California law outlaws text messages while driving

GOOD. They need to. You can not type and drive at the same time.

Sorry if I am being harsh but it is me being a defensive driver.
Ohh nooo! I cannot live without my mobile phones even for one second... :lol:

Seriously, I am glad they have it outlawed, but... are they really going to enforce it?

I cannot even do/read text while driving!
Count me as one that is glad they enacted this law.

If you can't put your pager/cell phone away while driving, something is very, very wrong!
I am wondering - why not both cellphone and text message banned together.

I think both hands should be on the wheel no matter what. If cellphone is blue tooth, fine but not while holding in hand. No way!

I still think they should outlaw cellphone while driving at least one hand on ear.
lol it wont stop anything im sure.

You're right, It won't stop anything at all BUT however, it will somewhat reduce the violations or the cause of the accidents to make it safe on the roads.

Certainly, not every police officers are able to keep track of everyone who will be using the cellphones or people who are texting while they drive but yet, with the law, it only promotes a safety issue.
Washington state had that law in effect since Jan 8, 2008.
This has to be done. I really think that talking on the phone should be outlawed. I have seen people drive while talking on their cell phones wrong while I drive. I have seen people texting while driving. I saw one text and drive weird because they are not paying attention.

It's not right either for text or anything. People don't talk about ANYTHING important. I was a cashier, and I would listen to these people never doing anything important on their cell phones. They're laughing in the car while talking. It's nothing important. It's just where they're at. Where they are going and just silly and mindless conversations.

If they want to talk, then wait until they get to a place to talk. I read that headsets are worse than talking on the regular cell phone.

Why is the government so afraid of setting strong rules?
it is impossible for me to type a message while I am driving, since I have two complicated cell phones! :laugh2: Which keeps me away from testing while driving.
That's good.

I know a deaf guy who's so focused on his Sidekick while driving that he tends to swerve to the right. He's already damaged tires on cars he's driven as well as bumping into someone else.

What did he say? "Oh, I couldn't help it. I was looking at my Sidekick." :roll:
It is about time! July 1st already banned for anyone who talk on cell phone while driving not text. That is how I got in car accident last June because of young woman were using text and not pay attention, she reared hit us.
I agree 100%. It is the same for putting on make-up as it is for using cellphone or texter. I think they all should get tickets.

For the record, I think deaf drivers are usually more attentive drivers because they know they can't hear siren from ambulance or horn or something, so they're watching more for police or ambulance or car where it isn't supposed to be.

It's too bad the fine is only $20...... I just had to pay $75 just because my sticker expired on my license plates. They should have to pay at least that much.
Cellphone driving laws

Well, California now banned cell phone texting while driving and now in Tennessee they follow their path. If anyone of your decided to visit Tennessee after July 1st, you'll get a $50 fine ticket, July 1st is when the no-texting ban on cellphones goes into effect.

Here are the State by State cell phone driving laws: State Cell Phone Driving Laws

Enjoy! :)
Cleveland is getting ready to start implementing its new ban on texting while driving.

Beginning Sunday, motorists caught sending text messages while operating a vehicle will face a $100 fine for a first offense. If they're caught again, the penalty goes up to $250, and a third offense brings a $500 fine.

I don't live in Cleveland. All cell phone use while driving should be banned. What's not to understand about this?
