Changing Voice


Premium Member
Aug 1, 2010
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I was just wondering at what point people have noticed that their voice started to change or develop a lisp (as their hearing loss got more and more worse), i just recently got some naida v up and thanks to the sound recovery function im finally hearing all sorts of sounds again but i have noticed they dont sound totally normal, s sounds have a different tone to them i guess is because im hearing them in a totally different frequency range now and i can imagine in the future my brain will forget how they use to pronounce those sounds and start to pronounce those sounds how im hearing them.

Any thoughts or experance would be appreciated.
Well this is perfect timing. I was just told last week that my lisp was getting stronger and more noticeable.
I can't notice it myself yet but my fiancé says he only noticed it the last year. I don't have hearing aids yet (debating getting them) but my hearing did take a bit of a dive the last little while so that would probably be why I have a lisp now, although I've always had some speach problems before.

Everyone's brain is different and brains change constantly so you never know what'll happen I guess.
I went from a mild hearing loss to a total loss with no residual hearing. I am still verbal for now. I have no lisp, no changes in my voice, no nothing except there are times when I forget how to pronounce a word after 5 years of not hearing any speech. That gets frustrating.
I lost some of my speech during hearing loss. With some conscious effort to say the sounds that I can't hear, it's better now.
I had a lot of speech therapy as a young child. However, I feel as though my voice has gotten more nasally since then.