it. :lol:
give up cuz of my stomach right is hurt from surgery and sit in chair long.. hope tmw better with elf and santa.. :D good lucky
I'm getting tired, am hitting bed since I got to be up at 5:30 AM for work. Good Luck for those who still are particpating in the scavenger hunt for tonight/this wee hours of morning.
Good nite y'all, enjoy hunting. I have to go bed. Sorry i couldn't able to stay awake and i have things to do tomorrow. GOOD LUCK..
We are stopping now??? You made me stay up late for nothing. :(
look like its over cuz they changed the title and said that it will start tmw at 8 eastern.. so seems like it is.. hmm