
my son is 11 years old he was born with goldenhar syndrome he is t profoundly deaf. We live in jamaica w.i. there is not much in the way of anything for the deaf here especialy those with learning challenges he also has adhd i was lucky to find a tutor who was trained in teaching special need kids who are also deaf its really a financial strain but i dont mind he is my son and my best friend and icant imagine my life without him he has done numerous surgeries including open heart surgery ,just trying to get his education up to speed so he can be whatever he wants in life as his neurologist told us from day one treat him no differntly than his sister and thats what we did and now he beams with confidence and takes controll where ever he goes thats my boy in a nutshell glad i found this web site hopefully i will be able to learn from everyones experience.
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hi guys my son is 11 years old he has goldenhar syndrome he is profoundly deaf and has had numerous surgeries including open heart surgery we live in mandeville jamaica ,it was a real struggle at first with his education as he has ADHD ,not very many teachers qualified to teach deaf kids with learning disorders in jamaica anyway we finally found a tutor for him and he is doing well .I am happy to have found this website as i want the best for my son and i do any and everthing to make his life as normal as possible and the best way to learn is from other persons experiences so i hope i can call on our new family for advice from time to time.