Hi ,
I don't know if any of you know the answer to what I'm going to ask . But I've been hard of hearing since I had menagitist at 1 month of age . I am completly deaf in my left ear but only had 30% hearing loss in my right . Two years ago I had a terrible ear infection in my right ear . Now I have a 90% hearing loss in my right the only way I hear is with hearing aides . I started to loss more of my hearing after the ear infection . Could it have caused damage ? I have a long history with ear infections including tubes twice . My ears are horribly scarred and the doctor can't get over it . If the ear infection did cause my hearing to get worse can I correct it or is it permenent . Any advice ? amanda
I don't know if any of you know the answer to what I'm going to ask . But I've been hard of hearing since I had menagitist at 1 month of age . I am completly deaf in my left ear but only had 30% hearing loss in my right . Two years ago I had a terrible ear infection in my right ear . Now I have a 90% hearing loss in my right the only way I hear is with hearing aides . I started to loss more of my hearing after the ear infection . Could it have caused damage ? I have a long history with ear infections including tubes twice . My ears are horribly scarred and the doctor can't get over it . If the ear infection did cause my hearing to get worse can I correct it or is it permenent . Any advice ? amanda