Can't believe that 2007 is coming!

2007 too much for me to do gee!!!
2006 has been a mixture for me, up and down. Good point, hubby and I went to UK for a few weeks in July/Aug to see his family. Just before I go to UK, I got put out of work. Now I am currently looking for a job. I went for a job interview last Monday and still have not heard anything yet. Sooo, I hope 2007 will bring me better luck for jobs so we can save up for the future cruises & renovations on my house.
2006 is a great year for me till my gf's mom broke her hip but shes okay. I dont think I am waiting for 2007. I dont want 2006 to end too fast. ;)
2006 isn't great for me but look foward new year 2007. :):):)
Oh, no! I won't hear of it as the time is up. :bowdown:
Wait and see, as me next year pleases.
I hope, everything is going to be alright. :wave:
Some of the months in the 2006 has been bad for me but I hope 2007 would be a good year for me! :fingersx:
Oh, no! I won't hear of it as the time is up. :bowdown:
Wait and see, as me next year pleases.
I hope, everything is going to be alright. :wave:


Seem like everybody feel that way since I read it... interesting... :)
The year of 2006 wasn't too bad but we do have few sad thing happening. Nothing are major serious. A lot better than 2005. And I am sure 2007 will be a great year! But I am not gonna hope this or that. I just let it flow by and see what will it happen. :thumb:

For 2007, I will have CI surgery on January 3, try have another baby, hope can go to West and visit my dad and my aunt, pay off bills, other than that I am not sure. Oh yes..visit my old school, which we'll have reunion in June 2007. I wanted to go Houston for online mother's group reunion, but conflict with Clarke Reunion. Really that's no big deal. :)

Maybe meet few of ADers later on in 2007. Who knows!
The year of 2006 wasn't too bad but we do have few sad thing happening. Nothing are major serious. A lot better than 2005. And I am sure 2007 will be a great year! But I am not gonna hope this or that. I just let it flow by and see what will it happen. :thumb:

For 2007, I will have CI surgery on January 3, try have another baby, hope can go to West and visit my dad and my aunt, pay off bills, other than that I am not sure. Oh yes..visit my old school, which we'll have reunion in June 2007. I wanted to go Houston for online mother's group reunion, but conflict with Clarke Reunion. Really that's no big deal. :)

Maybe meet few of ADers later on in 2007. Who knows!

LakeTahoe, Wow seem like a good year soon. :applause:
Hmm. What's in 2007 for me?

A BA degree in my hand. Another quarter (or two) of teaching. Some more classes to hone my art techniques. Preparations for a big move to D.C.. Ah. The moving... , no no... I don't want it to be 2007 yet!
Hmm. What's in 2007 for me?

A BA degree in my hand. Another quarter (or two) of teaching. Some more classes to hone my art techniques. Preparations for a big move to D.C.. Ah. The moving... , no no... I don't want it to be 2007 yet!

hey keeping it going..... :)
I am not sure what 2007 has instore for me, but I know 2006 was not bad at all. My family and I finally left El Paso and my family will get here in couple more. We are just ready for the next year and hope it brings a lot of joy and everything to us in 2007. Al since 2006 brought a lot of things and set us up for a bigger year.
What 2007 will bring for me.
-January start my last semester of University, enter ASL 300 at a community college (I am excited about that the most)
-March I turn 26 OMG!!!
-April Get my bachelor of Education degree. I am excited to be finished!!

And something in 2007 I hope to get engaged if it doenst happen this year (yes I still have faith it will happen this year, my bf and I have been dating 5 years!!)

Hopefully it will be a GREAT year!!
I'm LOOKING foward to 2007 for a better! That is all I want.

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