Choking game..

Yay, that's a grand idea... let's encourage the kids to kill themselves!

Oh yes, it's a wonderful idea! Let's also encourage the 7 year old child in your house to commit suicide. Sure, sure.

Frickin' Sicko.

You obviously don't know ANYTHING about kids at all or even remembering what it was like to be a kid. Kids aren't stupid, but they don't always think everything out quite well,they mature as they grow. Even if they are the most intelligent kids on Earth, they don't always make the best choices. The parents are there to guide them through the early years. I was quite intelligent as a child, yet I've made a few bad choices though nothing was life-shattering and bad. I've never done drugs or gotten drunk or physically harmed myself. There are a few things I regret doing in the past, but that's part of life and being a kid. You learn from your mistakes, but choking game is a different matter because people are being talked into trying it out. Peer pressure isn't always easy to resist even though I've succeed at doing so but many doesn't. That doesn't mean we should condemn them to death for making bad choices, or taking joy in their misfortunes.

they know death. hell i remeber watching 2 junkies die on the corner when i was 56,and since that day on i knew drugs were stupid.

I never saw anybody getting killed. You may had lived on a bad street, but that's where your parents chose to live. That's not my problem that you've had to deal with death in such a gruesome way, but there's more to life than that. If you do view life in such a way, then you're in for a big surprise.
vfr, like Banjo asked, what if this happens to your own kid(s)? Would you say the same about your kid if s/he did that to him/herself?

I'm genuinely curious.

Back to this post, this 'game' is unfortunately like that for at least 10 years. I agree with 'almost' all of posters in this topic that it is very dangerous game to play.
You obviously don't know ANYTHING about kids at all or even remembering what it was like to be a kid. Kids aren't stupid, but they don't always think everything out quite well,they mature as they grow.
Banjo, Agreed....BUT there's a BIG diffy between acting like a kid and opting to be strangled just to get a high..... That's almost....I dunno
With all due respect, Deafdyke do you have children?

First of all it is normal for children and teenagers to feel invincible. "bad things happen to others, not to THEM".
Even the smartest kid, well educated by parents on all sorts of stuff have a chance to get to do something dangerously stupid.

BTW what an idiotic way of reasoning - kids see gadzillions times over someone being killed on TV, on games, heck they kill by themselves while playing those computer games so yeah, right, they know what death is.

TV death GAMES death - is NOT REAL!!!!

it DOES NOT gives the kids any inkling, any real picture of what is REAL death like and REAL violence.


learn to read

i never said any thing about encouging a kid to kill himself. so i sugest you learn to read. i also said most kids are not supid.but.......
if your kid is choking himself there is somthing wrong.either with him...or with you.

and yes i have lived a life that was very the point where most people WOULD have killed themselves. but i am just to fucking hard to break.
no i do not feel sorry for the kids parents...they fucked up the kid....we need less fuck ups. we need less morons who build weak levees.less morons who do drugs ,less idiots who become home less......and you are right my parents made a bunch of very bad choices. so bad you most likly would have become a crack head. i on the hand have no pity for for people who hurt thems. i have been beaten ,choked ,thrown through a 2nd floor window. raped(yes i am a male) druged and whole lot more....all before the age of 6. 7 to 12 was worse, but i never broke.
so no i not feel like i am a sicko. i am a person who has a willof iron,and i do not feel sorry for those who need pity becouse mommy took away the playsation 2. get a fucking life.

as i said before ..if you are dumb enough to hurt or choke your self...have a nice death ..we dont need you!
no mater what happe
begging for life

oh i missed the part wherte you said i would beg for my live if some one out a gun to my head.
in fact 2 people tried to rob me..and put the gun to my head.
that was avery bad mistake on their part. it only pissed me off more!
of the 2 the one had the gun ended up with a broken shoulder blade ,broken wrist,and to top it off..a fractured skull.
the other one was shot twice in stomache as i took the gun from asshole #1.

do you really think a person who lives life to the fullest will give up over a little gun? oh please. i got stabbed when i was 7 by my mom when she was high.

so... if the main people playing this game are bad...i knew from 4 that being choked was bad. so pity.
my kids

i have a little kid in my house...i put that in my other reply... and for the most part he looks at junkies,cutters, and beggers with out feeling sorry .

i asked him why....he said becouse they did it to them selves. his best freinds mom came from china,speaks no english,but found a good paying job and is a good mom. he asked me why people who live here do not try to do better. i told him they might be missing some will power...or something else.

i asked him if he would choke himself or cut himself. he looked at me like was fucking crazy! so i asked if he would bad things to get atention. his reply was...he does not want that kind of attention.

he can see i work hard and have nice freinds,a cool bike and my own shop. he gets it,good living comes from living good.

oh....i should mentioned that once i found out that getting the shit beat out of you was against the law i went to the cops. i was 7, foster care was worse,till 12 anyway.

so please..those of you who think kids do not know that they are doing is wrong. think knew bad things back then...and you chose not to do them...if you did...are you asking "you want fries with that?"???
>>>and yes i have lived a life that was very the point where most people WOULD have killed themselves. but i am just to fucking hard to break.<<

If what you wrote is true, I am not surpised. I feel sorry for you.
I urge you to please seek therapy.

I am very sorry to inform you that in fact you've become .. 'fucking too hard'.
On your self, on others.

Parents of the children often didn't have the slightest idea what were they children doing. they found out too late.
I have seen one woman interviewed on Dr Phil after one of her twin sons died this way.
When she first found out they are doing this she had a talk with them and she watched them. One son did stop doing this, the other got hooked on the feeling and continued doing it in secrecy. And died. She did what she was supposed to do to. She explained, she did forbid, she watched. And still one son managed to kill himself. She was loving mother. Active mother, she did things with them.

Why are you so hard on people like that?
because you had to teach yourself how to survive from severe abuse while these kids had it good and wasted it?
This is very commendable that you have been able to take care of yourself, under these circumstances
But there were supposed to be adults who were supposed to care and THINK for you. You were supposed to be doing mistakes, not saving your live.


the foster care system required therapy....all of them quit due to the fact that my life gave them nightmares.
and yes i am hard on other people.i hate cowards who have big mouths. i hate this stupid bullshit of not spanking your kids...i know what abuse is...a slap on the butt is not it.
we are now living in a time where kids have zero respect for anything and ar so stressed out becouse they have to much home work... or the school bull picks on them,boo hoo!

yes,i get pissed off every time i hear about those "poor people on the 911 planes" the terrorist had a box cutter! a box cutter!oh please !this is what it comes down to...wimpy adults and kids who choke themselves.
no wonder the rest of the world hates us for pushing our "values" down their throats.
on them.

i hated school. having glasses and being deaf in a hearing school with no help, getting picked on every day. i fought back....broke the football captains nose ,even though he was a foot taller and 50 lbs over me.
i got out off school by studying like hell and got my diploma by testing out at 14( i still cant spell !).
i got a full time job then got emancipated at 17,and i have traveled the world, started my own business and helped raise two kids who work hard, play hard ,have respect, and are totally honest( aparently my cooking sucks,and car driving too!).....and to top it off they both said they wished i was their real dad. ...
and that is the best therapy!

hey mr banjo.. firs,t learn to read. i never said help the kids hurt themselves.. do you have kids? soulds like you do not know anything about them yourself. what would you do if your kids did something scarry? give them a time out? or some other wimp ass bullshit?
it seemsd to me the people who complain the most after something has happened, are the same who did nothing when they could have.
and if your kids do not know death.. that is your failure.and if you do not remember being a need to lay off the weed.

i cought my kids in my shop trying to hotwire a mini bike i made for them.
i yelled, screamed. threw the bike in the trash... them took them to the morgue.. where they saw 3 kids who died getting hit by cars. i yelled some more and told them i loved them to much to see them like that.
they got the point... and from that day forward they knew life was to short to waste on dumbshit.
vfr said:
hey mr banjo.. firs,t learn to read. i never said help the kids hurt themselves.. do you have kids? soulds like you do not know anything about them yourself. what would you do if your kids did something scarry? give them a time out? or some other wimp ass bullshit?
it seemsd to me the people who complain the most after something has happened, are the same who did nothing when they could have.
and if your kids do not know death.. that is your failure.and if you do not remember being a need to lay off the weed.

i cought my kids in my shop trying to hotwire a mini bike i made for them.
i yelled, screamed. threw the bike in the trash... them took them to the morgue.. where they saw 3 kids who died getting hit by cars. i yelled some more and told them i loved them to much to see them like that.
they got the point... and from that day forward they knew life was to short to waste on dumbshit.

How old is your son.. Did you say kids? how old are they? I'm curious.....
I got goose pumps after read the whole thread here. wow, I never heard in my life that the children play choking games... :jaw: This is a new to me. :eek:

It look like that they experiemented choking games out of curiously? If yes, they must have known that it's very dangerous games. Why they do that?
I am going to be 32, I do recall playing choking game on the bus ride going home from school when I was much younger (6 or 7 yrs old) when older children/kids did to us...I am surprised this game still goes on around.

So sad.
"the foster care system required therapy....all of them quit due to the fact that my life gave them nightmares."

Look I have to admit I've seen abuse and foster abuse and the whole system how it works only on TV but I suppose most of it was true and it gave me creeps!

I can not imagine someone who want to foster, which require voluntarily taking strangers kids into your own home, doing that only to abuse them.
If I was a foster mother i would bend backwards to make their life the best one ever. (which does not mean spoil them)
but yeah I know I've heard- children die in foster care. Where were those who were suppose to watch them??
that makes me angry.

I am sorry you were so unlucky. And under those circumstances I do not believe what you had was in fact therapy. It was probably poor imitation of therapy. These were not proffessionals and not really caring if they quit on you.

Real therapy with competent counsellor at least 1/3 of what Dr. Phil is (he IS really good) would really change the way you think. Even now.
Not because I wish you were softer, or perhaps Banjo would like it too - for yourself. For your still hurting spirit. I can see it hurting.
Heck I can see it screaming in your every sentence.

""and yes i am hard on other people.i hate cowards who have big mouths. i hate this stupid bullshit of not spanking your kids...i know what abuse is...a slap on the butt is not it.""

you are hard because who was soft on you, who gave you a break. You had to do it. While it was not YOUR job to look after yourself.

But for someone, who was never spanked and grew into good and honest person, spanking is not neccessary to raise good kids. You simply measure what you do to what you've been thru. It's less, so it's not abuse.
But if you look at it from the other side.. you know..

""we are now living in a time where kids have zero respect for anything and ar so stressed out becouse they have to much home work..."'

Kids do have respect. There will always be people who have not, but most kids are decent. let's not exagerrate.
by chance, wasn't it that what you were always told before you took off on your own, and maybe after?

"or the school bull picks on them,boo hoo!"

I suppose if you have decent parents, non-violent parents, that taught you not to beat up other people then I suppose you are in trouble, like you were when all those people abused you BEFORE you knew what to do.. they are at this point that they don't know what to do.

isn't it in a way- same scenario, different way and executors of abuse? Foster bully vs very helpless child, school bully vs helpless kid?

I wish you well.

i hate to say it but the therapist i dsaw were all real certified psychologist with their degree on the wall from yale and temple and harvard...yada yada yada.
i met one of them 15 years later.....she was very suprised to see how i turned out.
the other 20 kids she saw from that group home where dead or in jail.on flip side she was not to happy i was dating her daughter!( pure accident! she was hot!!!)
i did look up the others years later ,and all where doing very well. not one fake in the bunch.they had to be on the up and up..due to the fact the courts where connected to them .

the boys are 7 and 10,and earner the rigfht to ride the mini bike.....with me watching and helmets and lots of pads.
i hate to say it but the therapist i dsaw were all real certified psychologist with their degree on the wall from yale and temple and harvard...yada yada yada.

Of COURSE this is yadda yadda yadda.

Diploma and certificates are all nice and dandy but doesn't help if you are poor professional.
You may have diplomas from the ceiling to the floor.. and have barely passed the final exams.
nobody knows what were their scores anyway, and even if the scores were high, they simply might have been good in theory miserably failing in practice.

What you needed was compassion and someone who would not give up on you. I am very sorry you didn't got it.
But perhaps if you tried again, to get rid of this anger, because you are angry.

Wish you the best,
i hate to say it but the therapist i dsaw were all real certified psychologist with their degree on the wall from yale and temple and harvard...yada yada yada.

What's this dsaw and yada?

Therapist are helpful only if you are WILLING to get the help.

Good Point, Banjo.
>>Therapist are helpful only if you are WILLING to get the help.<<<

That is only partly true.

Bad therapist won't help you much doesn't matter how much you try to work it out.
But also the best won't help either if the person who is in therapy doesn't get involved as it should be. But at least a good therapist will be able to convey some truths and explantaions that the person who is counselled may accept or not.

Dsaw- it's a mistake. it's supposed to be "saw"

yada yada or yadda yadda is like blah blah blah.

there is also yak yak yak which mean inccessant talking..

p.s. learn how to spell, MORON

*shaking head in disgust*
You think you are the only one here who has lead a harsh life? GET A CLUE! Some of us just don't go around advertising our miserable pasts. And those of us who really have had it hard tend to have a little more compassion than what you are demonstrating. You can not blame a kids parents for a stupid choice they made. Just because a teen tries beer at a party does not mean that the parents screwed them up. Hell, my parents never drank and they certainly didn't encourage me to, but that didn't stop me. That's just one of those stupid things kids do, especially when they are pressured by their peers. Just because you are screwed up, doesn't mean that the rest of humanity is as well.

i yelled, screamed. threw the bike in the trash... them took them to the morgue.. where they saw 3 kids who died getting hit by cars.
:bsflag: No morgue would allow children in to see bodies. Pictures, maybe, but not bodies. And even to show pictures, they would require permission from the family of the deceased.

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