This topic is hopefully resolved now. I kind of involved myself directly with the sources.
I posted a comment at the Inf. Dissem. site asking the author if he was aware that his source wasn't much to mount all of the controversy on, and I got his response..
He/she is aware that a lot of it is based on a blogger's opinion, plus feels that the outcome of his info. has kind of taken a turn in the wrong direction; as in meaning China getting into hostile relations with the USA, so they (said) they will be posting a followup to correct this assumption.
On a side note, it seems that Mr. Chiu posted a response on the same comments section voicing his opinion. I think this line says it best (he used English translation to get his idea across. I'll attempt correct missing grammar/words by using brackets [].)
However, the purpose of the Chinese Navy [is] limited, [and one] should not use the U.S. Navy's [comparison of them]
The purpose [for] the construction of the [ASBM] system, [is] not [against] the U.S. Navy operations, but [for] become friends with them to obtain qualifications
[When one is]Friends [with] the strong, only the strong [is] possible."
There you have it folks.
I hope this is enough to warrant an overturn of the original statement of the Chinese intending to attack US navy ships.
Off-topic - Chinese seems like a very complicated language. I have heard that there are over a couple thousand characters in the chinese alphabet, compared to only 26 letters in the American English alphabet.
You are quite right, but not entirely.. You can get by with knowing 2,000-3,000 words reading the daily newspaper. But if you wanted to know the WHOLE language, it is one of the crazy feats. I believe its way over 50,000+ letters, containing obsolete words and the such. And funny thing is there's no way to know how to write one except by memorization. There's no writing system that ties a character with how it is written (except some that resembles their words, like a box over a line for dawn).