Cat info....

If you are flying over to Iran, how would you feel about that during the war in Iraq? Will the plane be shot down? :ugh:
Originally posted by ChelEler
What kind of job in FL that related to college program are you going to work for? Sex-Education Instructor?

Don't laugh - I got an internship with DisneyWorld for the college program they offer. I can get credit and claim experience. I am thinking about it but my family thinks it is "silly".
Originally posted by ChelEler
If you are flying over to Iran, how would you feel about that during the war in Iraq? Will the plane be shot down? :ugh:

there is no more war in Iraq, and two Iran fought against Iraq we know they are bad, we dont like them but anyways.... I am flying with KLM airlines (Dutch air). I doubt the plane will be shot down. People was saying that Iraq is gonna missile bomb or contaminate US far......NOTHING.... it is cool nothing to worry about. I am more concerned about AMERICA trying to point fingers at almost every country in the Middle East but oh well cant do anything about it.
Originally posted by Sabrina

Aren't Latino guys more hottest than white guys ? :D How many did he break your beds so far ??

~ Sabrina

is that question for E???
Originally posted by Liza
What items are you taking with you to Iran, babyphat? :D
How many cats do you want to have?

I want to have a housefull of cats, you always hear about an old lady with lots of cats - that sounds good to me!!!

I am taking lots of presents for relatives and little clothes with me, mostly gonna mix and match..I want to bring lots of stuff back from Iran that is why. I am taking four formal dresses and lots of nice clothes and few jeans. :) most important is sunblock for the face and the mosquito repellant!!!