Can you support Kerry without bashing Bush?

javapride said:
Reba U told us not to bash Bush yet ur bashing Kerry aren't u being hypcritical?!?!? if we point out our reasons abt Kerry u turn one face and say look at what he's trying to say so why dont u start off by practicing what u preach, Dont bash BUSH then DONT BASH KERRY simple said....

One of the posters supporting Kerry mentioned the interview that I quoted from. They are Kerry's own words. How is that bashing? I didn't say that Kerry was wrong to vote a certain way. I was just stating his record because there seemed to be some confusion about his stand on some issues. I didn't say whether or not his stand on those issues was good or bad. You might be surprised to know that I may agree with some things that he said. In his Larry King interview he said that instead of abortion we should emphasize alternatives such as adoption. I agree with him.

I never call Kerry bad names, I never say he "has to go", I never threaten him, I never wish bad things to happen to him. What is bashing?
U TOLD us not to talk negtive abt bush or even bring bush up, yet ur talking negtive abt kerry so thats a hypocritial aspect im seeing * heading out of here ur just asking for trouble and im not one to fall for it * :roll:
javapride said:
U TOLD us not to talk negtive abt bush or even bring bush up, yet ur talking negtive abt kerry so thats a hypocritial aspect im seeing * heading out of here ur just asking for trouble and im not one to fall for it * :roll:

What negative thing did I say about Kerry?
Reba said:
I am trying to give Kerry's supporters the opportunity to prove that their candidate is a good choice, based on his own merits. I want you to tell me that you are voting for Kerry because he is best suited for the job of President. I see many postings saying the reasons people don't want Bush re-elected but I rarely see any postings explaining why Kerry (or Nader, let's be fair) would be a good alternative. I am asking not what you are against (negative) but what are you for (positive).

I am voting fo Kerry because I think Bush Is the worst President in the history of the United States
bbnt said:
I am voting fo Kerry because I think Bush Is the worst President in the history of the United States
I reviewed your previous posts in this thread topic, and cannot find you giving even one positive statement about Kerry or his platform. Can you please tell me what things Kerry would do differently from Bush? Why do you like Kerry?
Reba said:
I reviewed your previous posts in this thread topic, and cannot find you giving even one positive statement about Kerry or his platform. Can you please tell me what things Kerry would do differently from Bush? Why do you like Kerry?

I don't have any real opionion of Kerry, I feel Bush is so grossly incompetent any one else would be better
I do not care for either Kerry or Bush, but I will vote Democrat since a Dem tends to appoint Supreme Court Justices who tend to uphold our Constitution.
Beowulf said:
... Dem tends to appoint Supreme Court Justices who tend to uphold our Constitution.
LOL! I would love to reply but I don't want to be accused of "bashing" on this thread, so I'll let that one go this time. :lol:
bbnt said:
I am voting fo Kerry because I think Bush Is the worst President in the history of the United States

And I believe that Kerry will clean up the mess that Bush left behind.... :bye:

More jobs I hope! :fingersx: