Chistmas cards!!

Cheri said:
Hey! :slap: If it wasn't for you and BabyAngel having the same first name, I wouldn't have gotten a mix up. Damn I should have put (BabyAngel) in my address book instead of her real name. :doh:

Anyone would like my address, Pm me, If you gotta be a stalker, then you'll be better off taking a hike to Mexico. :giggle:

Yup you should have put the sn along with the names! LOL :giggle: :ily:
RebelGirl said:
Yup you should have put the sn along with the names! LOL :giggle: :ily:

that's strange, our first name is the same and we live in Alabama too. He He I hope we didn't confuse people in here!!
Sabrina said:
I found it in London. Here is:

Dracula - 9 Marine Parade Whitby YO213PR ENGLAND

Oh gosh, I could not wait to receive a Christmas card !! I am terrible lonesome and isolate.

BabyAngel said:
that's strange, our first name is the same and we live in Alabama too. He He I hope we didn't confuse people in here!!

Yeah that's a coincidence! I agree with ya hoping we don't confuse anyone!
Rebelgirl, I got your Christmas card as well and Thanks! I taped it on my door and my dad send me one also. So far I have two Christmas cards. ;)

I'll send mine out this weekend, Bare with me.
Cheri said:
Rebelgirl, I got your Christmas card as well and Thanks! I taped it on my door and my dad send me one also. So far I have two Christmas cards. ;)

I'll send mine out this weekend, Bare with me.

ugh, hurry!!! hehehe jk! I got 3.. 2 from AD members and 1 from hometown friend! looking forward to more coming in!!!
DreamDeaf said:
Sure - I'll go for broke. Anyone wanting my address, just PM me.

ask me for addy as well if u wanna to send me x mas card. :P
For anyone in AD members - want to receive oversea Down Under's "sunny" Christmas card, feel free to PM me! :)
OldNavyGirl said:
ask me for addy as well if u wanna to send me x mas card. :P

I'd love to have yours and as for others, pm me if you want my address and we could swap it from there for the xmas card :)
wow you got so many trade the xmas cards lol .. for me hmmmm I dont mind but I dont know who you all are cause i just came in here alldeaf Nov 18. And also I dont mind if yu send me xmas card like I dont know who you are and you dont know who i am .. till if we get know who we are.

I like make new friends smile with big SMILE :D lol
I got RebelGirl and Nancy's cards :D and I will send everybody a christmas card this Sunday as soon as I get the stamps this Friday