chat time!

One thing, I would LOVE LOVE to be in the chat room, but I am using a damn MAC! It only downloads in WINDOWS. I don't have windows :-(
Originally posted by TinyStrawberry
One thing, I would LOVE LOVE to be in the chat room, but I am using a damn MAC! It only downloads in WINDOWS. I don't have windows :-(

*cough* they are anti-mac *cough*
like I said, everyone has AIM, when everyone or a lot of AD are online, we can ask everyone to join us in a chat room directly :) think about it - i really like the AIM group chat cuz you dont have to download anything and it is easier since everyone has AIM...
:( Mac sucks sometimes. The reason I got this, is because MAC works great with photos, office work too..
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gaaahhhh, I'm having trouble gettin in MIRC
If you're using a mac, alternative IRC clients are and

I have a mac myself, and I'm quite familiar with macs/IRC. So if anyone needs any help at all, just ask me. I'm on the chatroom right now :) under the same nick as I use here.

Originally posted by illustrator
*cough* they are anti-mac *cough*

Of course, I can be considered anti-hardware-proprietary person but that does not mean that this channel is limited to PC users. There's clients for MACs that can be used to join this channel as Ziusudra has pointed out.
Last night I was in there for a few hours but no one joined at all, except that DBPowerWCRulez. :|
Thank you for the information on IRC, for MACS! I love u!!!!!
*I really wanted to join and explore the chat*