Can someone deaf receive SS/SSI

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Thank you so much!

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I really felt like I was about an inch tall with her comments.:Oops: maybe a little embarrassed. You have made me feel a little better. I really don't know why I felt the need to explain to her...but, se did make me mad at first. I am not lazy.

So, you really like your CI? Does SSI/SS medicaid/ medicare pay for it? I really think I should go for it if approved. Like I said-I miss my kids voices. I also miss the sound of water; creek, waterfalls, etc.

And you guys are smart to catch that...120hrs? I would like to know how.:crazy:

Well, thanks again!
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Social Security is famous for dragging things out longer than should be necessary. Call them back. If they give you a time when you should have a decision, and you still haven't heard anything, call them again. Keep calling until they get tired of hearing from you, and find the paperwork that is just sitting on someone's desk, and process it. Since you have worked in the past, and paid into social security with each paycheck you received, this is your money that you are entitled to. They will try to put you off until you get so frustrated that you just give up. Don't allow them to do that to you. If you have to, be rude about it.

Thanks for the info. They, (SS) are definitely taking their good ole time making a decision!
I really felt like I was about an inch tall with her comments.:Oops: maybe a little embarrassed. You have made me feel a little better. I really don't know why I felt the need to explain to her...but, se did make me mad at first. I am not lazy.

So, you really like your CI? Does SSI/SS medicaid/ medicare pay for it? I really think I should go for it if approved. Like I said-I miss my kids voices. I also miss the sound of water; creek, waterfalls, etc.

And you guys are smart to catch that...120hrs? I would like to know how.:crazy:

Well, thanks again!

Don't be embarrassed. You don't have to explain to her at all!

Yeah, I am liking my CI so far, Medicaid and Medicare paid for the CI, the surgery and all CI related expenses. I haven't had to shell out a single cent so far. If you really want one, go for it! :)
Wow...some angry people here, heh?

I will be neutral here. I understand your need for SSI to keep your family together so u can figure out what path is right for u. I would rather choose ssi than have my family's finances fall apart. It was emergency situation that caused me to apply for ssi benefits. I was in my 1st semester of grad school when my ex hubby left me for another woman. I had to choose between dropping out of school to get a job to pay my bills and debts or get ssi and live with roommates until I finished college and get a job that. I chose the latter and I do not regret it. Yes, iam paying ssdi back because I continued to get checks during my 1st year at my teaching job. The reason for it cuz my first year, I was contractual meaning my position at the time didn't have paid sick days nor vacation meaning over the summers while school was closed I wouldn't get paid at all so ssdi saved my ass in those 3 years as a student and contractual teacher. I know I was going to have to pay ssdi back for that first year on my job and I am doing that.

Like people who get laid off or injured, they collect benefits until they get their lives back on track. I saw ssdi as the same concept.

If people r taking advantage of it like Kalista said about those people she mentioned then that's not right. If those people have been looking for jobs or going to school, I see nothing wrong with getting ssi/ssdi benefits.

About the CIs, I am neutral. Like Lucia said, it is nobody else's business.

Since my situation was so dire, I filled out an "emergency" amendment to make the process of applying for my ssdi income faster. I had to show justification for it and I believe the whole process took 3 months b4 I finally got my 1st check.

Try contacting the office about that emergency amendment. Hope they still allow it. My situation was 7 years ago so I don't know if the rules have changed or not.

I can understand about quitting your job. During my undergrad studies, I was required to a praticum teaching in a hearing class. There were about 15 students in that class and boy, it was hell for me cuz I just simply cudnt follow what the students were saying and many of the students had trouble understanding my "deaf" voice. Mind u, that time I didn't know any ASL so an terp wud have been out of the question for me. It left a bad taste that is still there for me. I do not want to teach hearing kids thru spoken language ever again. That experience was highly stressful for me.

I couldn't do a practicum at a deaf school due to not being proficent in ASL. Go I am proficent in ASL and teach at a deaf school and loving it. Thanks to SSDI for maing that possible. :)
You're right!

Wow...some angry people here, heh?

I will be neutral here. I understand your need for SSI to keep your family together so u can figure out what path is right for u. I would rather choose ssi than have my family's finances fall apart. It was emergency situation that caused me to apply for ssi benefits. I was in my 1st semester of grad school when my ex hubby left me for another woman. I had to choose between dropping out of school to get a job to pay my bills and debts or get ssi and live with roommates until I finished college and get a job that. I chose the latter and I do not regret it. Yes, iam paying ssdi back because I continued to get checks during my 1st year at my teaching job. The reason for it cuz my first year, I was contractual meaning my position at the time didn't have paid sick days nor vacation meaning over the summers while school was closed I wouldn't get paid at all so ssdi saved my ass in those 3 years as a student and contractual teacher. I know I was going to have to pay ssdi back for that first year on my job and I am doing that.

Like people who get laid off or injured, they collect benefits until they get their lives back on track. I saw ssdi as the same concept.

If people r taking advantage of it like Kalista said about those people she mentioned then that's not right. If those people have been looking for jobs or going to school, I see nothing wrong with getting ssi/ssdi benefits.

About the CIs, I am neutral. Like Lucia said, it is nobody else's business.

Since my situation was so dire, I filled out an "emergency" amendment to make the process of applying for my ssdi income faster. I had to show justification for it and I believe the whole process took 3 months b4 I finally got my 1st check.

Try contacting the office about that emergency amendment. Hope they still allow it. My situation was 7 years ago so I don't know if the rules have changed or not.

I can understand about quitting your job. During my undergrad studies, I was required to a praticum teaching in a hearing class. There were about 15 students in that class and boy, it was hell for me cuz I just simply cudnt follow what the students were saying and many of the students had trouble understanding my "deaf" voice. Mind u, that time I didn't know any ASL so an terp wud have been out of the question for me. It left a bad taste that is still there for me. I do not want to teach hearing kids thru spoken language ever again. That experience was highly stressful for me.

I couldn't do a practicum at a deaf school due to not being proficent in ASL. Go I am proficent in ASL and teach at a deaf school and loving it. Thanks to SSDI for maing that possible. :)

I think I picked a touchy topic. Wow, you sure have had it going on , huh? I try to realize in my life that for all the bad times I'm going through, someone else is going through worse.

I have not heard of that emergency amend. but, it is worth looking into. If I had known about it before I might have already been approved. I think that is the worst part fo me...not knowing if I got it. We are sooo in the hole in the bank. We have used up all our savings trying to keep our heads above water since Nov 2006. I really didn't know it would take this long and we only planned for about 3 months. My husbands check is electronically put in the bank and because we stay in the hole we never have any cash money!
I think I picked a touchy topic. Wow, you sure have had it going on , huh? I try to realize in my life that for all the bad times I'm going through, someone else is going through worse.

I have not heard of that emergency amend. but, it is worth looking into. If I had known about it before I might have already been approved. I think that is the worst part fo me...not knowing if I got it. We are sooo in the hole in the bank. We have used up all our savings trying to keep our heads above water since Nov 2006. I really didn't know it would take this long and we only planned for about 3 months. My husbands check is electronically put in the bank and because we stay in the hole we never have any cash money!

Ah...what happened while I was a grad student was nothing compared to what I went thru growing up. LOL!

Yes, there are people worse off than we are but u know what? We have to do what we have to survive. If I had let my pride or follow the "Be proud to be Deaf and able to work" way and not applied for SSDI benefits, I probably would have never finished school and be working 2 jobs to make ends needs. Those people who are all about being proud rather than getting some help wont be paying for my bills or keep me from filing for bankrupty, wouldnt they? No, this was about me and my life...just like u are doing what u need to do to ensure that you and your family dont fall apart. Ignore those who say getting SSI or SSDI being lazy or whatever. I posted my experiences with paying SSDI back in another thread and some hearing ADers bashed me and deaf people in general saying that it wasnt right for us to get SSDI or SSI benefits. How it was unfair..I told them that life is not fair and we have to do what we can do to survive or make the opportunities happen for us.
I was on SSA for many years till I got job two years ago. I remember I applied in July and got approved in Oct and started collect SSA Dec for Jan.
Ah...what happened while I was a grad student was nothing compared to what I went thru growing up. LOL!

Yes, there are people worse off than we are but u know what? We have to do what we have to survive. If I had let my pride or follow the "Be proud to be Deaf and able to work" way and not applied for SSDI benefits, I probably would have never finished school and be working 2 jobs to make ends needs. Those people who are all about being proud rather than getting some help wont be paying for my bills or keep me from filing for bankrupty, wouldnt they? No, this was about me and my life...just like u are doing what u need to do to ensure that you and your family dont fall apart. Ignore those who say getting SSI or SSDI being lazy or whatever. I posted my experiences with paying SSDI back in another thread and some hearing ADers bashed me and deaf people in general saying that it wasnt right for us to get SSDI or SSI benefits. How it was unfair..I told them that life is not fair and we have to do what we can do to survive or make the opportunities happen for us.

That's right, we have to swallow our pride sometimes to get what we need.
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While I certainly don’t agree with everything that Kalista says, I can honestly say that you have no right to judge her own experiences. I have been a single mother of two children and I can assure you that I worked that many hours at multiple jobs before. When I first lost my hearing, I was in college. I had my first child soon after and had to work a 30 hour week at a gas station, while doing my student teaching, finishing up my college classes, and nursing an infant. I got very little sleep during that time of my life. Later, after my second child, I worked 3 jobs just to make ends meet. How dare you say that Kalista is a liar when you don’t even know her or her circumstances????

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You seem to have a habit of talking out your backside! My husband received a CI in September. He has suffered from extreme vertigo ever since. While he is able to hear now, he regrets being implanted because he feels more impaired by the vertigo (dizziness/nausea) than he ever felt from his lack of hearing. Although this side effect of CI is rare, it DOES HAPPEN. Just because it isn’t YOUR experience, doesn’t mean it isn’t someone elses!

That being said….I have had several friends who did not suffer from vertigo and have had a very favorable reaction to their CI. It all depends on the individual, and it is my understanding that latent deaf have a greater chance of a good outcome with CI than others.

Like Kalista, I am against us using our deafness to collect SSDI if we are capable of working. And, since I too am latent AND was a teacher for many years (I am currently taking time off to raise my children, but am not doing so at the taxpayers expense), I feel I have a better understanding of this situation than anyone else responding here.

Unfortunately, I am not a candidate for CI, but if I were, I would certainly look into getting one. My first step would be to contact VR and find the best way to finance a CI.

Even without a CI it is possible to continue working as a teacher, I did. It wasn’t easy. I had to have some accommodations and my coworkers help me out a bit, but nothing too extensive. Don’t let deafness become a DISABILITY for you. You need to take charge of your life.
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Oh, and for the record, I do not find anything wrong with collecting SSDI short-term in order to get your life back on track. I only have a problem with it when it is used long-term as a way of life.
I have had jobs where I was able to get online while on breaks. And there are 168 hours in a week. If she is working 80 hours a week, that still leaves 88 hours unaccounted for. And if she is working 120, then God Bless her! but still 48 hours to call her own. Believe me, it is possible.
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I did work 99 hours in one week a few times. It was hell but possible.

From my experience working at a group home is like living at home taking care of grown kids. For me, it was pretty easy which made it possible for me to work 40 hours at that job during the weekends while working 40 hours as a teacher during the week for 2 years.

However, I am not siding with anyone here but just saying that due to my experience working that many hours and working at a group home, I think working up to 100 hours a week is possible. 120, I am not so sure about but then again, never know.
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When I was working two full time jobs, it did take a toll on my health especially when I got pregnant and developed atrial fibrillation due to the stress and being overworked. Ended up in the hospital for that for a week. It can take a toll on anyone's heath working like a dog year after year.

Now, I work 1 job..thank goodness but I miss the MOLA!!! :giggle:
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Even without a CI it is possible to continue working as a teacher, I did. It wasn’t easy. I had to have some accommodations and my coworkers help me out a bit, but nothing too extensive. Don’t let deafness become a DISABILITY for you. You need to take charge of your life.

That's good for u but your teaching experience with hearing children (if I am correct?) may not be the same for others. For myself, I know I can teach hearing kids with accodomations but I quit due to all the stress from misunderstanding the children and them misunderstanding me. Even with an terp, I felt awkward having the terp voice for me since I grew up voicing for myself so it wasnt an ideal situation for me. I chose not to teach a large classroom full of hearing children again. It is not something I enjoy so I took charge of my life by finding the job that I can enjoy which I do now.

I just realized that many of us, including myself, are making this into a CI and SSI debate. The thread creator just asked us a simple question so I will stop with this debate about the differeent issues here. If I go off topic again in thise thread, feel free to :slap: me. LOL!
Mod's Note:

This thread will be closed at the moment for review. Some of the comments and posts might be removed.

Now in retrospect, Please keep the belittling to yourselves out of consideration for others. While there might be some disagreement to this issue, it is always good to have a discussion on hand but not when it is spiraling out of control, or to name a few.
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During this review...if any such action is needed for giving warnings, etc., it will or may come down to that as well. Sometimes, members just don't know when to 'bite their tongue' and back off if there isn't anything nice to say or have any considerate thought(s)/opinion(s)/solution(s) to's much better to refrain from saying 'anything' at all....otherwise obviously, it drags on and on, like Jolie_77 stated when it's starting to spiral out of control....


Mod's Note:

Some of the posts and comments were removed/edited to keep it down a tone or two.

This is about having a discussion of SS/SSI not Cochlear Implant since it is irrevelant. It is best to maintain on the topic rather than having a thread being hijacked. Let's owe it to yourself and to ourselves to keep a cool, level-head in this thread to learn or rather to broaden our horizons on this issue.

Bashing, Provoking, Belittling, Enticing, so and on are not necessary. We all are adults here, let's work together to have all of our 'heads' to be opinionated but yet, to keep it at a sane but reasonable discussion.

Thank You.

P.S., Just a warning - If this thread starts to spiral out of control again, It will be closed permanently.
I used to have SSI but not anymore, I'm working now.. I love to working becuase I work hard to earn money than getting money so easy... Also, my parents raised me to work instead of having SSI but I got SSI due by my home in Michigan that have jobs that don't hire anymore... So, now I live in Washington State that where have more jobs and my boyfriend live, it is more easier for me to find a job. But I already have a job for almost 8 months, I love it. And, I worked for 90 hours a week... I work alot of overtime since I got hired, almost never get stable hours for a week. But I enjoy it ;) and all of deaf people COULD find a job, I know they could. But their choose.
I used to have SSI but not anymore, I'm working now.. I love to working becuase I work hard to earn money than getting money so easy... Also, my parents raised me to work instead of having SSI but I got SSI due by my home in Michigan that have jobs that don't hire anymore... So, now I live in Washington State that where have more jobs and my boyfriend live, it is more easier for me to find a job. But I already have a job for almost 8 months, I love it. And, I worked for 90 hours a week... I work alot of overtime since I got hired, almost never get stable hours for a week. But I enjoy it ;) and all of deaf people COULD find a job, I know they could. But their choose.

I'm glad you have a job that you like!

Unfortunately, since I have hip dysplasia and I have back problems, I can't walk far nor can I do a lot of physical work, so that really cuts out a lot of jobs. I used to work factory jobs when I was in better health and younger (18-20) but I can no longer work those type of jobs. Currently I am trying to figure out what I want to do. I'm tired of school, I want to start working and earning money already but not too sure what I want to do, I want to make sure it is a job I will like and can stay with for 20+ years, I don't want to float around from shit job to shit job. I want to stay with one job. I am thinking of getting a job doing medical records or something like that. I'd go into medical transcriptions but that requires phone use, I think.
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