Chicagoan's "Hello" from St. Louis


New Member
Aug 22, 2011
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Hello! I'm new to AllDeaf! :)

I'm a hearing student from Chicago, currently in college in the south-western portion of Illinois right near east St. Louis. I've always been interested in languages and studied both Spanish and French as they were the only languages offered in my junior high to high school curriculum. So I'd always go to Borders looking for books written in another language or even Spanish to English dictionaries. And once when I looking around, I had found a book that taught the manual alphabet and 1-10 numbers. But it wasn't until recently that I really took off with interest in Sign language.

With my fascination with languages, I would look on YouTube for spanish music and in the recommended videos list, I kept clicking. Eventually I landed on a video of a guy signing Party in the USA. It sparked my desire to learn about the community and language. So I did some research on the grammar and syntax of ASL, bought an ASL phrase book... But I felt there was only so much you can learn from a book! So I signed up for a Sign I class at my local community college and took a semester. It really made me re-consider my career path. Up until then I've been wanting to be a nurse, but then I wanted to study more into the Deaf culture and become fluent in ASL. After my class ended in May, I wanted to enroll in another, but they don't offer courses over the summer, and I planned to go away in the fall.

So for right now I'm studying to get my B.S. in Nursing. In the mean time I'm looking to take additional classes for ASL outside my university (as it doesn't offer any) but so far having no luck finding a school that teaches it! So I'm limited to books. Hopefully when I return to Chicago over summer break I can find a college downtown to take summer courses.
I live in Chicago. I can tell you that William Rainey Harper Community College in Palatine, IL does offer ASL class.

Also Columbia College in downtown Chicago has ASL classes, but it is $$$$.

Good luck and enjoy learning ASL.
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. I hope you have enjoy reading and posting all the threads here. See you around here. :wave:
I am from St Louis, MO. I know few sign language courses in IL college is Southwest of Ill College over there.
Well I'm currently twenty minutes outside of East St. Louis. I found a school down here that offers sign courses in St. Louis, but technically I'm an IL resident and the fees are really out of hand. :\