Can we really run car with water?


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Jun 20, 2008
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Can we run our car with water and gas?
Can anybody tell me is the HHO Gas is real working or is another scam?
Someday. I can't wait.

But one thing I worry... That way they create hydrogen that mean they get water as H20 and split to h2 and 0. Will that also damage water as it fate away? I mean, sure there are plenty water as 90% on planets. If we keep use water daily for next thousand years, water will drain from 90% to 70 or 60%? who know.
Let's hope for the saltwater we could use, awfully plenty and cheap for sure! lol
Hooray to hydrogen, fuel cell vehicle, it's all way for future.

Bye bye to crude oil
Water as a supplement to Gasoline!

hi there, I use water to fuel a car as a supplement to gasoline. In fact, very little water is needed, only one quart of water provides over 1800 gallons of HHO gas which can literally last for months and significantly increase your car fuel efficiently, improve emissions quality, and save money. I found the way through this site RUN YOUR CAR ON WATER i really recommend it to everybody, it's a nice ebook where you can find the instructions on how to do it! take a look.
Someday. I can't wait.

But one thing I worry... That way they create hydrogen that mean they get water as H20 and split to h2 and 0. Will that also damage water as it fate away? I mean, sure there are plenty water as 90% on planets. If we keep use water daily for next thousand years, water will drain from 90% to 70 or 60%? who know.

Well, we can renew water ourselves, because we can make the base molecules in a lab pretty easily. I doubt we could ever use all the water on the planet, but we could find a way to replace it if it started to look like we were.

We however -can't- renew oil in the same way.

And we are unlikely to run out of hydrogen either, as it is the most abundant chemical element in the universe. Oxygen is the third most abundant, but we should be sure to conserve plants because they are our main source for renewing oxygen (and filtering carbon dioxide) on Earth.
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A potential advantage of hydrogen is that it could be produced and consumed continuously, using solar, water, wind and nuclear power for electrolysis. Currently, however, hydrogen vehicles utilizing hydrogen produce more pollution than vehicles consuming gasoline, diesel, or methane in a modern internal combustion engine, and far more than plug-in hybrid electric vehicles.[5][2] This is because, although hydrogen fuel cells generate no CO2, production of the hydrogen creates additional emissions.[6] While methods of hydrogen production that do not use fossil fuel would be more sustainable,[7] currently such production is not economically feasible, and diversion of renewable energy (which represents only 2% of energy generated) to the production of hydrogen for transportation applications is inadvisable.[2]

That's according to Wikipedia. It says hydrogen powered car creates more pollution, weird.
A potential advantage of hydrogen is that it could be produced and consumed continuously, using solar, water, wind and nuclear power for electrolysis. Currently, however, hydrogen vehicles utilizing hydrogen produce more pollution than vehicles consuming gasoline, diesel, or methane in a modern internal combustion engine, and far more than plug-in hybrid electric vehicles.[5][2] This is because, although hydrogen fuel cells generate no CO2, production of the hydrogen creates additional emissions.[6] While methods of hydrogen production that do not use fossil fuel would be more sustainable,[7] currently such production is not economically feasible, and diversion of renewable energy (which represents only 2% of energy generated) to the production of hydrogen for transportation applications is inadvisable.[2]

That's according to Wikipedia. It says hydrogen powered car creates more pollution, weird.

Well, more accurately, it says producing the hydrogen makes more pollution, not the cars themselves (which is currently true, but not scientifically hard to fix, only economically difficult)

Also. My theory is, while it would take a big shift in production methods, (using clean, renewable energy to get hydrogen) we can start doing it right now in order to help that shift.

People make the mistake of expecting a big jump, and we simply can't do that, with the infrastructure that we have in place. But we can begin to start doing it with spare private resources (and I hope someone is already doing this). Get the ball rolling, so to speak. We just can't afford to convert fossil fuel plants into hydrogen plants, without still using fossil fuels to make them... but somebody, somewhere, should start a private venture to help get things moving using alternate methods... if we keep waiting because it seems too hard, it won't ever happen.
To demonstrate the problem:

It's possible for you to extract hydrogen right in your home, with the right materials and using renewable resources (solar, wind, thermal, hydroelectric, whatever)

The problem would be, it would be small, because you probably can't afford enough components to make a significant amount (unless you are extremely rich, and even still it would take bodies to do everything... you'd need to hire a lot of people)... so you need to go bigger, and that takes money, and resources, and manpower. (not to mention a lot of physical space, too)
Can we run our car with water and gas?
Can anybody tell me is the HHO Gas is real working or is another scam?

It's not really scam. It's the fact. But do not buy online that look like Jelly jar with spiral of wires in it with (+) and (-) battery terminal hookup on top. It's a scam.

The real thing is you'll have to produce water into hydrogen gas thru electrosys just like overcharging car battery (example).

Here's the Youtube video to give you demo.

YouTube - Hydrogen Technology

The guy show demostration how Hydrogen can cut metals and run car. Interesting.

Not if the government regulators approve that.

Are you really fall in love with crude oil?

Crude oil wouldn't here for very long time, it getting more and more expensive if supply is continue to increase.
hi there, I use water to fuel a car as a supplement to gasoline. In fact, very little water is needed, only one quart of water provides over 1800 gallons of HHO gas which can literally last for months and significantly increase your car fuel efficiently, improve emissions quality, and save money. I found the way through this site RUN YOUR CAR ON WATER i really recommend it to everybody, it's a nice ebook where you can find the instructions on how to do it! take a look.

Oh, that's very interesting...

Wal mart will gonna be your station to refill the water when on road, 1 gallon of GV water cost $1, that great, lol.
It's not really scam. It's the fact. But do not buy online that look like Jelly jar with spiral of wires in it with (+) and (-) battery terminal hookup on top. It's a scam.

The real thing is you'll have to produce water into hydrogen gas thru electrosys just like overcharging car battery (example).

Here's the Youtube video to give you demo.

YouTube - Hydrogen Technology

The guy show demostration how Hydrogen can cut metals and run car. Interesting.


Yeah, that kind of shows how viable hydrogen is.
But I would think it also shows (I am not sure what they actually say but based on the generator he is using...) is that you still require -electricity- to make hydrogen, and to make electricity, we need something besides hydrogen to power it (solar or whatever) otherwise, making hydrogen is still polluting the environment, even though running it in a car itself would not (at least not nearly as much as oil based fuels)
Well, more accurately, it says producing the hydrogen makes more pollution, not the cars themselves (which is currently true, but not scientifically hard to fix, only economically difficult)

Also. My theory is, while it would take a big shift in production methods, (using clean, renewable energy to get hydrogen) we can start doing it right now in order to help that shift.

People make the mistake of expecting a big jump, and we simply can't do that, with the infrastructure that we have in place. But we can begin to start doing it with spare private resources (and I hope someone is already doing this). Get the ball rolling, so to speak. We just can't afford to convert fossil fuel plants into hydrogen plants, without still using fossil fuels to make them... but somebody, somewhere, should start a private venture to help get things moving using alternate methods... if we keep waiting because it seems too hard, it won't ever happen.

Big oil corporations can afford it. They make billions, billions and more billions to convert to hydrogen plants. I hope they figure out how to reduce pollution creating hydrogen.
Big oil corporations can afford it. They make billions, billions and more billions to convert to hydrogen plants. I hope they figure out how to reduce pollution creating hydrogen.

Oh, they can definitely afford to make hydrogen, and it would help with the oil problems. Getting rid of the pollution is the expensive part, though. It is not just converting that costs money, but the infrastructure depends on what is being currently produced. It has to be phased in, the components have to be made and installed, power sources have to be changed, -while- still supporting fossil fuels in the transition phase (otherwise things will collapse).