Carrying CI Paraphernelia


New Member
Jan 28, 2009
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How do you handle carrying all the "stuff" that you need when you walk out the door? Between my keys, my cellphone, my CI remote, & extra batteries I've run out of pockets!

I'm wondering if anyone has come up with some ingenious solutions to this. MedEl gave me a keychain that holds 3 batteries but is huge compared to its use and seems to open so easily I'm worried about batteries falling out before I ever use them.

What kind of solutions would you like? Personally I'd love some kind of cellphone cover that lets me connect the backside of my phone with the backside of my CI remote.

I wouldn't mind a keychain that held extra batteries but I would want the option of using my rechargeable battery and/or keeping the extra regular batteries. Being able to store a battery holder (the part used during wear) in order to switch would be a bonus too.

I known I could get a zippered pouch keychain but those are so bulky and huge that it isn't easy to slip your keys into your pocket. Plus, putting the remote there means that it isnt easy accessible.

I'd love to hear others solutions or ideas. Maybe some enterprising soul on these boards could serve a need!
How do you handle carrying all the "stuff" that you need when you walk out the door? Between my keys, my cellphone, my CI remote, & extra batteries I've run out of pockets!

I'm wondering if anyone has come up with some ingenious solutions to this. MedEl gave me a keychain that holds 3 batteries but is huge compared to its use and seems to open so easily I'm worried about batteries falling out before I ever use them.

What kind of solutions would you like? Personally I'd love some kind of cellphone cover that lets me connect the backside of my phone with the backside of my CI remote.

I wouldn't mind a keychain that held extra batteries but I would want the option of using my rechargeable battery and/or keeping the extra regular batteries. Being able to store a battery holder (the part used during wear) in order to switch would be a bonus too.

I known I could get a zippered pouch keychain but those are so bulky and huge that it isn't easy to slip your keys into your pocket. Plus, putting the remote there means that it isnt easy accessible.

I'd love to hear others solutions or ideas. Maybe some enterprising soul on these boards could serve a need!

I DO NOT HAVE A CI and besides that am a woman. So . . . this is just based on carrying other things. Over the years I have used many things for something they were not originally made for. An example is putting a cell phone in a case originally made for a small point & shoot camera. Rather than scratch a screen, I currently have my Droid 2 cell in a case made for a large SLR flash unit.

I am not sure the size and shape of your CI batteries but Duracell puts their hearing aid batteries in nice flat plastic cases. They make a 675 hearing aid battery (which is what I use). I think I have seen referenced to a CI taking a 675 battery. Is this by any chance the same battery or at least the same size & shape so the case could be re-used?

I think you get my idea of looking for other things that come packaged in such a way that the package can be turned into a case for something else.
Why do you need the CI remote? Thats one thing you dont really have to carry.

Batteries, that used to be a nightmare for me until I upgraded to new processors and the batteries last me all day on one recharge/3days on disposable batteries.
If you can, put extra batteries in all of the cars you drive, thats what I do so that way whereever I go, I can change quickly without having to constantly remember to carry some in my pockets.

I would go to a leather pouch store, they have a lot of very soft small leather pouches, which I do use for carrying batteries when I know i'm going to be at some event all day and night.

I have a small backpack that I take with me whenever I go to work, job sites, etc, and it has spare batteries and other stuff.

In the office I have spare batteries in my desk.

I don't bring the remote with me anywhere...really don't need it and don't want to lose it.
Not QUITE the same, but similar... I have to carry my FM system and all its accessories plus my streamer plus spare batteries with me. Usually they are in the internal pocket (where most people put pencils) of the middle compartment of my backpack. When I don't have a backpack on me, I stick things in the zippered inner pockets of coats or clip them onto my belt. The parts of the year that I'm not wearing a coat I probably am wearing cargo shorts.
The term of "paraphernelia" raised my eyebrows. You should use the different term than that word which describes the stuff which you need for your CI because I consider you may carry any drugs hidden in your CI accessories.
The term of "paraphernelia" raised my eyebrows. You should use the different term than that word which describes the stuff which you need for your CI because I consider you may carry any drugs hidden in your CI accessories.

Sinned--> :slap: <--Oddball, are you obsessed with reefer? :P

the word paraphernalia does not exist for the sole purpose of describing equipment used for illicit narcotics.
Paraphernalia (I spelled it incorrectly in the thread title) is defined as: equipment, apparatus, or furnishing used in or necessary for a particular activity. I use it and hear it all the time in a variety of settings and you are the first to assume it only refers to drugs! Maybe we just run in different circles?

Anyway, for those questioning why I need to carry my remote it is because I have to change settings often. First of all, I'm still trying to figure out the best configuration so I will test out the different settings in different circumstances. The remote is also needed to utilize the t-coil function to change the settings to for hearing in a crowd. I'm also only 6 months in so the volume control is definitely needed for me.

I have spare batteries that I keep around at some of my normal hangouts but I use the rechargeable batteries on a day to day basis. If I want to switch to regular batteries I have to change the actual battery compartment on the CI - which means I would need to carry that around with me.

Obviously I am able to put things in my purse but that just isn't appropriate for many situations. I could always get one of those bags that attach to the keychain but I'm not in college anymore and don't want to look like it! I was just wondering if anyone had any innovative solutions or could direct me to a website that sold certain things.