Originally posted by illustrator
BabyPhat, remmy... don't said "huh?" to Canadian. Because it's rude. Use "eh?" which is good.
Originally posted by illustrator
BabyPhat, remmy... don't said "huh?" to Canadian. Because it's rude. Use "eh?" which is good.
Originally posted by prostock19
Would you like a Molsen, ehhh?
Originally posted by illustrator
BabyPhat, remmy... don't said "huh?" to Canadian. Because it's rude. Use "eh?" which is good.
What?? Are you Sure that canada is more diverse country as not like america?? how come??Originally posted by kuifje75
In Canada, it is impossible to be out of place.
Canada is a very diverse country, unlike America.
Chinatown exists in the suburban Canada, and so does Little Indias.
Really, don't worry about it. Be yourself
Link for the mall in Montreal...
Originally posted by illustrator
BabyPhat, remmy... don't said "huh?" to Canadian. Because it's rude. Use "eh?" which is good.
Originally posted by prostock19
I want to go back to Montreal. Bars close at 4am!! Awesome nudy bars with $10 lap dances. I knw people who have had over 30 lap dances when they go there for bachelor parties.
Originally posted by ckfarbes
What?? Are you Sure that Canada is more diverse country as not like America?? how come??
Originally posted by kuifje75
Because in America, it is hard to tell. When I were in the suburbs of Toronto, a lot of signs were in Chinese, no English at all. And that was not in the city, but in suburbs. I really found that awesome. I saw a lot of diversity in Canada, and Canada does not try to impose anything onto these newcomers like the US does. As you know, America has the "American Way." but in Canada, you don't see any "Canadian way" except a beautiful mixture of diversity.
Originally posted by kuifje75
Originally posted by Freaky
BabyPhat.. enjoy your trip to Montreal!! Oh yes.. we French-Canadian chickies do pay more to our fashion trends! Do bring a warm jacket for our frosty evenings!! Be sure to sample our famous beers!! Mind you, BabyPhat... they are really strong in the alcohol content! You'd have like three and you'd be pissed-drunk! Be sure to say "Eh?" a lot to fit in and we all would love you!! Our maple syrup is to die for!! Our very diverse country is incredibly beautiful!!! Our Canadians just loves to greet each other by saying "Hi!" making eye contact. Just be sure to say "parlez vous anglais?" and they'll instantly know you need English translation. My sister is going to the WDF in Montreal this July and a lot of Deafies are going.