Calling all deaf friends! :)


Active Member
Jun 11, 2008
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So, Everybody knows that I want to become a graphic designer as my major when i start college. But for now I've been taking Multimedia classes since my junior year (its considered more as a graphic design class), and I'm currently in a Advanced Multimedia design class. In early March, my graphic design teacher had us enter the Google Doodler's competition, and this year's Google's theme for the competition is: If I could travel in time I'd visit... And I picked 1930s summertime. I loved the fashion from the 1930s and the old fashioned coca-cola bottle, the Ferris wheel and the boardwalk, the old cars, the beach, etc. But this is what I came up with: google.jpg I designed this photo by using an advanced software which is Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop.

Here is where you come in: Sometimes in May, Google is going to have an open vote for people to vote on their favorite design. And I want to try and get the most votes. So, I'm asking you guys to vote for me :) And if you ever forget what my design looks like, you can always come back to this thread and take another look at the picture :) thanks so much! :ty: