'Child Bride' Says Sex w/Pastor Began at age 9

If your curious, I suggest you get a copy and get a pastor to read through it with you over the course of a year. Once you do this, you will have a better understanding of the Bible. Outside that, we aren't allowed to discuss religion in here. :cool2:

Oh, I am not interested in that one. I believe in the spirits personally. But, thank you.

My impression of him is that he thinks he's divinely inspired by God and defends his actions and argued that it's God's will.

But I think if he let lawyers do the talking, they'd argue about the First Amendment and how his rights were violated during the process. Jeffs may have a better chance of getting away with it.
Whoa, hold the phone...this is a very messed up story. Only 10 years in prison??
My impression of him is that he thinks he's divinely inspired by God and defends his actions and argued that it's God's will.

But I think if he let lawyers do the talking, they'd argue about the First Amendment and how his rights were violated during the process. Jeffs may have a better chance of getting away with it.

That pretty much holds true for all cult leaders.

Not this time, I don't think. First Amendment does not cover sex with children.
I saw that earlier today. I am relieved that he will never be in the position to victimize another. I only hope that he is also prevented from having any kind of contact with those he has already victimized and are still under his influence mentally and emotionally.
I expect him to appeal this - sadly he continues to waste our much-needed tax dollars and he gets to be a side show in the American 3 ring circus.

:shock: What on earth for? I had seen him appearing gaunt in another earlier but undated photo, but now he looks emaciated. I think he is looking to get a medical release from prison. Not gonna happen. Judge and the State of Texas won't allow it.

If he's been starving himself, they will force him to have a GI tube to ensure he is eating and is keeping everything down.

This guy is an attention-whore extraordinaire. :barf:
:shock: What on earth for? I had seen him appearing gaunt in another earlier but undated photo, but now he looks emaciated. I think he is looking to get a medical release from prison. Not gonna happen. Judge and the State of Texas won't allow it.

If he's been starving himself, they will force him to have a GI tube to ensure he is eating and is keeping everything down.

This guy is an attention-whore extraordinaire. :barf:

Probably so they can get a feeding tube in him and force nutrition.
it is very serious on molest children risk horrible because because stupid on news!

that is why point! cocern becauase prevent to bad record because inappropriate code ethic reason point I am said on policy!
That's basically what a GI tube is. They get liquid nutrition.

Yeah. There's different types, but yes.

He was probably combative as well, so they heavily sedated him, or, that's what they intended and he slipped into a coma due to his fragile state.

Regardless, I can't muster very much compassion for this. He's pulled hunger strikes before, so they are only doing what needs to be done. If the guy dies, it's on him. I really don't have much compassion given what he's done to those girls. But, they couldn't let him die, which, may or may not be what he wanted.
I grew up without a father being there emotionally, why? He was molested.by his adopted parents. So all his life he has been searching for love .. 5 divorces many many gf. I grew up feeling sorry for him. He really got psychological damage for his lifetime. People their selfish greed they don't realize what damage they cause. Its sad but its been happening since thousands of years. People can posses evil. Demons can influence People. I feel sorry for those girls. Its worse that he did it in gods name. Ouch the big Guy will give them their due.