I have very good lesbian friends who are very good people. I don't agree with their lifestyle but I would trust them to babysit my grand kid (not born yet)
That was my point from the beginning don't trust people just because you share the same lifestyle or interests. You were correct all along that these charges were extreme. They still are.
Yes, I had ex-boyfriend and he was Thai. I decided to broke up after he extremely obsessed about sex and didn't agree with his personality - no issue with his sexual orientation (he's gay). That was in 2006 and he's still my friend, but more inactive so I started talk to him in 2011. That was big change due to maturity and age. He didn't sex anymore after got STD because he didn't use any sex protection but treated with antibiotic and currently work for his mother - she owns small business.
I know gay and bisexual men have many different personalities - agree with some of them, not agree with some of them. There were some gay rednecks in here but I personally don't like redneck's culture.
Yes, I think Katelyn's charge were extreme but unfortunately, she broke the law and no way for LEO to treat her like special person, however prosecutor gave a most sweet deal for her - I rather to take house arrest over state prison - she got comfortable bed, TV, internet, phone, soft carpet, hot shower, AC, good food, pets, etc, also probation officer oversee on internet and phone aren't big deal because she has to give up some of her privacy as punishment for break the law.
I think speed limit law is ridiculous but no way for me to break the law. I got speed ticket for hurry up because I may be late for class due to bathroom, so I was like "NOT AGAIN" and I rather to be late in the class than getting ticket ($190 - court fee included if you don't appeal or go to trial). The state trooper was extremely friendly and told me that I broke the law. I found out that I have driving school option to get ticket dismissed, except for court fee but I decided go to court to get driving school selection and request the interpreter, but judge said there were no interpreter at driving school so he decided to dismissed my ticket - no court fee, no point assigned and told to follow the speed limit. I don't go above speed limit anymore after received a ticket and I know that I couldn't afford, even getting lawyer is expensive - $300-$500.
After follow the speed limit - it is easy for me to sticking with speed limit - no longer addicted to more faster - just sticking on right lane. I had been victim of road rage and had no choice, but broke the law to save my life from angry, reckless man who pointed the gun at me - he used it to scare me so he flee away in extreme speed (over 100 MPH) around other cars. I was like unbelievable - there are many crazy drivers on road.