Buying a house

I got 2 words. Foundation and insulation. Any cracks in foundation or support beams=bad bad bad. Even worse if theres water. Water damage HORRIBLE! You'd best invest in an expert someone qualified to check it out if ya can spare the money.... its easy to get ripped becareful.

Here in California a professional home inspection service must be completed before the escrow closes. That's part of the disclosure laws here. You can test drive a car before you buy it, but you cant test drive a house before you buy it.

Here in California a professional home inspection service must be completed before the escrow closes. That's part of the disclosure laws here. You can test drive a car before you buy it, but you cant test drive a house before you buy it.


Same here with the laws about home inspection.

The sellers accepted our bid so we are double checking with our bank to make sure the interest rate is what we are going to get. If so, then we will accept their counteroffer. :)
Yeah, the bank won´t give you a loan unless you have the proof of house inspector like what I said in my previous post because the bank like to see positive.
Yeah, the bank won´t give you a loan unless you have the proof of house inspector like what I said in my previous post because the bank like to see positive.

The bank can give us a quote of what they will offer us exactly...I have a list of step by steps of do dos before settlement. Lemme check it about applying for a loan or having to get an inpection done before applying. AAAAHHH..thanks for the heads up.
Going thru step by step aint easy but try to relax. Right now I am waiting to hear from the seller*bank* to see if they accept the propsal of repair wort 6,000 dollars half of the cost of repair.,