Christmas Scavenger Hunt 2006 [FREE GIFTS]

DM, mm' OUCH.. everyone in public will stare at me, think i'm nuts with those staples on my face and make my eyes look like a freak and pop out.
now u telling me this.. are you moderator, going to play also? might be a cheater mm'?

Actually, The mods can play too but we don't even know the answer to the scavenger hunt just like everyone in here does not know about it too. Alex is the only one that knows the answer. So, nope we're not cheating either.
RR, a frost girl, but a shining sprinkles, damn u might couldn't do w/ her unless u wear a sunglass
Jo77, and RR i know, i'm just kidding.. .. like i said eariler "oops a scare statement to everyone" lolz
I'm going offline...not feel well. Good night and if the game is still on tonight, good luck to all of you.
RR, wait a min.. (approach) u got a spot on ur sunglass, (spits on a paper towel and rub it off) thats MUCH MUCH BETTER :D
Aww good nite Peachlady, Hope you feel better soon. :hug: