Children and Divorce

my parent got divorce in 1990 when i was 9 years old and i dont hates my dad but my parents very support and custody of me and my brother since my parent got divorces.

my parents have custody of me and my brother when got divorces and till im reach ages 18 and my brother same one.
Hi Cheri ( Needs some help )

How would u handle share Custody? Or Visitions.

My husband needs some help, he's deaf, he has one daughter lived with her mother in Colorado. His ex cheated on him, his ex is hearing and My husband left Colorado and moved to New York for personal reason when his daughter was 3 years old, he has tried to get his daughter to come to New York to visit with him, but his ex refused.

Later my husband and I moved to Nevada, he again tried to get his daughter to come to Nevada to visit with him, but his ex still refused.

We had to move out of Nevada due the weather was too exremely hot and my health was getting worst and my husband said we should move back in east and we moved to Michigan, he has tried to get his daughter to come to Michigan to visit with him, same things his ex refused.

My husband is unable to live in Colorado according to his grandmother and grandfather did not want my husband there, because of how his ex and the ex's husband also his mother's 2nd husband mistreated him very badly. His ex is pretty evil, selfishly wouldn't let their daughter go to another state to visit with her father.

My husband has a divorce decree, it said he is allowed to take his daughter from her state to his state, is his ex violated of the order ? His ex refusely to let their daughter to go another state, which that was odds.

My husband has tried to get his ex to use a WebCam so he can see his daughter, she made excessive of excuse saying that the weirdo or the sicko might see their daughter on the Cam, but you know we have a blocked so that others cannot see his daughter on Cam, his ex still refused anyway.

My husband is bowing down to his ex following her order to call his daughter every 2 week, I don't think it really matter that he should call her anytime also his daughter can call him anytime thru a free toll call VRS relay, his ex is very controlling, tell my husband what to do.

My husband has tried to talk to his ex about getting his daughter on the plane to come to his state which they have an assitance to watch her on the plane, but his ex said no for the fears some assitance might molested her, for heaven sake I heard many children of divorce parents do allowed their children to go on the plane to visit their mother or father.

His ex force my husband to come to their state, she told him to get a motel and so that he can have a visit with his daughter, is that controlling ? His ex tells him what to do and his ex is taking the advantage of my husband which she thinks he's easy, stupid, dumb and deaf also weaks.

My husband didn't realized that his ex never did love him all those 8 years they have been together, his ex does nothing but sits on her butt and force my husband to buys her cigarette and she didn't have a job while he's supporting her bad habits, spend on gas, foods, rent and bills while his ex don't pay anything and taking care of their daughter, then his ex met a stranger from the internet came into my husband's house and scare the crap outta of him and lived with my husband and his daughter including his ex for 3 months which that was very weird with two men in the house in front of his 3 years old daughter also his ex's new man didn't have a job either and his ex walk in on my husband taking his cards to get foods, is that right for her to do that while they're separated ?

His ex want my husband on the plane to their state, but he would have to rent a car and rent a motel but he said by spending on all that he would not have any money to spend with his daughter for fun. He wants to buy a plane ticket for his daughter to come to his state and he still would have some money to spend with his daughter for fun.

His ex don't want their daughter on the plane, no bus no train, but she expected him to come to Colorado and rent a car, rent a motel to visit with his daughter, she also said if she let's their daughter come to our state which will tramatic her which she said that my husband is a stranger to his daughter, it is because she never let his daughter come to see him while he was in NY, NV and now in MI, it's her fault, but really it sounded like she doesn't want their daughter in my husband's life nor have my husband in his daughter's life.

First of all his mother's 2nd husband tried to tell his daughter saying that her father is a sperms donor and his ex said to my husband You help me make our daughter, that sounds like to me that his ex just wanted the baby for herself not for my husband, she used my husband.

The day in court was pretty screwed up, they gave my husband unskilled interpreter, my husband wanted a share custody and it wasn't written on the divorce decree, my husband was in shock and depressed that he never dreamed something like this gonna happen, he wanted a normal family which he didn't have while he was a little boy, his ex crushed his heart.

He wanted to be with his daughter, his daughter is in his heart, he having a very exremely hard time trying to get his daughter to visit with him, where is his father rights ? He has a hard time trying to find a lawyer, all went down 3 time, does anyone know if there's a free lawyer for deaf people who desperately needing help and those who cannot afford ? How about Pro Bono ?

Do you or Anyone have problems like these ? Any suggestion or advise, hope to hear from you or anyone ....He has not seen his daughter when she was 3, 4, 5, and last saw her one time one day when she was 6 while we was on our way moving to Michigan and hasn't seen her at age 7 and soon she will be 8 this years.

I may have more ....Write asap thank you !
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PePe LePew,

His ex wife has no rights of keeping their daughter away from him unless Court order specifically stating this, if not he has that right to see his daughter regardless what she says. I'm disappointing seeing how your husband's ex wife's family telling the daughter that her dad is just a sperm donor, that's wrong to even drag the child in the middle of it. They should be so shame of themselves, they're influence the daughter the wrong way, and she is going to grow up hating her own family if they keep it up. :(

Your husband needs to go back in court in her state where her and the daughter live and fight for half custody or visitation rights to see his daughter he has that right. Does he pay child support now? Is there any court order that had been issue for him to pay child support? If so, how often does he pay child support, is he right on schedule?

Your husband can do this, haul that ex wife back to court set up visitations or file for half custody, explain what happened how the ex wife refused to let him have visitations with his daughter. Good luck to you and him. ;)
yeah.. So am I but not confused about this.. until when I was 20 yrs old.. had been quite of time supsect for 5 years and gave it up.. I made decision and apporch asked my Adopt mom and lot of quesiton why and etc etc.. My mom made admits and telling me whole thing.. *geez* no wonder why I was visited your place and seeing seprate bed.. and kept asked my bro and refused tells me.. what going on and also same thing my sister.. My Amom said sorry.. doesn't want me part of this.. I was told her.. have to rights know and willing accept understanding.. She was thought I would be fury..
I spoked my mom that my details really happy because not happy my ADad who was abused me and awful lot.. She already knew along was wrong and made decision best for file divorce because My ADad was made affair another woman while my mom saw him on the bed. Ahh.. No wonder.. I'm glad my Amom did right thing to leave him!
goodies.. I was not happy about my ADad since disowed for 12 years and having not seeing him. Doesn't interest to see my ADad. He is not really good example children when we were young.
If Affair: Have good reason.. fine by me then.. no discussion..
If wanting divorce for no reason.. then affect me not pleasant and ask too many question why???
If Abused wife or husband.. have good reason..
Too many IFany general question.. Depend on your feelings.. don't let children affect their fault.. Have to keep chin up and being parent roles always be there for children..

I'm still same my comment always there...
Unless you have good reason what you have goes thru hell w/your spouse.. cannot face to tell your child about your father or mother... NOT ALLOWED... you making a child confused lifestyle miserable... because you telling the child is middle.. your fault.. cause child become emotion and rage so many things..
You must learn and respect firmly... not allowed tell your child about your father or mother while are in processing divorce or else...
Child isn't part of your parent relationship problematic..
If you're threating to your spouse any kinds.. you're stupid! Honestly.. means you're not willing do anything because you're wanted one become WAR... not good reason you not even think about children' interest!!!

I've seen them parent are in war... stupid! honestly.. because you're immatures..
If you want work it out respect spouse agreement the file divorce.. will goes out smooth and remain friend permanently and focus best interest for your children "Joint custody" Or "full custody" whatever you make agreement...

Important child is happy and stay firmly stable countine stable!
Hi Cheri

My husband read your message, he is willing to do this to go to court and get all this mess straightenend out...Yes he does pay child support about $200.00 dollars out of his SSDI a month right on schedule plus he has spend quite alots of money on gifts for his daughter every years on all holiday & her birthday.

Couple months ago his ex has asked my husband to help pay half for his daughter health insurance, but we talked with my husband's grandparents about this, they told my husband no do not sent any money to his ex for his daughter health insurance, this must be done in court onlys, his grandparents also told that his ex is desperated for money, because ex having a hard time trying to make the payment on a rental house they just moved last fall and also both his ex and her husband has broughted a car & a truck were having difficultly paying it, so my husband's grandparents suspected they just wanted the money, not for their daughter's health insurance which his ex and her husband both works at Walmart also in the divorce decree never mentioned anything about paying for his daughter's health insurance, his ex agreed for the child support that's all were ask of it and nothing else.

His ex is taking the advantage of my husband, she thought that he would be an easy target weakly give in and do what she demanded, but he didn't do what she said, it has to be done in court not without the court knowing anything about what she wants my husband to pay for, that's a no no, my husband knows it has to be done in court to change all that, I'm glad he take my advise, my family advise also his grandparents advise seriously and your advise too.

One more things you would be jaw dropping on this one, since my husband and I lived in New York that time, his ex did not give him her real home address, she gave him her P.O. BOX, no home address, she claimed that her P.O. BOX is the same address as the school teacher, she told my husband it is her real home address, oh please with a P.O BOX that's a Postal Office, not a home address, his ex has not give him her real home address since 2002 to now, in the divorce decree said she is to give my husband her real home address and accorded to me she is violated of the order...My husband does not know where his daughter is at with no real home address which drives him crazy, I cannot understand his ex.

You know how an ex would make up stories and lies about their ex over a child being molested, picture of a child being nude puts on the internet and saying he's a con artist all that bulls stuff weren't true, my husband and his grandmother constantly keeping in touch with each other either from E-mail for IM, past 2006 his grandmother asked my husband if he had puts any nude picture of his daughter on the internet and all of suddenly my husband ran in the bathroom with the door shut while I sat read what his grandmother wrote and heard a sounds and I hurried to the bathroom and saw he was sitting on the tub with his both his hand cover his face shaking and crying uncontrollably that he sounded like a dying animal, he was in exremely painful over this, he was in the state of shocked, but strangely why hasn't this been done along time ago since he left 2002 to NY, it didn't make sense to me.

I know what the problems is and told my husband that the reason why they're doing this is because your ex don't want you in your daughter's life nor to have your daughter in your life, your ex just wanted you out of your daughter's life is what she wanted, even his mother's husband, his ex and her husband is in the involvment in his daughter's life, they have pushed my husband away due because of his deafness and speechless, they are discriminating my husband because of his disability, I asked my husband what did his ex says in court that time they split up, he said that his ex told that he's deaf, that he can't do whatever she told, that's cruel of her.

Later my husband's grandmother call again and ask about the child molesting situation, my husband was like oh my god what's this and what's this about, why are they doing this to me, we had talked with our Bible study about this and they said all divorced parents do stuff like this to be mean, evil and revenges for no reasons....His ex, even his mother's husband included his ex's husband has tried to framed my husband or to set him up for something he did not do in order for my husband to just give up on his daughter.

Now about his daughter, my husband had it and does not want to miss out on his daughter well being, in school, everything he has missed out on, because his ex is a control freaks....his ex does not allows my husband to call the school to see how his daughter doing, but it said in the divorce decree that my husband is allowed to call the school to see how she is doing, his ex is violating of the order.

His ex sent one time of his daughter drawing school things, onlys sent school picture, one time picture of her birthday, vacation, it wasn't very much since he missed many years of her growing up also his ex sent a picture of herself with her husband and his daughter, my husband got very upset wondering why his ex did this, he doesn't wants to see a picture of his ex, her husband together including another with his daughter too, it was a christmas picture, it was odds to my husband, he onlys wanted a picture of his daughter, not his ex nor her husband also ex, her husband and his daughter together in the picture which my husband did not like it at all, he wanted a picture of him and his daughter together but how when his ex does not allow his daughter to come to Michigan to visit for the week with him.

When my husband talks to his daughter thru a VRS relay call, his daughter said she had made a valentine card for my husband, now say she could not find it, its somewhere she said but she said mom doesn't have the envelope to mail it, will have it mail soon, that was last years, my husband waited for her to sent him the valentine card, nothing has happend, my husband felt heartbroken over that, he suspected that his ex wouldn't mail it.

My husband has tried three different lawyer, none of them understand my husband due his deaf culture reasons, is there any lawyer that knows how to communicate with the deaf and to understands the deaf culture ?
I agree with you on this, my husband will fight to get the half custody, he has rights to bring her here, he's paying the child support, my husband said why am I paying the child support if his ex refused to let his daughter to come here, it's not making senses.

At last my husband said my ex is giving me a hard time.

PePe LePew,

His ex wife has no rights of keeping their daughter away from him unless Court order specifically stating this, if not he has that right to see his daughter regardless what she says. I'm disappointing seeing how your husband's ex wife's family telling the daughter that her dad is just a sperm donor, that's wrong to even drag the child in the middle of it. They should be so shame of themselves, they're influence the daughter the wrong way, and she is going to grow up hating her own family if they keep it up. :(

Your husband needs to go back in court in her state where her and the daughter live and fight for half custody or visitation rights to see his daughter he has that right. Does he pay child support now? Is there any court order that had been issue for him to pay child support? If so, how often does he pay child support, is he right on schedule?

Your husband can do this, haul that ex wife back to court set up visitations or file for half custody, explain what happened how the ex wife refused to let him have visitations with his daughter. Good luck to you and him. ;)
PePe LePew,

That's a shame on how the ex wife behaves, I dislike women like that who holds children above the father's head like that to get what she wants. Your husband shouldn't be sending her any money except child support which agreed upon in court, I don't see her doing her part in sharing custody nor letting him have visitation, and she asking for money for health care? He is better off going back to court and get this all settle, once he does it'll be legal and she has no way of holding her daughter away from the father, she wouldn't have a choice. Good luck to him! ;) If she wants to play games, let the game begin, she'll lose.
i have agree with PePe LePew's comment

but let ex-wives have no rights by laws for child support or NOTHING! im sure the father will be good custody of their daughter to get away from mother because their mother is totally EVILY!

when my parents got divorces in 1990 and support me and my brother of child support till my reach of ages 18 years old but my mom already knew by the laws for rights visits see their dad every weekend and let my mom have break that it.

Hi PePe LePew
its Sara1981

about visitors and custody

im sure mostly parents always knew can get grant for divorces how much money will be? im sure will be around 1-2 weeks between.

when my parents got divorces and my parents got custody of me and my brother but my parents got grant money from divorces till im reach 18 years old
Hi Cheri

I couldn't seems to understand his ex and why she's doing this, I do believe his ex is evil, she lied to me about my husband stating that he died in a car accident and that their daughter was in critical condition in the hospital.

It begin when I was waiting for him to come online before I married him, he left for New York, I was trying to reach him and thought I lost him for good, so somehow his ex wrote me an offline message telling me he died in a car accident due to hail storm in Colorado, he disappeared Oct of 2002 and then she wrote me stated he died and I cryed for weeks really thought he did died until 2003 on Sept 5, somehow I saw this man who was to become my husband in the deafchat and he still uses the same sn and my jaw dropped, So I private chat him and said hey thought you died, he said what, I said well your ex wrote me an offline message and said you died, etc explaining everything to him what she said and he was furious, he was shocked and later I moved in with my husband in New York and then he told me that he gave his ex his computer, I said you what!!!!!...I said how did she get in your IM, why didn't you blocked the password, he said he was depressed and didn't realized it that he left everything open for his ex to see, I was furious, he made the mistake.

I told him did you know that your ex and her husband could puts all the pornography in your old computer that you gave them to make it looks like you did it including they could have puts a nude picture of your daughter in your old computer to get you arrested for something you did not do... how could my husband be so blinded, I will make sure this will be done in court and I will tell them what they did to his computer including senting me Anonymous E-mail and Email to RipOff about my husband, it's hard to believe that my husband has met with the wrong people at the wrong time at the wrong place, indeed yes these people are exremely dangerous and my husband's life is at sake, same for his daughter too.

Somehow his ex's husband and ex all whoever is involved wrote me an Anonymous E-mail in March 2004 while I was in Arizona to avoid for me to find out who they are, anyway his ex and the rest got busted, because I kept telling my husband it was his ex and his ex's husband including your mother's husband involved in this Anonymous E-mail, they wrote terrible slanderous stuff about my husband, we kept that Anonymous E-mail for evidence which my husband is going to suing his ex, her husband and his mother's husband for slanders also later his ex's husband wrote slanders about my husband business online RipOff and I caughted the word which his ex's husband typed Los Vegas same as the Anonymous E-mail, typed Los, I knew it was them that wrote me Anonymous E-mail, they're all busted.

The area where his ex lived in Cortez is very isolated, there's nothing there, it would drives anybody crazy to live there and can't do nothing there, I do not understand why his ex still lives there which she said she wants to better herself and a better school for their daughter, nothing has change, she mentioned to my husband about getting a promotion from her job at Walmart so that she can move to another state, nothing happen also if she works at Walmart, Doesn't walmart paid for her and their daughter's health insurance ? ... I don't know too much about the walmart policy, heard few people said yes Walmart do pay for the mother and daughter health insurance, I don't know.

You would probably be reading this and say oh my god, Yes Cheri all this are real and very true, I even told my family all about this and my family is very supportive to my husband, my mom said tell your husband we are all on his side, they can see that my husband went thru all the tramatic while all these creeps beating him down for no reason, Yes my husband is weaks on people, too nice to people who are not nice to him.

Before my husband left Colorado for New York, which was odds that his mother's husband got too friendly and nicey nicey to my husband that he would be gladly to hold his stuff when he come back to get it also ask my husband for his ex gf's parents phone number in New York, his mother's husband turned his back on my husband and spread slanderous to his ex gf's parents in New York about my husband, it was purest hell over there, when I moved to New York and I have met with his ex gf's parents and his ex is a dog, they're all criminal people, found out that his ex gf's father was ex convict in jail and also his ex gf's 2 brother are in jail for murder, I looks at my husband, you got yourself in the mixed with the wrong typed of people like these who are dangerous, he could have been murder by his ex gf's father, these people were evil and very dangerous, while my husband and I including 3 ex roommate got sick, headaches, my friend was very ill and somehow the husband of my friend ran down the basement found a gas was leaking, that day my husband ex gf's parents were in that basement to get her laundry out and including her clothes out of the basement and the police was there overlooked did not see what his ex gf's father did, he fixed the gas leak to kill us, we all nearly die in that townhouse, I hope one day I will write a book about this ( will be happy to tell it all ).

I could never imaging being in this situation and I got my husband out of this dangerous situation and I saved him from those dangerous people, I taughted my husband alots about the dangerous in this world, I shows him alots of love, beware of what goes around him also I told him Never never never trusted anyone periodly, this is what the sheriff taughted me when I got my purse stolen back then.

Let me know what you thinks...I better save this for the book lol! Thank you in appreciation for your advise, very happy that you understand this very clearly. Hugs!

PePe LePew,

That's a shame on how the ex wife behaves, I dislike women like that who holds children above the father's head like that to get what she wants. Your husband shouldn't be sending her any money except child support which agreed upon in court, I don't see her doing her part in sharing custody nor letting him have visitation, and she asking for money for health care? He is better off going back to court and get this all settle, once he does it'll be legal and she has no way of holding her daughter away from the father, she wouldn't have a choice. Good luck to him! ;) If she wants to play games, let the game begin, she'll lose.
Hi Sara

Thank you for writing me ...Yes you are right about this .... I noticed that my husband's ex was being unfair to him, my husband has suffers alots trying very very hard to get his daughter to visit with him at our home, his ex refused, refused and refused, my husband has always been too nicey nicey to his ex while the ex can bitched at him all the time about the visiting right, the reasons why he was being so nice so that he doesn't lose his daughter, I told him ( scoffs ), quit being nice to your ex, that's enough and I told him he gotta stand up for himself and tell his ex off that she has no right to bitched at him and saying F words thru VRS relay, it was embarassing to my husband, his ex freaked out when my husband suggested with her about having his daughter to fly over to visit with him at our home, she freakkkkkk out and started being real nasty to my husband, shaking my head, I can't cannot understand that ex bitched of his.

i have agree with PePe LePew's comment

but let ex-wives have no rights by laws for child support or NOTHING! im sure the father will be good custody of their daughter to get away from mother because their mother is totally EVILY!

when my parents got divorces in 1990 and support me and my brother of child support till my reach of ages 18 years old but my mom already knew by the laws for rights visits see their dad every weekend and let my mom have break that it.

Hi PePe LePew
its Sara1981

about visitors and custody

im sure mostly parents always knew can get grant for divorces how much money will be? im sure will be around 1-2 weeks between.

when my parents got divorces and my parents got custody of me and my brother but my parents got grant money from divorces till im reach 18 years old
His ex is not doing what best for her daughter by allowing her to visit her dad, sound like it all about HER and her needs.... :shaking my head:

I wish you and your husband all the best, let me know how this ends....You're not alone since I know someone who is in the same situation as your husband is PePe LePew..
Not every child's but I believe more children of divorced parents understand the feelings more than children of happy married parents, as they fought harder to keep their relationship with their spouses, Or very carefully to pick their spouses as they have been there and witness everything.

I agree with that!
Not every child's but I believe more children of divorced parents understand the feelings more than children of happy married parents, as they fought harder to keep their relationship with their spouses, Or very carefully to pick their spouses as they have been there and witness everything.

Yea, I have to agree with u on that one. My friend married her husband without living in the same state first and now she regrets marrying him. I alwasy begged her to wait until he moves to the same state and get to know each other on a more daily basis. As a child of divorced parents, I was always more cautious about who I marry while my friend whose parents will be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary this year, was so ready to jump into marriage with this guy.

On the other hand, the future is unpredictible. I thought I was cautious and waited 3 years before marrying my first hubby and look how it went. We got divorced so I decided to take the bull by its horns and married my 2nd husband after only 8 months of dating.
Hi ^Angel^

Sure Angel, we will let you know how this end when we do get to Colorado to get it all this mess clean up....

The funny thing is, if his ex refused to cooperated, she will surely be jailed, first of all she refused to let his daughter come to his state to visit and to spend the weeks with him which his divorce decree said he is allowed to take her to his state from her state and she violated of the order and his ex refused will go to jail for this also plus she did not give my husband her real home address and the divorce decree said she is supposed to give my husband her real home address and she violated of the order, if she refused to follow this order, she will go to jail.

We would like to know about someone you know who is in the same position as my husband is, We would love to talk with this person's bad experiences as my husband if that okay with them.

It horrible how my husband has to go thru hell with his ex. : (

His ex is not doing what best for her daughter by allowing her to visit her dad, sound like it all about HER and her needs.... :shaking my head:

I wish you and your husband all the best, let me know how this ends....You're not alone since I know someone who is in the same situation as your husband is PePe LePew..
Child Custody Problems

One noon my husband ask me to sit by him watch him and the VRS relay call to his daughter, as I watched the VRS relay expressions....

Then my husband speak to his ex-so called about coming to her state and spend a few days with his daughter so that they could get to know each other well, before taking her to our state, my husband wants to make sure that his daughter feels comfortable, before taking her to our state....

Well here what his ex- so called said (I have to see my schedule in 2 month because we're gonna go on vacation this summer), but every years before summer his ex-so called cut him off for the summer vacation, she made so many excuses....

When my husband asked his ex- so called about the plans, my husband waiting for his ex- so called to responds, he asked the VRS relay what she says, the relay said she's quiet with a funny expression on VRS relay face shows how his ex- so called expression looks like, it didn't looks very good at all and then tell my husband I gotta go bye hung up real fast....

From the way I see her actions show me that she's angry and doesn't want their daughter to go to our state, I just knew it, selfishness bytch....

His ex-so called has been saying the same old thing since his daughter was 3 to now she's 7 1/2 soon to be 8 in May, everyyears she tells my husband ( I have to see my schdule, I will have to see what my schedule will be, I have to see my schedule or I don't know what my schedule will be or it depends on my schedule) blah blah blah, excuses, excuses, excuses all those years, cutting my husband off and Yes my husband gets very upset....

Cheri is right about his ex is playing a games, so she's playing, so will my husband, he's tired of her games & excuses.

Rolling my eyes at his ex!!!!!!!
PePe LePew,

I'm so sorry to hear about how your husband is going through with the ex wife when it comes to their daughter, it's best to not bother with her anymore, have him go to court and get visitation rights or half custody of his daughter. His ex wife sounds like a very selfish and self-center person who only look after herself instead of putting her daughter first. She should allowing your husband have some connected with his daughter, whether by thousands of miles away from each others or not, she still has to allowing him to see his own daughter. But, your husband is responsible to provide her (the daughter) transportation to get her to come and visit you, or you can go there and visit her.

Once the judge granted your husband visitation or half custody rights, the ex wife has no choice but to follow along with whatever the judge made his rule. Even if it means that she has to allow him to have half of the summer with his daughter she has to granted you those summer with your daughter, she doesn't have a choice, even holidays too. Too bad for her, she plays games, she going to get played too.

Make sure your husband asked to see his daughter through VP or web camera as much he can to see his daughter also, make sure he tells the judge that too since you both live in different states. So, that him and his daughter can have a strong daughter-father bond. ;)

Make sure your husband also tell the judge how his ex wife made false allegations against him and keeping him from his daughter. Judge won't like that trust me, because she is not suppose to put her daughter in the middle of her hate for your husband, it's between her and your husband, it has nothing to do with their daughter. Make sure he keeps every conversation that he had with his ex wife which involves his daughter, that would be evidences to provide to court to show how the ex wife is, her true colors.

I wish him all the best of luck, and hope it goes his way. ;)
My parents divorced when I was 12 years old. I was crushed. My world was destroyed. It was awful. My younger brother and I were sick about it.

Maybe my parents had "good reasons" but that didn't make it any easier for my brother and me. We suffered much, emotionally, socially, and financially.
My parents divorced when I was 12 years old. I was crushed. My world was destroyed. It was awful. My younger brother and I were sick about it.

Maybe my parents had "good reasons" but that didn't make it any easier for my brother and me. We suffered much, emotionally, socially, and financially.

Yes me too, My parents were divorce when I was 14, my dad decide when enough was enough, and he left and I was so upset because I wanted to be with my dad, not my mother, plus I was more upset that my dad stayed married to her for so long and knowing the marriage was on the rock for a long time, it put us under a lot of stresses seeing them fight off and on, exchanging hateful words to each others, us kids have to sit and watch it go on every other day or weeks. It wasn't fair, and when my dad came back with a long letter to us stating how they were getting a divorce, and he would always be there for us, it was one of the sadness letter I've ever read that was from my dad, I was sweeping tears here and there reading after reading,

The judge rules that we should stay and live with our mother and I was so upset, living with her was hell, She used to say so much bad things about my dad, dragged us in the middle of her problems with my dad. I made it through until age of 18 then decide to move out and live on my own.

I just wishes that my dad would have left her a long time ago, not waited until we were the age of 14, and wishes the judge would allowed us to choose who we want to live with, but didn't happened that way.
Hello Cheri

Thank you...Everything you said here is the same thing I told my husband about this, even his grandparents has told him not to talk to his ex, just talk to his daughter that's it, sometimes his ex dragged her husband to talk to my husband when she don't want to talk to my ex then why she puts her husband in the middle of it ?...

One day while my husband talked with his daughter after that his ex dragged her husband to talk to my husband, but instead he doesn't know who he's talking to, he thinks he's talking to my husband, but I was talking to him ha ha, he wanted to says something to my husband, he was nasty and rude, accused my husband of spying, because he wondered how my husband knows that his ex has a mobile cell phone, I told him it's right here it showed on the Yahoo Instant Messenger, he said I don't believe you he started arguing and saying mean thing which he thought he's talking to my husband calling him a *Spinless Boogers*, all of suddenly the relay typed said hears a child crying in the back ground, I knew that his ex's A-hole husband raised his nasty voice over the phone in front of my husband's child in the house to make it looks like we said something to offense to him which we did not do or says anything to make that creeps raised his voice and calling us names over the phone, sure that guy was playing a games to make my husband's daughter thinks we wasn't being nice to her step dad, two faced A-hole he played on his step daughter...We did talked nice to that A-hole...

One day while my husband's ex called from her MSN, my husband said I know you have DSL, then she accused him of hacking her computer, my husband does not know how to hack, he has no knowledge of how to hack, he found the information on their phone bills showed they have DSL, she has been lying to my husband why she could not use the WebCam, because their computer too slow and does not have a DSL, then my husband said I can buy a WebCam for our daughter, then she said if you do, I will throw them in the trash, we got suspicous of her wondering why she's doing this...he tested on her to see her reaction since she has lied about DSL...Also she even told my husband all those time saying there's no DSL in that area, but it's coming, she lied...

We all did told my husband just go to court and settled this out, no more talking to his ex about having their daughter coming here, which he has repeatly told her severals time, I told him nomore which his ex already know what he wanted...

Anyway my husband decided that he'll stay in Colorado for one week to spend with his daughter and see how things goes without his ex in the way, he feels that his ex might hide and watch him and his daughter, what do you thinks ?

My husband has tried, tried, and tried to get his ex to get a WebCam, she refused, refused, and refused, she said it's because of pedophiles which she said that pedophiles will be watching their daughter on the WebCam, shaking my head, she said she saw it on TV on Oprah sayings how dangerous it is for a child to be on a WebCam, I was like Huh ? I thinks they means for a child to be alone on a WebCam alone without the parents know, I believed that his ex misunderstand what being said on Oprah and all the excuses she was making, did you hears anything about pedophiles on Oprah, Cheri ?

At first before I married my husband when I moved to NY and his ex always tell my husband to open his WebCam so his daughter can see him, but how do we know she's really there to see her father ? Also his ex never open her WebCam for my husband to see his daughter from 2003 to 2004, but it else has stopped, his ex said she don't believe in WebCam, then why of suddenly she asked for it then she changed everything, it's weird, I feels that she just wanted their daughter not to remember her father's face anymore, trying to get her to forget him...

Yes my husband will tell everything to the Judge what's been going on, he will have this ended when it come to court, I knows the Judge will granted him a father's right and a visitation right after all those years he has suffered enough by is ex's lie, etcs she has done to him was wrong...

My husband has saved all the evidences, conversation everything, he got it ready for the court, he has all the proofs, smile...

Is it true that an ex could says all kinds of negatives stuff to their daughter about my husband ? One day his ex told my husband Where are you, where were you, because our daughter been crying wondering where's her father is, why is he here, blah blah all that, I suspected that my husband's step father has been saying negatives things about him to his daughter same goes for his ex's husband too...I do not believe her words on that, she just making this up so that he doesn't know that his daughter never remember him, like you said she's playing the games...

The grandparents is trying to protected my husband from any more set up, framed, jailed, and the abused that they all have caused him since he was in Colorado that time before moving to NY for personal reasons, it's not my husband fault he left Colorado, he wanted to move back, but the grandparents told him no, not only them saying it, more other people included me on my husband's side we cared for my husband and don't want to see him hurts anymore, he's wounded enough and is Traumatic...

From the way I see in my husband he's too good and too nice and here's everyone from Colorado mistreated him terribly, sheeshhhh!!!

PePe LePew,

I'm so sorry to hear about how your husband is going through with the ex wife when it comes to their daughter, it's best to not bother with her anymore, have him go to court and get visitation rights or half custody of his daughter. His ex wife sounds like a very selfish and self-center person who only look after herself instead of putting her daughter first. She should allowing your husband have some connected with his daughter, whether by thousands of miles away from each others or not, she still has to allowing him to see his own daughter. But, your husband is responsible to provide her (the daughter) transportation to get her to come and visit you, or you can go there and visit her.

Once the judge granted your husband visitation or half custody rights, the ex wife has no choice but to follow along with whatever the judge made his rule. Even if it means that she has to allow him to have half of the summer with his daughter she has to granted you those summer with your daughter, she doesn't have a choice, even holidays too. Too bad for her, she plays games, she going to get played too.

Make sure your husband asked to see his daughter through VP or web camera as much he can to see his daughter also, make sure he tells the judge that too since you both live in different states. So, that him and his daughter can have a strong daughter-father bond. ;)

Make sure your husband also tell the judge how his ex wife made false allegations against him and keeping him from his daughter. Judge won't like that trust me, because she is not suppose to put her daughter in the middle of her hate for your husband, it's between her and your husband, it has nothing to do with their daughter. Make sure he keeps every conversation that he had with his ex wife which involves his daughter, that would be evidences to provide to court to show how the ex wife is, her true colors.

I wish him all the best of luck, and hope it goes his way. ;)
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Parents who say bad things about their children's other parent or drag their children in the middle of their fights ought to be :rifle:

I got another thing to adds that time I was my husband's girlfriend and he was my boyfriend, his ex-socalled asked him for my full name and birth date, which I didn't know what is it for, found out that she checked my background, I was just his girlfriend that time, not as fiance or wife yet, I got very angry that I did told my husband who was my BF that time not to give her my information, I went to my roommate and told them what he was gonna do and they told him no not to do it and he went ahead and told his ex anyway, I felted so invaded, that woman has no right to invaded my privacy and my right to privacy....

I don't know why she's doing this, why she care which it isn't none of her business to know who I'am and where I was coming from...I felt like I had a lacked of privacy...

Humilated, why is my information on the background, I've noticed that other people aren't listed on the background search and some with no information like no address showing, I checked my background found that it has my old address on it, it's a shocked to me and that when I tried checking other people's background, it shows nothing no address ...How do I get my information off the Background Search ? Thanks!

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