Can someone who is severely deaf talk normally?

Oy. Fuzzy's posts were too long to read. Im too tired for this anymore.
I am not sure what are you getting at - I thought we were debating
if "someone who is severely deaf can talk normally?"

At least that's what I got from the thread's title...


You infer only way be easy understood is speak clearly. I pick colourful way tell you other way be understood USE SIGN LANGUAGE!
Option 3. Someone use sign language.

Sunny, I liked your answer.

Fuzzy, an audits view is one where this third option is forgotten or ignored. This is an example where audism is not easily recognized unless you are looking for it.
You infer only way be easy understood is speak clearly. I pick colourful way tell you other way be understood USE SIGN LANGUAGE!

I infer only way is to speak clearly? where? please show me.

and oh, absolutely not.

Please tell me Sunshine, what is the thread title?

Since you accuse me, please be just to me as well, okay, please ?

oops, I forgot about this thread -
no, not to "please" - it's merely a matter of practicality.

If you speak clearly, and clearly being considered 'normal' as in 'hearing way'- you are being easily understood.
Not only by the hearies, by the deaf and HoH, too.

Personally as HoH (if wearing HAs) I find it very hard to understand "deaf speech". Or mustachios, or beards etc.


I infer only way is to speak clearly? where? please show me.

and oh, absolutely not.

Please tell me Sunshine, what is the thread title?

Since you accuse me, please be just to me as well, okay, please ?


Top quote, this where you imply this.
Fuzzy, an audits view is one where this third option is forgotten or ignored.

Cheetah - I understand what is an audist view or nature of audism,

but for once I would like you, Cheetah, to address the matter we are discussing right now which is
- can a deaf person speak clearly like a hearing person?
Or, if you like it better - can a deaf person speak without "deaf accent"?

What does speaking clearly by a deaf person got anything to do with audism?

Can not a deaf person want to speak clearly?
How does that exclude using ASL?

Can you answer that, please?

You understand what word "imply" mean...?

I do,
and you, do you understand where did I placed my world "only"?

Not only by the hearies, by the deaf and HoH, too.

Please read it again, and tell me what exactly what I have 'implied'.

You infer only way be easy understood is speak clearly. I pick colourful way tell you other way be understood USE SIGN LANGUAGE!

I think you owe me an apology, Sunshine :(

Yes a deaf person can talk like a hearing person but a deaf person CANNOT understand spoken language like a hearing person no matter what devices they have. Just no way in hell.
Thought so.

Sunshine, you thought I've said "the only way for the deaf is to speak clearly"
in fact what I've really said is
"speaking clearly is good not only for the hearies but for the deaf, too"
which is totally different meaning.

That's too bad you have no guts to admit you were wrong Sunshine,

but that was to be expected. none of you screaming "audist!" ever do.

Yes a deaf person can talk like a hearing person but a deaf person CANNOT understand spoken language like a hearing person no matter what devices they have. Just no way in hell.

Strange, I do. It may not sound exactly the same but I certainly understand it.
Thought so.

Sunshine, you thought I've said "the only way for the deaf is to speak clearly"
in fact what I've really said is
"speaking clearly is good not only for the hearies but for the deaf, too"
which is totally different meaning.

That's too bad you have no guts to admit you were wrong Sunshine,

but that was to be expected. none of you screaming "audist!" ever do.


No, what i thought you said was speaking clearly is good for hearies and deafies. And what *i* say is what is BETTER for deaf people is sign language.
Yes a deaf person can talk like a hearing person but a deaf person CANNOT understand spoken language like a hearing person no matter what devices they have. Just no way in hell.

Absolutely, I agree, that is not possible.

Just to clarify, I wasn't implying that.
I was saying the opposite- that for the deaf person it is important that the SPEECH they hear is as clear as possible, even if it is coming from the deaf person.

Absolutely, I agree, that is not possible.

Just to clarify, I wasn't implying that.
I was saying the opposite- that for the deaf person it is important that the SPEECH they hear is as clear as possible, even if it is coming from the deaf person.


And what I was saying is what BETTER is they have people signing to them. :wave:
No, what i thought you said was speaking clearly is good for hearies and deafies. And what *i* say is what is BETTER for deaf people is sign language.

Well, this is what you have said just a few posts before:

You infer only way be easy understood is speak clearly.

I didn't say "only way to be understood", period.

Absolutely, I agree, that is not possible.

Just to clarify, I wasn't implying that.
I was saying the opposite- that for the deaf person it is important that the SPEECH they hear is as clear as possible, even if it is coming from the deaf person.


If it is better for deaf people to have good speech then it is better for hearing people to have good signing skills.
And what I was saying is what BETTER is they have people signing to them.

And you are right. For the deaf is better to sign than to speak.

But what does it has to do with whether is it possible or not
for the deaf person to perfect their speaking abilities to the point of sounding
as close as "hearies" if they want to?


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