Can you tell when someone's behind you?

Oh I can tell- by intuition and by the wind pressure change.

You can tell by the scent of the person too as well. For example, I gave a presentation and embarrassed a woman in the classroom as well. She asked me candidly how I can tell if a woman is on her cycle; I told her right off the bat that there someone in the room is on their cycle.

The professor asked how I knew or could sense it. I explained the room was small and forced air in a small room makes it compressed; the iron from the discharged blood smells quite strong if a woman uses a sanitary napkin and does not change after several hours.

Ohhh, you should have seen how the class was stifling giggles in between being embarrassed.
I'm not completly deaf, just hard of hearing. I can't hear somebody talking behind me let alone coming up behind me. I certainly don't get a 'feeling' if there is somebody there.
Oh I can tell- by intuition and by the wind pressure change.

You can tell by the scent of the person too as well. For example, I gave a presentation and embarrassed a woman in the classroom as well. She asked me candidly how I can tell if a woman is on her cycle; I told her right off the bat that there someone in the room is on their cycle.

The professor asked how I knew or could sense it. I explained the room was small and forced air in a small room makes it compressed; the iron from the discharged blood smells quite strong if a woman uses a sanitary napkin and does not change after several hours.

Ohhh, you should have seen how the class was stifling giggles in between being embarrassed.

I have to admit, I'm not that good with smells. :giggle: But you're really good at explaining the change in wind with the compressed air in the room. I have a hard time explaining that one. :ty::ty:
Wirelessly posted (Jolie77: Mozilla/5.0 (Danger hiptop 5.0; U; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20050920)

Sure, I could "sense" if one is behind me. Well, not always, but call it a hunch. It is like when I feel something so eerie, out of place or things like that. That's when I usually sense one is behind me.

When I'm wearing my eyeglasses, I could see the reflection of a body shape on the end of the glasses. That also helps to know someone is behind me.
Wirelessly posted (Jolie77: Mozilla/5.0 (Danger hiptop 5.0; U; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20050920)

Sure, I could "sense" if one is behind me. Well, not always, but call it a hunch. It is like when I feel something so eerie, out of place or things like that. That's when I usually sense one is behind me.

When I'm wearing my eyeglasses, I could see the reflection of a body shape on the end of the glasses. That also helps to know someone is behind me.

That's really cool about seeing the reflection in glasses. I didn't know glasses could be used to see behind you. :cool2:
sometimes I can and sometimes I can not.

Depending on how they sneak up on me. Or if I am so focused on something etc.

Usually the person that does sneak up on me get a good punch from me once I am startled.
Oh I can tell- by intuition and by the wind pressure change.

You can tell by the scent of the person too as well. For example, I gave a presentation and embarrassed a woman in the classroom as well. She asked me candidly how I can tell if a woman is on her cycle; I told her right off the bat that there someone in the room is on their cycle.

The professor asked how I knew or could sense it. I explained the room was small and forced air in a small room makes it compressed; the iron from the discharged blood smells quite strong if a woman uses a sanitary napkin and does not change after several hours.

Ohhh, you should have seen how the class was stifling giggles in between being embarrassed.

That's hilarious!
im completely oblivious to to ppeople or my dog when im at home but when im out in the bublic i can somtimes feel if something or someone is near. this doesnt work all the time i still jump and get taken by surprise thats why my doctors suggested i wear this LTD thing so i can feel sound. Which didnt really last coz that thing is really annoying.
Sometimes I can't especially in places of business where the floor is usually linoleum over concrete and I can't feel the vibrations of someone behind me, and there is no shadow.

They'll be standing there saying "excuse me" over and over and then they'll finally just shove me aside and give me this "you bitch" look.

I just say "I couldn't hear you, I'm deaf." I don't apologize for something beyond my control, I just tell them why I didn't move.
Agree with Dixie on this. I can tell if it is on a bouncy floor, but on concrete or pavement, I can't. Unless they are smoking or wearing perfume or something like that.
I can't and I've broken dishes. Hubby tries to warn me now.
It seems pretty split down the middle between people who can tell and people who can't from what I can tell.
Sometimes I can't especially in places of business where the floor is usually linoleum over concrete and I can't feel the vibrations of someone behind me, and there is no shadow.

They'll be standing there saying "excuse me" over and over and then they'll finally just shove me aside and give me this "you bitch" look.

I just say "I couldn't hear you, I'm deaf." I don't apologize for something beyond my control, I just tell them why I didn't move.

i agree with u Dixie

and i like this... 'I don't apologize for something beyond my control'
i was soo used to saying 'im sory' and being polite. - now im pratiscing the same thing ur doing.:D
i have a sixth sense... JK even though my MIL think I do.

sometimes I can tell and sometimes I can't.
I can't always sense things when they are behind me. but i'm really skiddish so yes i can have that sense