Car accidents


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Mar 6, 2003
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It seems like we know a lot of people who were in car accidents, especially bad ones......... I know a few that died but not personally........I feel bad for those who die in accidents especially at hands of drunk drivers
I went through 3 accidents so far... Two cars and one motorcycle... first accident was total damaged... 2nd car could be repair but too expensive to fix... 3rd accident I was rear-end by another vehicle who had no insurance so I got a lawyer to sue him and got money so now I'm satisfied with my current car... perhap if I continue keep my job then I might sell my car through home-owner or throug dealer to buy a nice 30,000 car... who know...
My grandfather died in car accident because of icy road on Dec 31st,1970 in London, on the same day his son got married on the other side of the world Australia!!
The worse accident I was ever in was when I was 16. I was skipping church with my mom's van. What I usually did was take off while my parents were in church. I'd stay home or drive around for a bit until their church time was over, then I'd go back and pick them up. They never knew that I was skipping church... until this day. It was time for me to go back, so I headed out. As I was leaving, I came to a stop sign. I looked both ways, but I guess I wasn't paying much attention. A car drove by and I hit the side of the car. No, it wasn't a huge hard hit... it was more of a light tap and I barely felt a thing. Anyhow, the other car drove out of control and ran into a wall. I panicked, but managed to calm down enough to back up and stop. I went to check the driver of that car and it turned out to be a woman who seemed like she was in her 50s or something. I got ticketed for having expired insurance, which was then waived when I showed them that I already had current insurance. The woman sued my insurance company. I ended up paying the city for the damage made to the wall... approximately $1,300 to $1,700 (I don't remember). The ironic part was how this woman had a little help. It turned out that this woman was the mother of some hot shot Texas lawyer that everyone sees on television. Yes, it was the mother of Jim Adler (James Adler)... the man we all see on television commercials. Eek! My insurance skyrocketed after this accident. Because of that accident, I ended up having to pay $400 for insurance... a month! After years of being documented as accident-free, my insurance has finally gone down to $50 to $70 a month. Whew!
Yes. I have been in a couple of accidents myself. THe first time was about four years ago when my son was about a month old. I was driving my parents' car and the truck ahead of me stopped to make a right turn but had to stop completely to let a person walk. So I tried to stop but the road was icy so I couldn't stop so I crashed into the truck. I was so so so scared because the car was my parents' and I thought my dad would FLIP out. He didn't when I got home, and he called me a lady driver. :liar:

The truck driver decided not to report it to the insurance because there was no damage done on his truck but my dad had to pay 1,500 on the damages on the car.

Another accident was not my fault. The person didn't stop at the stop sign and I crashed into that car. Pfftt...

Another accident in the family resulted in the death of my uncle. He was in Montreal for a meeting and was driving his tiny jaguar and this pulp truck driver was drinking and of course, he crashed into my uncle's car and it caught fire. The accident happened on sunday but we didn't know until wednesday because they had to id him through his teeth.

That driver was charged with manslaughter and his sentence was twelve years in jail. He is probably out by now, if not then in a couple of years.

Drunk drivers ------ :rifle: :madfawk:
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ive been involved in 5 separate minor accidents where nobody was injured but have damage on the cars -- all of them other ppl's faults :roll: at ppl who are on their damn cell fones!!!!!! :madfawk: 1 occurred in a parking lot and the idiot who hit my car (while moi was parked in a legal spot) gave me a cell phone nbr that was out of service -- thank god i got all his info off his DL and got a cop friend to look up his insurance info for me and got all that and made him pay for damages -- he prolly shit shit when he realized i was able to track him down :lol:

involved in one major accident back when i was 16 -- a guy was driving down this road that was very curvy and he was speeding too -- car totalled and junked, me along with 2 other ppl out of 4 were hauled to the hospital and the 4th guy got away with just some scratches -- driver was sued for hospital costs
been involved 1 minor accident.. that time i was 16 yrs old.. just got my lincense (sp?)
anyway, 2 weeks after i got my first lincense it's a snowy day in Feb. after i done shopping at target greatland.. i was driving only 10 mph in the parking lot.. and other car about the same speed i drove toward the exit but however other driver was driving arcoss me since of nowhere.. i couldn't see that car cuz of pile of snow blocked.. and she appear i screamed.. push brakes.. 10 mph isn't enough to stop even on snow.. i ended up hit the driver's side... my car.. no big deal just stratch but the other car have totaled driver's side door.. and hurted her neck..
Police report its All-fault to me.. SUCKS and UNFAIR! that lady's insurance sued my insurance gawd!
If you have several problems with accident whoever being to be blamed you did fault.. etc etc.. simple you have to rights appeal and file for your rights.. to go court ask for bring an interpreter.. etc etc.. save your probelm-ass!!

Make them stalling little bit longer until the case solved.. than being blamed your fault accident.. Full of B.S. why what more? ,being treating you DEAF.. Who cannot hear and blah blah that so called BLAMED..

I learned it lot from my friend who had several times accident and person blamed them fault accident.. and file appeal and what the court says.. finally my friend were freed.. not their fault. Police looking for easy their life and speaking too fast then written ticket to you as your fault.. which you have not chance to talk because diffculities to written and pen really pain ass.. where can bring an interpreter emergency.??? Police arent willing to bring it.. so all their job finds sweet and short.. that lame lazy..

Important you have to rights file appeal.. before processing taking your insurance eating up.. Not worth.. don't let them win over you!
well i been involved in three fender benders, nothing crazy but the last fender bender i was waiting for poeple to get going, cuz the light had turned green so whlist it was also raining and the road was slicky, as they just had repaved the road, Well in the process of that a huge truck jerked himself to a stop causing a BMW to stop fast which caused me to stop fast only the damn truck didn't want to stop kept on rolling in the slicky oil, I was sreveing ( sp) so i can avoid hitting the bmw ONLY to no avail was a VERY VERY light damage. a tap he had NONE i had some, nothing to worry abt right? nooooooooo after i called insurance to report my accident since we didn't involve the cops cuz both cars were drivable and both of us was wearing seatbelts so we moved to the side talked abt it, i informed him i had to report this to my insurance with no problem. he understood he would do same so there wouldn't be any problems. WRONG! he's a fucking dr. so he whined soft tissue damage on his back im like wtf? i didn t hit him THAT hard just *bump* not BANG like i heard on the prevoius accident. SO he tried to make me pay MORE on my insurance even tho i was at fault the insurance went up 25 more dollars, and i was under dad's insurance we both laughed cuz the BMW tried to make us pay 1k for the dr's bill which only costs 150 bucks. at any drs office. SO he lost out on the money all i had was a slight raise in the insurance. :roll:
Me? From 1989 to 1991 I was a wreck-o-rama driver. I managed to get myself in 3 weird car wrecks:

Wreck # 1 (1988 Honda Civic) I borrowed my mother's Honda Civic (and gave her my 1980 Thunderbird) to go to work at 5 AM that day. There was a bad storm the night before. I drove at careful speed but didn't see a huge tree trunk, that was knocked down by lightning lying across the road. Slam the brakes but too late.....*BAM*, *ssssccraappee* the poor Honda ended up under the tree. Lucky thing was the tree missed peeling the roof of the car by a mere inches. All the Honda had to show was a busted driver's side mirror, cracked windshield and a lot of scratches that the tree left on the car.

Wreck # 2 (1978 Toyota Corolla) I rear-ended another Deafie's truck 'cause i was looking at a girl and didn't pay attention until it was too late. The Toyota had its nose bashed in pretty bad. The other Deafie's truck only had a teeny-weeny dent on the rear bumper. After the wreck, I made a trip to the junkyard to pick up a new front end for the Toyota. I paid 15 bucks at the time for that part. When I put the piece on the car it looked so weird-yellow car with a gray front end (I was just too lazy to paint the nose piece before putting it on the car)

Roll to November 1991 (4 months after the 2nd wreck)

Wreck # 3 (same 1978 Toyota Corolla) I was working for Pizza Hut at that time delivering pizzas. I ended up hitting a DOMINO's delivery car, a 1982 Mercury Cougar driven by a guy who lived in the same apartment complex as me. The Toyota was mangled so bad that it was pretty much a piece of junk but the Mercury was able to roll on its own! I didn't have a car for nearly 6 months after the last wreck when I ended up buying a 1982 Mercury Lynx cuz I was tired of riding bikes and buses to school and work.

Since November 1991, I hadn't had an accident by then *knock wood*
sablescort said:
Wreck # 3 (same 1978 Toyota Corolla) I was working for Pizza Hut at that time delivering pizzas. I ended up hitting a DOMINO's delivery car, a 1982 Mercury Cougar driven by a guy who lived in the same apartment complex as me. The Toyota was mangled so bad that it was pretty much a piece of junk but the Mercury was able to roll on its own!

:rofl: i think its funny how a pizza hut delivery hit a domino's delivery guy..

2 different franchies.. :rofl:
Yeah my friends at that time found it really funny about the Pizza Hut-Domino's wreck.

My mother wasn't amused :( but oh well.
:rofl: i agree with u Deafscuba abt the 2 franchises!!! hahahaha

sowwy abt that laughing Sablescort -- just glad everybody were at the time physically ok after the accident
my good friend n i went out town so i drove my car, i was stop n turned left light n waited other cars passed me but somehow behind car speed up n my friend told me LOOOK BACKKKKKKKKKK then i saw on thw mirror n say OH SHYT!!!!! i pushed my friend's head down same time my head was down then hitted my car back n my car wont stop then i stopped brake! FINALLY stopped then oldddddddddd man came to me then he blaah at me but i told him i cant hear so i looked for paper n pen but he ran n hop in car then i grabbed paper n pen wrote dow his tag nbr! then we walked to gas station n called cop. they came here i explained them what happened.. they say he is run n hit off.. so they will call me when they find him.. few days later, the cop called me then my friend n i went police station n look at photo book, we found him!!!! my braked was messed up, then i went shop n fixed it so i bring proof that i fixed braked n he needed pay me back. so set up for court... i went there w/ interputer so he sat not guilty! i was PISSED OFF!!!!! so make other day go court again!!! also, the judge wanted talk me so i stood up n talked judge front the peep there so judge do believed me so u won case! so old man got mad! then man's ins sent me check was $159.00 for brake n labor plus $200.00 for me, total was $359.00... i was WHOOAAAA!
Fly Free said:
:rofl: i agree with u Deafscuba abt the 2 franchises!!! hahahaha

sowwy abt that laughing Sablescort -- just glad everybody were at the time physically ok after the accident

nah that ok I found that amusing myself too. Same thing for the Honda under the tree wreck. But good thing was I wore I'm just a walking miracle testimony to seatbelts n Ralphie Nader :lol:
I've seen various accidents that were indeed funny.
  • Dominos & Papa Johns
  • UPS & Fedex
  • Richardson Police & Plano Police (Plano is north of Richardson)
  • police car & Dunkin Donuts truck
  • post office & Airborne Express
There are several others, but I can barely remember them. Heh!