Thank you very much.
Not sure what he meant by that but an office job usually doesn't really REQUIRE a university degree. You can probably work an office job and attend university at the same time (some people can- I'm not sure I could lol).
Yes Gallaudet is in Washington DC
NTID is in Rochester NY.
wow she is lucky.Charlotte has an ok public transportation system but I wouldn't say that Charlotte is affordable... some parts of Charlotte is expensive.
I'm sure there are some office type jobs that do not require any kind of higher education degree. It isn't impossible to get a fairly good job without a degree. One relative only went to what was then known as "secretary school" (Katherine Gibbs if I recall)...she never went to college but did well with a manager level position at Amtrak for years. Another never finished college but has a well paying job in digital printing.
Do many deaf people is unemployment in US when they were graduation in university?
It isn't easy to get office jobs without college degree (AS/AA or BA/BS)
I can not need to live City of more Asian..It will be cities in southern states like Atlanta, Birmingham, Dallas, Houston, Charlotte, Raleigh, Orlando, New Orleans, Nashville, Knoxville and several more cities. I know Atlanta, Dallas, Houston and Charlotte have sizable Asian population.
If you used to great public transportation in Hong Kong so you will find one in US is miserable for many cities, especially in the South. It means you have to learn how to driving and get a driver license. Expensive US cities have excellent public transportation like SF, NYC, Seattle, Portland and Denver.
I only want to live not dangerous city and get office of not bad remuneration
i maybe not get a driver..
So, if I want to get well-paid office(example: clerk), i should get AS/AA or BA/BS(study university), right?