Captioning the World, One Word at a Time


New Member
Dec 2, 2007
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The good news-- we'll see more captions on the web, thanks to the new FCC rules! FCC Announces Internet Captioning Deadlines via NAD

The not-so-good-news -- the rest of the web still has a long way to go with captions! But the solution is for more deaf and hard of hearing folks to request access to the stuff on the web.

I've joined SpeechText Access on a mission to caption the world, one word at a time.

SpeechText Access captions webinars, podcasts, radio shows, seminars, workshops, classes, meetings, tele-conferences, TV programs and videos. Anything with audio content, our aim is to make it accessible via the written word. We've got affordable rates.

For more information or to arrange for services: info(at)speechtextaccess(dot)com.
This will be good for people wanting to watch television shows online. :)
Wow.......... NAD get mad and yell to FFC force any captions on media web alike CNN and FOXNEWS. I want buy or rent movie on PSN < --- PlayStation Network need add CC or subtitle.