Yeah right, tell me why white masters brought black slaves on shore of North America in first place?, Masters had rights to force them raped the female slaves more than once.. Masters had own childerns that black slaves carried his since most female slaves pregant childern by white masters owned..Heath said:White nations can marry within White nations
Blacks can marry within black nations
Hispanics can marry within hispanics.
That is what God warned over and over again in the Bible as a result of that, look at the world in ever increasing conflict these days.
hootster said:Steel X,
That was funny shit. Says it all.
Steel X said:OMG!!! I had a black girlfriend so I must go to hell for what I've done!
seriously...does the color of skin really paranoid you?
Gal 5:22-23 God is love His GRACE! It not legalism. When Jesus Christ died on the cross. He forgive everyone! It not count color. You not going hell because you are very happy choose your black girlfriend. It important ask to Jesus Christ died on the cross your count sins and you can ask him blood your heart clean up away your sins. then You will quickly go Heaven when you die tonight or tomorrow? It not count race and other etc. ONLY JESUS CHRIST! God gave create everyone. John 3:16 say here
"For God (Jesus Christ) so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him Sould not perish (Hell means go Lake the fire) but have everlasting life." Why God created you so you Thank Jesus Christ! People not understand about Jesus Christ. Why you are born in earth? God created and planned for your life! God knew when you die appt and ready JUDGEMENT DAY! When You are saved Jesus Christ then No Judgement day and go heaven and DANCE with JESUS HOME!!!
If you dont want with Jesus Christ, then you will shame and dont know Him. Jesus Christ will said to you He knew you r who! when you judgment day with Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ love you so much and seek your heart and worship with him. Jesus will sure appericate with you when you serve with Lord!![]()
Other people thought black people who sins. It wrong! look Romans 2:1-7 in KJV Bible so God is love!
Heath said:I used to be like you and I laughed at another Whites who were like that and I am Deaf too, it was not until I saw the bigger picture then I did not see that was funny and I went through some very bad experiences that cemented my beliefs for life. I saw the truth and what the liberal establishment and the mass media such as HBO, Showtime etc do not want you to know and I got to really studying and reading the Holy Bible.... I started to really listen for a change.
XBGMER said:Yeah right, tell me why white masters brought black slaves on shore of North America in first place?, Masters had rights to force them raped the female slaves more than once.. Masters had own childerns that black slaves carried his since most female slaves pregant childern by white masters owned..
Can you example me why white masters had the rights to force them raped the female slaves and reproduced his seeds in black slaves who carried that where I born from...
hootster said:Well, I used to be a Christian until I saw the bigger picture....all I saw was hypocrisiy.
I went through some bad experiences as well, but it didnt turn me into a racist.
XBGMER said:Yeah right, tell me why white masters brought black slaves on shore of North America in first place?, Masters had rights to force them raped the female slaves more than once.. Masters had own childerns that black slaves carried his since most female slaves pregant childern by white masters owned..
Can you example me why white masters had the rights to force them raped the female slaves and reproduced his seeds in black slaves who carried that where I born from...
EagleCherokee63 said:I understand you feeling bad experiences through I do but Remembered Jesus Christ is only one perfect. Just forgive them. Everyone made mistake humans and learn best path from past. What I through divorced. I forgave former husband. also, pray for them when you said they are hyocrisiy! Let God work them repent from hyocrisiy.
Look Bible 1 Peter 5:8 say here
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.
Romans 2: 1-7 say about dont judgment people are hyocrisiy! God only judgement.
Heath said:what I am working for is a Biblical restortation of America to obey God and to do what is right as God told
XBGMER said:May I add with your qoute:
Heath.. look at Abraham reproduced the egyptain maid who carried his child named ishmael, Judah married daughter of Canaanite tribe and she gave two childern to him, Jospeh married daughter of EGYPTIAN KING, She was black princess and gave two sons to him; David married beautul woman from Canaan nation, she gave two sons to him.. Did God not pleasure with them who married outish ladies of their own race?
what about Esau married the many women of canaan and the daughters of Ishmael since Ishmael married daughter of EGYPT offspring 12 tribes where Esau was taken. Did God mad at both esau and ishamel who married another race instead of shem?
Heath said:Hi Steel,
The only way you can go to hell is to not believe on Jesus Christ KJV Holy Bible, Please read Romans 10:9
Dont say word go to hell because you are tooo JUDGMENT FORWARD him! It insulted word hell!! It hurt people's feeling.You can feed him spiritual love the fruit His Word! Gal 5:22-23.
Only God judgement. Amen Romans 10:9 smile!
Heath said:What people here on AllDeaf do not understand is that I do not hate blacks , gays or whatever but rather what I am working for is a Biblical restortation of America to obey God and to do what is right as God told and warned people and I am heeding what God said also what I read from the Bible then I match it with the real life experiences that I have had and I have said in another posts that I forgave that black person for robbing me when I did nothing to him in the first place. That was my wake up call to see what was really wrong with America.
EagleCherokee63 said:It wrong! You not read history about 1621 about King James Verison. When you research history and You will understand better. God used with King James Verison. He knewledge greek so he wrote english from Greek. King James who is good sevre the Lord! Catholic men wanted killed with King Jame but He hided it with Bible. How sad story! I cant say long story. Favor yourself research history and Bible.
Sorry, I made a mistake word worm instead research.
Heath said:White nations can marry within White nations
Blacks can marry within black nations
Hispanics can marry within hispanics.
That is what God warned over and over again in the Bible as a result of that, look at the world in ever increasing conflict these days.
hootster said:Well, I used to be a Christian until I saw the bigger picture....all I saw was hypocrisiy.
Liebling:-))) said:*nodding agreement*
XBGMER said:May I add with your qoute:
Heath.. look at Abraham reproduced the egyptain maid who carried his child named ishmael, Judah married daughter of Canaanite tribe and she gave two childern to him, Jospeh married daughter of EGYPTIAN KING, She was black princess and gave two sons to him; David married beautul woman from Canaan nation, she gave two sons to him.. Did God not pleasure with them who married outish ladies of their own race?
what about Esau married the many women of canaan and the daughters of Ishmael since Ishmael married daughter of EGYPT offspring 12 tribes where Esau was taken. Did God mad at both esau and ishamel who married another race instead of shem?
coloravalanche said:No offend at all...I think alot of people gets the wrong picture about churches...Here is what Ive seen all my life...
Ive seen this: These each groups ALL attends to EVERY churches! of hypocrites, group of strong christians, group of baby christians, group of religious, and group of pharisees...alot of people tends to look at group of hypocrites instead of other groups...SIGH