Can a baby learn talking when hearing through hearing aids?

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Funny.... Just the coincidence of DeafGuy25 and Faire Jour to be on the very exact same IP address equates to winning the powerball 22 times.

The odds further is magnified by the simple fact they BOTH also signed up on AllDeaf... What?!

They BOTH are in St Louis!

They BOTH have relationships with bilaterial implants.

They BOTH are in school to be a teacher of deaf.

They BOTH go against the grain here in AllDeaf.

They BOTH use the same language.

The odds of all that???? Naisho, DareDevel, care to calculate that? The numbers are too big.

How did you get the IP addy?
Are you denying that Deafguy25 mysteriously showed up from your IP address at the same time that your FJ id was banned?

Thats right.... Very curious. Signed up back in the spring. Never was rally active until FJ got banned - his activity went up!
Wirelessly posted

yes i deny it.

yes, shel, i was planning to go back to school, but i moved. I am working full time and don't have the chance to go to school right now.
:wave: deafguy25 just show me if im wrong ur real for real that have deaf parents who raised u in an asl enviroment .. si?
Wirelessly posted

yes i deny it.

yes, shel, i was planning to go back to school, but i moved. I am working full time and don't have the chance to go to school right now.

:hmm: Guess you didn't ace that job interview at the bi-bi school either.
:hmm: Guess you didn't ace that job interview at the bi-bi school either.

Just as well. I don't want to think of her in the classroom. She'd be worse than both my 2nd grade teacher and my 6th grade teacher in middle school.
And I will win the Powerball at least 3 times.

If I give you $$ to split the ticket with, will you split your winnings with me? After all, we are bound to win !!!
Wirelessly posted

you guys are something else.
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