Well, don't think that my answer goes for everyone who is in the CART industry, but I knew somebody who was going to be a court reporter, and I heard it was very challenging. I was intrigued and found out that there was captioning as an option at my school. I decided to major in captioning because I liked the thought of working out of my home. Then I found out about two months ago that CART is very interesting also, and that I can actually see who I'm giving the benefit of my work to. I really want to provide a service to people and let them have as many opportunities to experience whatever their heart desires. Example: Go to a baseball game. I want to do your captions while you're at that game so they can have the full effect. I also know my major is in high demand, and I feel like it's a major that should have more focus on. It was just in interest that got my attention, and I want to help.