I admitted that I accidently killed a squirrel and pigeon. I drove over them in ten years ago and recently few months ago. Of course, I felt bad for poor animals. It was a purely accident. Does that make me a killer?
No, it does not make you a killer. I have ran over animals by accident before and I did not do it on purpose, my heart stopped there for a mintune there and I had a lump in my throat. I felt bad about it and said a prayer for the animal.
Now, I was told last week that a lame preacher with no consience said if man hits woman for any reason, so therefore, it is woman's fault.
No, A man is responsible for what he does with his hands. His hands can build a house, fix cars or hold a baby in his hands for the first time or he could be sent to the war frontlines to fight with his hands with a rifle, knife or bare hands or he could be a medic with the military using his hands to save lives or anything and There is absoutely no excuse for a man to hit a woman at all and it is not the woman's fault at all, even if she has a nasty mouth and an attidute. That still is no excuse to hit her in the first place.
I was stunned to hear that from someone who knows him in PA (not directly to Heath). I heard some odd stories about a preacher with christian stuff...he is a religion zealot knows nothing about sex until his marriage. Gosh. Of course, I strongly disagree on his statement. It is not woman's fault whatever happened to woman and man in the house. It called domestic violence. I talked to myself, what the hell did he think? Dumb f*cker.
I don't agree with that pastor at all either and there are some good pastors and some real bad pastors. A man has no business laying his hands on a woman period.
If the child hurts animals repeatedly, I would take him or her to therapist and find out whats wrong with them. Sometimes pastor or religious people may not know how to deal with them.