Good for you to keep IBO. IBO is too expensive for me to join and I dont like the monthly meetings it requires of members. That's why I like CDT better..cheaper and no other requirements..just 2 sales. IBO is :thumbd: for me.
Everyone has their own preferences so wish u best of luck with IBO!
Yes, I agree. IBO for Quxitar sucks, absolutely!
I was a former Quixtar IBO and was relieved that I quit few years ago. After a few more MLM programs (thereafter) that includes autoship and products to sell that I got involved with, I discovered it ain't working good because many cannot do their part and all that due to vary of some reasons.
Word - I don't recommend anyone to join Quxitar, 4-ecorps, MonaVie, and the likes. Because only very few exceptionals do succeed with it really, but later on their downline drank thinner therefore the top ones' earnings shrank anyway.
It requires you as IBO and/or distributor to sell products, to train your IBO downliners, and to pay autoship in order to earn the comp pay. Some do attend meetings. It's quite expensive and time-consuming, too. All that sucks... no way!
Also that is very weak leverage that takes longer time and harder work to leverage then into profits. Too high risk.
Quixtar probhits any IBO to participate any other business while being an IBO. It's like a cult business... that's bad.
Many didn't do well and gave up. While some did join other business oportunities within a year of being IBO and only discovered themselves into legal trouble with Quixtar.
So I told myself never to involve any MLM that requires selling, paying for autoship, trainings, etc.. too much crap - ever again.
I know a few great income programs online that give you greater leverage and less time consuming and less risk.
It requires no selling, no meetings to attend, and much less trainings which is much better way to do. You only need to refer and advertise, is all. And they costs you only $10 monthly yet it provide you lucrative pay plan to work on it in the long term. That's much better and money-time wiser.
But however, I do strongly recommend you to look for any income program(s) online that do provide you recurring or residual income... it's the best way to do build your recurring income.
So please feel free to PM me if you're interested in building your recurring income and help others do same. You will be surprised how cheap and easy it is and what it can do for you.