Jillio: Section 504 doesn't apply to judicial branch, right? Does any discrimination law? I can't find any, but I must be wrong (I hope)
The Power and Scope of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act--Using it to Advocate for Your Rights as a Person with a Disability
Section 504 applies to any entity that receives any kind of federal funding. Regarding the judicial branch, to refuse to provied effective communication violates existing due process laws, so not only are deaf individuals protected under various sections of the ADA, but also under existing laws that protect everyone from discrimination in the legal system. Section 504 specifically covers things like jails, prisons, half way houses, etc. once a conviction has been obtained and the sentence is being carried out.The Rehabilitation Act does not apply to the Judicial Branch or federal courts.
Is this article old and now incorrect?
From Access to the Courts -
A Guide to Reasonable Accommodations for People with Disabilities
Your Rights in Federal Courts
What are my rights to reasonable accommodations in federal courts?
Neither the ADA nor any other federal law gives you the right to a reasonable accommodation for your disability in federal court proceedings. Federal courts include district courts, bankruptcy courts, circuit courts of appeals, and the United States Supreme Court.
I don't believe federal courts can discriminate against people with disability. They can't, right?