
anybody interested in playing chess?

The autoimmune disorder made her deaf, she "lost" cilla hair cells and thus lost her hearing. Stem cells restored her MUCH of her hearing (90% right ear, and 50% left ear from complete deafness). That being said she is a pioneer, and I’m sure with time and refinement her hearing could have been better. Nevertheless I would deem her treatment a success.

If stem cells got me to 50% hearing in both ears, I would consider it a success. Id be able to hear at 0db(if possible) with HAs and understand 100% sentence speech, 90% monosyllabic word speech with HAs. I won't be paying tens of thousands for additional stem cell treatments anytime soon just to hear without HAs if im already hearing great with HAs. When prices go down and I have lots of extra money, then yea. It's the same as I won't pay more than $5000 to see better without glasses since im seeing great with glasses.

Are you saying you are afraid of sound? brain will adjust and adapt.

He may have other reasons for not wanting stem cells, but regardless, I respect his choice to choose to stay deaf/Deaf. For me, I believe my brain will adjust just fine to hearing all those new sounds after a few months.

Deafdude is right she was offered CI, but her parents opted for stem cells. Judging by the results they were right. I understand that people dislike change, but it seemed somewhat inevitable. Science and technology will continue to push forward...
I was not born deaf so I can’t say I fully understand what it’s been like..But I think I get the fact that you have your own culture/community and you don’t want to conform, or lose that. But rationally this discovery should be celebrated - a good thing has occurred.

You will see alot more people skipping CI and opting for stem cells instead. I barely knew anything about CI till 2008 and by then, there was alot of talk and news on stem cells and it was proven successful in animals so I knew it was around the corner for humans. I still expected to wait 5-10 years but am glad at how fast stem cell technology is progressing! Now I may be able to benefit sometime in 2011. Will wait out 2010 as im letting the pioneers go ahead first.

Ive never been involved in Deaf culture and live completely in the hearing world. I am 100% oral and speak clearly. I feel stem cells will help significently for me and my lifestyle. Many who are involved in Deaf culture and have no part in the hearing world see no reason to get stem cells. They do not depend on sounds/speech at all and only sign. They still should be happy for those that choose stem cells. I am happy for those who already chose/got CI, enjoy your improved hearing with CI.
It's not really the stem-cells we're questioning here, but rather the motive behind the "checkmate" comment.

The two go hand in hand; let me simplify..

As you aware the 15 page thread titled Info on STEM CELLS from scientific source by ref74.

In this thread the anti-stem cells lobby attacked the idea of, and said it was too early for stem cells to treat hearing loss bla bla bla. Since the case of Chloe Sohl, the anti-stem cells group have been quiet. There is no more "in 50 years time" talk, in fact I sense the general tone has changed to I don’t care just don’t force it on me...which is basically people being afraid of change.

As to your question, I suppose it’s because he wanted the quite ones to talk up again as Chloe Sohl case effectively destroyed their arguments.

anybody interested in playing chess?
White or Black?
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I am NOT against stem cells at all so don't take it wrong.

I am just skeptical that you could just inject your own cells and make it "grow." Exactly how does stem cell know where the cells should be grown? I am a little spooked when she was given "injections" in her vein. What's the long term of systemic stem cell treatment? How do they make the cells behave as they want them to behave? How does the stem cell know that the "hair cells" are damaged and start growing there?!?!
It takes two to tango. The pro-stem cell guys backed off on posting as well.

You also have to take into consideration it's the holidays and the forum traffic (which can also be applied to blogs) slowed down dramatically, all over the place, considerably as a result.
I am NOT against stem cells at all so don't take it wrong.

I am just skeptical that you could just inject your own cells and make it "grow." Exactly how does stem cell know where the cells should be grown? I am a little spooked when she was given "injections" in her vein. What's the long term of systemic stem cell treatment? How do they make the cells behave as they want them to behave? How does the stem cell know that the "hair cells" are damaged and start growing there?!?!

Please see my reply to you above. Stem cells travel all over the body and when they detect any signs of damage, they gather there then differnate into the correct type of cells. When you cut your finger, your body knows about the damage and the cut heals in a few days. Same analogy with stem cells healing the damaged parts of the body, it's that simple. Autologous stem cells is 100% safe, even long term. It's the best medicine in the world and will be the main method of medicine today and onwards.
It takes two to tango. The pro-stem cell guys backed off on posting as well.

You also have to take into consideration it's the holidays and the forum traffic (which can also be applied to blogs) slowed down dramatically, all over the place, considerably as a result.

Meh, nah.. that’s not convincing it hard to argue when solid proof is presented against you. I think we both know what happened; nobody.. not even I a pro stem cell guy, would have imagined the stem cell treatment for hearing loss would be that successful. Six months ago I would have said 3-10 years, before successful human trials would have begun..but to see it now is unbelievable...and explains the defeatist attitude by the anti stem cell guys. This moment seems like the battle of waterloo - a metaphor
One sided, are you the same spammer who was here about his stem cell brokerage business the other day? Only 10 posts and that doesn't lend much credibility.
Meh, nah.. that’s not convincing it hard to argue when solid proof is presented against you. I think we both know what happened; nobody.. not even I a pro stem cell guy, would have imagined the stem cell treatment for hearing loss would be that successful. Six months ago I would have said 3-10 years, before successful human trials would have begun..but to see it now is unbelievable...and explains the defeatist attitude by the anti stem cell guys. This moment seems like the battle of waterloo - a metaphor

I know for me, it became a matter of apathy toward stem cells a long time ago when I realized that some people will do anything to justify their rationale.
One sided, are you the same spammer who was here about his stem cell brokerage business the other day? Only 10 posts and that doesn't lend much credibility.

Cheers Sally,

I am not a spammer and Rome wasnt built in a day. Care too add substances to the thread?
Stem cells travel all over the body and when they detect any signs of damage, they gather there then differnate into the correct type of cells. When you cut your finger, your body knows about the damage and the cut heals in a few days. Same analogy with stem cells healing the damaged parts of the body, it's that simple. Autologous stem cells is 100% safe, even long term. It's the best medicine in the world and will be the main method of medicine today and onwards.

So, how do they tell the cells which damage to repair? I ask because there are plenty of damages in your body and it's called "aging" and "scars" - visible or not.

I would think you have to somehow "damage" the cochlea or stimulate with something to make cells regenerate?
I know for me, it became a matter of apathy toward stem cells a long time ago when I realized that some people will do anything to justify their rationale.

Too be fair you,Jiro and others had some valid points.. but now things have changed its no longer blind wishful thinking its a reality. The original chinese based centre.. biotech i think was a little bit questionable..but the idea was not and now its proven fruitfull for atleast one person.
So, how do they tell the cells which damage to repair? I ask because there are plenty of damages in your body and it's called "aging" and "scars" - visible or not.

I would think you have to somehow "damage" the cochlea or stimulate with something to make cells regenerate?

The stem cells repairs all damage. If you sustain or have any damage that can be repaired without stem cells, get that addressed before spending tens of thousands on stem cells. Right after getting stem cells, take it easy and slow for the next couple months.
OneSided - since I wanna play black... i'm assuming your first white move is pawn to D4?

lol funny how things change. Mm…. had a skim through that internet article. The bias was hard to take at first, but he raises some legitimate questions. Not ALL stem cell clinics are honest, I advise all considering to use due diligence..when you buy a car you don’t just go anywhere you THINK beforehand, you go to a reputable dealer thats common sense. the same with stem cells.

Anyway.. to deal with your implied points, firstly RNL are not on any "lists" in the article. It’s a South Korean based company with subsidiaries in the US I believe. Not a shady lab.
Secondly, it states in conclusion "they offer no credible outcome data" well we know that’s not true of RNL bio as Chloe and her doctor parents over testimonials.. I have taken the liberty of doing backgrounds checks...for you peace of mind "Chloe's father, Dr. Bertram Sohl is a director
of Obstetrics and Gynecology at St. Mary's Medical Center in Long Beach,
California and her mother, Dr. Veronique Jotterand is an ophthalmologist and
Vice Chief of Staff at Miller Children's Hospital in Long Beach, California". further her results are posted in the link below 50% hearing from COMPLETE deafness

Incase it escaped you attention here is a direct link - RNL BIO Rescues a College Student from Autoimmune Hearing Loss | Reuters

Please note that the story has been written and confirmed by Reuters - a well known and respected credible Canadian news group, not some internet blog or internet article.
Is it that HARD to swallow?

The article you read is totally biased and “onesided” :) Remember Chloe Sohl is the first of many so called pioneers, I predict 2010 a lot more of them will emerge. You cant fight the inevitable? Ask yourself why are you trying so HARD?

knight to C6

I'll humour you once more..pawn to the way you do realize I checkmated you two moves ago when you couldnt contruct a counter arguement :D