I've never heard of it being a requirement.
Not everyone can be helped with hearing aids.
I was curious.
Legally, can an employeer require someone to wear a hearing aid? Are they even legally able to bring up the subject?
I've heard someone mention it on this site actually, that they were required by the USDA to wear their hearing aid. I suppose if your employment requires you to pass a hearing test and you fail it without and pass it with then it could be a requirement, similar to requiring someone to wear their distance vision glasses while driving a commercial vehicle. Nobody disputes that is a good idea, do they?
It would have to be determined that hearing was absolutely essential to the job description and could not be replaced by other appropriate equipment or service, however, e.g. interpreter, vibrating/flashing warning technology. I can't yet think of a situation where being able to hear is irreplaceable in the way that vision would be for driving, but in that situation I think an employer could require you to wear your hearing aids during duty hours in order to meet the conditions of employment. It would be less clear if they have to pay you during hearing aid repair period or if they have to provide you with alternative employment, as you are not "sick" and are willing to work but have been let down by technology.
I was curious.
Legally, can an employer require someone to wear a hearing aid? Are they even legally able to bring up the subject?
Big difference is commercial where you have responsibility for others and private where only responsible to yourself.
absolutely ! They sign the pay check and therefor have the right to determine what is acceptable and what is not. Yes as a condition of employment, hearing can be required. Examples, Tower operator, better be able to hear many radios and different conversations at once. I was unable to get a commercial marine license years ago because I could not hear well enough to determine direction of a bell in the fog. I contend that person with normal hearing can not either but that does not matter. Just recently a lady born w/o arms obtained a pilots license but she will never be able to get a commercial license. part of life. Big difference is commercial where you have responsibility for others and private where only responsible to yourself.