
Used to go to AOL deaf chatroom all the time from 1997-2000, then I have a life. :-P

I stopped by once in a while, and I feel out of place. :-P
Originally posted by vvti low rolla
check and check aol and click private chat then type deaf or deaf 2 or deaf 3 thats it. has a bad reputation for not respecting other people. Some of us do not use AOL, so we can only use AIM. If you happen to be one of the's monitors reading my post, I have one sign for you:


Originally posted by ckfarbes
Deaf258, why not you create your own chatroom for deaf community on internet?? let me know please.. :thumb:

I am going to work on it, then ask Alex if he could put it as a link on all AD2 pages or not.
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Originally posted by luckyx13x
Used to go to AOL deaf chatroom all the time from 1997-2000, then I have a life. :-P

I stopped by once in a while, and I feel out of place. :-P

:werd: yeah and u have a life and u are gonna be busy bein a gally student am I right? :thumb:
Originally posted by SilenceGold
Does any of you know how to use IRC?

Kind of. I use mIRC and often check Undernet's channels. Some of my friends like to use EfNet.
Originally posted by javapride
AHHHHHHHHHH WHAT CHATROOM?? me NO KNOW! ur thing turned into a X
click on the pic on the above post. it takes you to another pic and click again. then you're in the room. i am in it right now.
AD's own chatroom is in the works...and I am working with alex about this...keep your eye peeled for this! :)
Originally posted by MikeLinux
AD's own chatroom is in the works...and I am working with alex about this...keep your eye peeled for this! :)

great let me know thru PM :thumb:
thats great DO let us know... in Posting or in PM WTG for those who are movitvated to join! :)
Originally posted by Deaf258
what kind of chatroom? web-based? java-based? MSN or AIM based?
its IRC based and it will be given choices of web-based or download your own IRC client.