"Chocolate Factory" theme park to open in Amsterdam

Brian said:
I can imagine that many people would go to the Netherlands for the theme park and get high. :)
VamPyroX said:
Hmm... is everything edible?

I doubt it- it'd just be unsanitary. and not to mention, expensive. never understimate the power of stoners with a bad case of the munchies... the whole park'd be gone!
Buckdodgers said:
Yeah,,Its cool!!!!

Wow ! I've NEVER been there before. I wish someone could TAKE ME there and have fun together ! Maybe, someday ??
I like chocolates but NOT that crazy about it...
I recalled that I visited the real chocolate factory in Hersey PA
when I was a teenager I could smell very heavy chocolate
I saw a very huge "swimming pool" full of chocolate
with a very huge mixer machine to stir the chocolate...

Guess what ? I got SICK !
(from too much chocolate smell, i think)
It did smell very sweet and very good,
but it was way too much for me. LOL.
If you've been to Hershey, did you notice the streets lights? They're shaped like Kiss candies.
*stunned surprise*~ :shock:

Chocolate pool.. I wud freak it out * licking the choco *
I'd rather stick w/Lindor Lindit choco only.. made of Swizterland! *yummy*
No, no make that Godiva! *Lick* Oooo, a pool of Godiva chocolate! *lick*
Does Willy Wonka own the factory? Are the workers Oompa-Loompas?