Can Life Without Sex Be Happy?

I'm celibate and happy, so I guess it's possible to go thru life without it. Although, I don't expect the majority of people to agree with me.
I'm celibate and happy, so I guess it's possible to go thru life without it. Although, I don't expect the majority of people to agree with me.

It is weird..when I am in a relationship, I seem to be not in the mood for it as much as I am when I am single. It is like when it is not available, I WANT it but when it is available..blah! :lol:
It is weird..when I am in a relationship, I seem to be not in the mood for it as much as I am when I am single. It is like when it is not available, I WANT it but when it is available..blah! :lol:

I'm like that too. I have to be next to a man like my husband LOL
I'm celibate and happy, so I guess it's possible to go thru life without it. Although, I don't expect the majority of people to agree with me.

Probably not, Ocean!...But this one lady does agree w/ya! Even my friends think I'm strange and at times do "try to fix me up"....even one friend said...."you need to get rid of all those cobwebs"!! Duh??...
Oceanbreeze....maybe that's a reflection on how good your platonic realtionships are.
Being all " I love you" to my really close platonic friends can be almost as good as having sex.....hell, when my first girlfriend kissed me on the cheek, I thought I was going to die of happiness. Heck when I was cuddling with Hannah I felt AMAZING.......and I have to say that I think many of the people who are obessed with sex or who have a sex addict attitude towards sex, just have the wrong attitude about sex.So many of them have crappy self esteem or are trying to fit in or feel loved or whatever through sex.
One of the things that annoys me about asexuals is that they seem to think that sexual folks are hot and horny and turned on all the time.
Maybe a lot of the asexual folks just haven't made the love someone and having sex is a way to show that special person that you love them. I didn't make that connection until I was fifteen.......Maybe they just haven't found the person that turns them on "that way" yet.

It's kind of ironic because in accusing asexuals of generalizing, you're generalizing yourself. I'm sure some asexuals see sexuals as hot and horny but I am sure others can rationalize their differences and realize sex is just another way to express love for many and at the same time can be a separate desire for others.
It's kind of ironic because in accusing asexuals of generalizing, you're generalizing yourself. I'm sure some asexuals see sexuals as hot and horny but I am sure others can rationalize their differences and realize sex is just another way to express love for many and at the same time can be a separate desire for others.

Someone take the flamethrower away from CJB. It hurts too much to watch. :laugh2:
Sex is natural. It can be fun or not... way not.
Can you be happy without it? Yes, if its a choice. heh
if it would just stay sex it would be a mighty fine thing.

Or not. It is a more enjoyable topic of discussion than it is a reality. Who would have thought I would say a thing like that? Who knows what the year will bring. I am in wait and see mode. Love is around the corner I can smell it or her, smells mighty fine too, better than fresh pizza and better than most flowers. It could be a trap maybe I should stick a cellphone camera around that corner first. Might be a Venus Flytrap!
Relatioonships that center around sex will often fail.

For me, one thing that I must have is physical contact, not necessarily sex. But to be held, especially when I'm upset or when I'm trying to sleep...those things I cannot live without.
so if you

Had to give sex to have love would it stay love? If you had to give love to have sex would it stay love?
One of the things that annoys me about asexuals is that they seem to think that sexual folks are hot and horny and turned on all the time.

:shock: Did you even check out AVEN? Before going off on a rant: most of asexual folks are actually more open-minded than any heterosexual thats so against homosexuals. What about those folks who are so intense about their religion?!?!?!??!! Those kind of folks that think missionary position is the only way to have sex? What about those folks who get upset anytime someone wears anything that does not cover every single inch of their limbs or certain sections of their skin, or those women who were stoned to death just for being "caught" in the same area of a man thats not related in certain areas of the world, or those folks who censor everything their children watch on tv or ban tv entirely because its too much sexual content? Or what about those folks who are trying to end the porno industry because its evil?

Most of those have been done by 99 % of sexual folks, and only 1% of the asexuals per the article of asexuals believed to being only 1% of the population. So whos more guilty? :hmm:

Maybe a lot of the asexual folks just haven't made the love someone and having sex is a way to show that special person that you love them. I didn't make that connection until I was fifteen.......Maybe they just haven't found the person that turns them on "that way" yet.

Okkkkkkkkk...... stereotyping your screen name I'm guessing youre a lesbian: Using that same reasoning you just gave out- I would say the same about you, probably didn't get any good "connection" from the males yet so you haven't found the right male to turn you on so youre not homosexual- didn't get a good connection from the opposite gender "that way" yet. :eek3: Now see where the flawed reasoning comes from when it comes from a different perspective on the same level. No offense is meant to be given, I do not care of one's orientation as long as they show some healthy respect to others orientation not saying anything about it being wrong or broken in some other terms.
love and sex go hand in hand

thats kind of excluding everybody else. What about love for brothers/sisters? what about the love for their pets? what about the love for their children or parents? Where does sex come in?

Had to give sex to have love would it stay love? If you had to give love to have sex would it stay love?

very good point/question to ask everybody in a dating/married relationship and ask themselves

Many asexuals are married or in a dating relationship to sexuals and they have sex with their partner
thats kind of excluding everybody else. What about love for brothers/sisters? what about the love for their pets? what about the love for their children or parents? Where does sex come in?
I think you know very well I meant romantic love. There's all kinds of love out there.

anyway Guys usually express their love through passion. some girls think it is all about sex to guys (and sometime it usually is) but when it come to the girl that they love, it is more than just sex.