

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2012
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How do you feel about having a Concealed Carry?
Can be either as we can do both..
Basically asking how ( if anyone here has a CCW ) how they or anyone else feels about having one being D/deaf for protection.
TCS and I each have CWP's but we're both hearing.

Deaf people can choose to carry or not carry just like anyone else.
I plan on having CCW with me soon. I just have to find a class that is willing to provide interpreter, since many of them are non-profit. I had contacted two companies, both refused to provide interpreter. however after researching ADA law, it states that nonprofit doesn't have to provide one if it doesn't generate income. it is becoming frusterated. one of my friend is deaf have CCW. his father was his interpreter in class.
I plan on having CCW with me soon. I just have to find a class that is willing to provide interpreter, since many of them are non-profit. I had contacted two companies, both refused to provide interpreter. however after researching ADA law, it states that nonprofit doesn't have to provide one if it doesn't generate income. it is becoming frusterated. one of my friend is deaf have CCW. his father was his interpreter in class.
I've never heard of a non-profit class. What kind of groups/companies are conducting non-profit concealed carry classes?
I would be alright with it and would do it except that CA doesn't allow it, generally, except for "good cause".......that may soon change and Californians may soon be able to get CCW permits....
I plan on having CCW with me soon. I just have to find a class that is willing to provide interpreter, since many of them are non-profit. I had contacted two companies, both refused to provide interpreter. however after researching ADA law, it states that nonprofit doesn't have to provide one if it doesn't generate income. it is becoming frusterated. one of my friend is deaf have CCW. his father was his interpreter in class.

Just go ahead and pay for the interpreter.....if you want your CCW permit/cert that badly....
I've never heard of a non-profit class. What kind of groups/companies are conducting non-profit concealed carry classes?

a local gun club in a small town. in Minnesota you can just take a short 4 hour courses and do the shooting range, then a test and you're done.

The *county conceled*Gun Club of *city conceled*, Minnesota is an all-volunteer, 501(c)4 non-profit corporation. Our facilities include a clubhouse/classroom that can seat about fifty, an indoor pistol and smallbore range, and outdoor rifle and pistol ranges
This is an 8 hour required course, the instructor is active military, a police officer here locally, also is an active body guard for several wealthy figures. I will be his first deaf attendee, so its a new experience for him although I do have CI, he is curious how this will pan out with ear muffs and listening to instructions at the range. I already took the course ( free with no certifications online) just to see if I was up to date on my info and I passed, so now its the real deal with certification and getting my permit.

I am looking to have a side arm for both protection and pleasure, Having it with me hunting in case of an encounter with a wild animal at close range ( bobcat, coyote, bear ) where a rifle would be restricted in brush or heavy cover. Most of my friends have theirs already and going to the range together is fun, learning new techniques and all that.

The fee is usually $50 but I missed the deadline so starting Nov. its $75... price increase for winter months.
I've had my CCW for 8 years now. Maine just got rid of the requirement. Now anyone who's legal to own a gun is legal to carry one concealed with a few exceptions. Switch blades are now legal here to. Makes since, it's always been legal to carry a bowie knife or any other large knife but not an itty bitty switchblade?

I always carry a pocket gun. Some people say they aren't effective but they always turn me down when I ask if I can shoot them with it. :lol: I carry something larger when the situation allows. I spend a lot of time out doors and I've been glad to have it more than once when big stray dogs are growling at me or coyotes are howling on the next ridge of the trail I'm on.

Training is good. More training is better!
I've had my CCW for 8 years now. Maine just got rid of the requirement. Now anyone who's legal to own a gun is legal to carry one concealed with a few exceptions. Switch blades are now legal here to. Makes since, it's always been legal to carry a bowie knife or any other large knife but not an itty bitty switchblade?

I always carry a pocket gun. Some people say they aren't effective but they always turn me down when I ask if I can shoot them with it. :lol: I carry something larger when the situation allows. I spend a lot of time out doors and I've been glad to have it more than once when big stray dogs are growling at me or coyotes are howling on the next ridge of the trail I'm on.

Training is good. More training is better!
There is no such thing as too much training. The more the better til it feels like part of you. You should be able to grab, draw and aim as if you were blind...practice practice practice, thats why I always went to the range before. At home you can get a dummy gun to practice with drawing in various positions and situations with friends/family. Already teaching my son the rules of gun safety ( not to touch one no matter where he is and to get an adult ) but also teaching him the proper safety rules ( since he has a ton of nerf guns lol ) no pointing at anything unless he intends to shoot it, he is doing very well, and I will make mistakes (on pourpose ) and he will correct me. Teach them young and they will keep it for life.

I was reading a story the other day how in the past, parents bought their kids a gun ( usually a rifle) and they took them to school and the schools had shooting ranges/classes for gun safety and hunting... but no more? Probly another reason there are so many that have no clue or common sense?
I got my first rifle when I was 11. Couldn't bring it to school but I did bring my hunting knife for show and tell once.

Thinking back hunting and gun handling teach a lot of responsibility. I don't think you should just hand your kid an uzi but there is a place for it.
I got my first rifle when I was 11. Couldn't bring it to school but I did bring my hunting knife for show and tell once.

Thinking back hunting and gun handling teach a lot of responsibility. I don't think you should just hand your kid an uzi but there is a place for it.
No... you start small, with toys, then BB, then 22 and work up as they age... My dad let me shoot a 44 mag when I was like 7, kicked like a mule didnt like that at
But now, I have shot just about everything. Just getting a few for hunting and protection.
a local gun club in a small town. in Minnesota you can just take a short 4 hour courses and do the shooting range, then a test and you're done.

The *county conceled*Gun Club of *city conceled*, Minnesota is an all-volunteer, 501(c)4 non-profit corporation. Our facilities include a clubhouse/classroom that can seat about fifty, an indoor pistol and smallbore range, and outdoor rifle and pistol ranges
Only four hours?

How much does it cost?
This is an 8 hour required course. . .
Our class was also eight hours. It included lecture (gun safety procedures, shooting technique, laws), a written test, and then a range test. The range test included different times, and drawing from a holster.

I am looking to have a side arm for both protection and pleasure, Having it with me hunting in case of an encounter with a wild animal at close range ( bobcat, coyote, bear ) where a rifle would be restricted in brush or heavy cover. Most of my friends have theirs already and going to the range together is fun, learning new techniques and all that.
TCS takes a side arm with him while deer hunting. The bad boys around here are the wild hogs. They are attracted to the same feeding areas as the deer, and they are vicious.

The fee is usually $50 but I missed the deadline so starting Nov. its $75... price increase for winter months.
Why does it cost more in the winter?
There is no such thing as too much training. The more the better til it feels like part of you. You should be able to grab, draw and aim as if you were blind...practice practice practice, thats why I always went to the range before. At home you can get a dummy gun to practice with drawing in various positions and situations with friends/family....


I was reading a story the other day how in the past, parents bought their kids a gun ( usually a rifle) and they took them to school and the schools had shooting ranges/classes for gun safety and hunting... but no more? Probly another reason there are so many that have no clue or common sense?
When I was a teen, high schools in CT used to have intramural rifle clubs/teams for boys and girls.
Reba, I dont know why the fee is higher for the winter? Heating maybe? But I will ask the instructor as classes are held at the Local Farm Supply store here. But the shooting range is privately owned where we have to drive a short distance to get there, it is outdoors. I did ask about inclement weather conditions and he said we would still be shooting there rain, snow or shine... His remark was... " You never know when you will have to draw your weapon " !