I'm wondering what Casey is doing right now. I couldnt believe armed guards escorted Casey to awaiting SUV. Something Ive never seen before. I think she has a nice ass in those jeans. I bet she was really horny when she left the building after 3 yrs in jail. I bet she was tired of her fingers. They probably were sore. I wouldnt be surprise her famous attorney nailed her soon after.
well,gee,thanks. I just dont like Casey at all. Get a clue.
I can choose to not like Casey without being crass about it. Perhaps you should get a clue, hm? :roll:
ORLANDO, Fla. - Casey Anthony attorney Cheney Mason said his client told him, "When I get out, I want to be a lawyer."
Casey Anthony was released from jail at 12:14 p.m. Sunday , 12 days after she was acquitted of murder in the death of her 2-year-old daughter Caylee.
Since her release there has been a lot of speculation as to where Anthony is hiding out and what is next for the 25-year-old.
Mason told CBS affiliate WTSP that Anthony is very sharp and read nearly all of the 28,000 documents throughout the trial.
Mason added, "She told me, 'When I get out, I want to be a lawyer. When I get out, I want to work in your office.'"
Mason did explain it is not a realistic possibility with her record. Cheney told the station that his main goal for Anthony is for her to be safe.
"I don't think Casey would be safe anywhere," he said. "If she went to a mall, people would want to be near her for the celebrity aspect of it."
Cheney Mason would not tell WTSP where Anthony is, but he did indicate that she was not in the state of Florida.
"We just want her to be safe," said Mason. "I want her to do what she wants to do. She's young."
People are out for her blood. Someone already tried to kill a Casey look-a-like.
FB is loaded with hate against Casey with quotes like, "If I see her on the sidewalk, Ima gonna run over her ass!" and such. Some are even going through great lengths to try and track her location and post it online in hopes someone will go and kill her.
She's def not safe anywhere. The second she's seen anyone is the second she may get killed. We're talking about the biggest mob mentality in the history of the human race.
You know, Casey Anthony is free and going on about her life. Some of you, however, are still imprisoned by your obsession with her. Irony?
I'm wondering what Casey is doing right now. I couldnt believe armed guards escorted Casey to awaiting SUV. Something Ive never seen before. I think she has a nice ass in those jeans. I bet she was really horny when she left the building after 3 yrs in jail. I bet she was tired of her fingers. They probably were sore. I wouldnt be surprise her famous attorney nailed her soon after.
Shoot, Jillio. Half the dang country is blinded by their rage. It's scary. Someone up above said it best, too. I've seen lots of statuses regarding people saying things like he posted above (mostly when she first was aquitted of the more serious charges against her), but, I've also seen some pretty sick jokes abt her, too.
I nearly threw up. I'm getting SO sick and tired of hearing her name everywhere. Don't these people (and some on here) realize that Casey Anthony is not a free woman in the strictest sense of the word? That she is in a prison of sorts for the rest of her life? People liken her to OJ and I don't think the comparison is accurate. OJ had money. Casey walked out of prison with $500 in her pocket and that was it. Where is she gonna get a job? People talk about all this money that she'll supposedly make on book deals. Guess what? She'll have to defend herself against lawsuits and a lawyer ain't cheap. So, she's not going to be this well off rich b*tch that people think she is. She's going to be miserable for the rest of her life.
And, that's a hell of a life to lead; especially on the off chance that she MIGHT be innocent of the crime.
OK, I'm done. I've said all I can say about Casey Anthony. Hopefully, this thread will be locked soon and we can drop the subject.
I can choose to not like Casey without being crass about it. Perhaps you should get a clue, hm? :roll: