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Lasza said:
Look at me, my female cousin was murdered by her stupid boyfriend. both of them are straights. Not point at gay people. look at racists, sexists, and many.

U have to learn to deal with the world for everything. Learn to forgive urself and others included the killer who murdered ur brother. I did forgive my cousin's killer becuase of she's happy in the heaven. move on!

murder in the family is most hardest. not about gay, not about race, not about sex. Just rob love and destory family.

I never said I forgiven or not. Because you point the about straight. I don't said about gay into criminal.
illustrator said:
I never said I forgiven or not. Because you point the about straight. I don't said about gay into criminal.

I know u did not say that. I just encourage you to do it.

u did say about gay into criminal. look at the post u made. I just say about straight because ur post is point to gay gay gay gay. Make me think u are forgot about word "Diversity"

look at ur previous post very carefully!!! about ur brother was murdered by his boyfriend. make me feel like u bring it up about gay and crime over and over.
Lasza said:
I know u did not say that. I just encourage you to do it.

u did say about gay into criminal. look at the post u made. I just say about straight because ur post is point to gay gay gay gay. Make me think u are forgot about word "Diversity"

look at ur previous post very carefully!!! about ur brother was murdered by his boyfriend. make me feel like u bring it up about gay and crime over and over.

I am talk about gay marriage. you haven't look at all my other posts as I said, gay can have freedom of euqal BUT not to gay marriage, silly sally.
^Angel^ said:
U keep saying ' We '...U are talking about American People when I simply told you over and over that U can not force American People to put God first before the Government when they don't share the same Religous....

You put the word "force" in my mouth. I heard you the first time what you told me. You don't need to tell me repeatly what you just said over and over.

For Speaking as ' Family ' U were asking me...U were not asking everyone here or to the American People...so that a whole different point here ...

This forum is for everyone to read. It doesn't matter who I am askin' or not. You were postin' here and debatin' about this issue, so I share my view, opinion and belief here for the same reason as you do for others to read. If, they would like to respond somethin', then, they are more than welcome to do so.

As God says ' We can NOT judge people for who they are ' U seem to be forgetting that lately...Let God make the judgement not you!

I know that. :roll: I can share my belief in here, if I would like to. It doesn't mean that I am judgin' them. Like I said before... it's THEIR CHOICES to do whateva they want to do WITH THEIR FLESH ! I guess, you don't pay attention to my posts earlier!

As I said earlier , Religous should NOT be mix with the Goverment...When we all know that not Every One will share the same Religous....Goverment should stay out of people's personal life period!

I don't think that you catch my drift. I guess, it's time for you to read my posts again !

We have no business telling Gay/Lesbian how they should live , or have a family , relationship/marriage...etc...Treat them as ' Human Being' , as ' American Citizen ' and a Freedom to do whatever we all do here in our country!...No one ..not even the Goverment shall stop them from living their lives Period!..[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that's right! Like I said before that it's THEIR CHOICES to do whateva they wants to DO WITH THEIR FLESH ! You just wait and see when Jesus comes. He will separate His flocks from the goats. If, any one of your friends happen to be in "goats" that He separated... oh, boy! You are the one who caused this serious consequence, just because you ALLOW them to MARRY what it's not RIGHT in the eyes of God. You send them straight to HELL, because of what you believe that it is OK for gay/lesbian people to MARRY. :nono: tsk tsk tsk I stood up Jesus Christ's Truth, because I CARE. But, OF COURSE, that's THEIR CHOICES and I can not do anything, period ! I only will just pray for them and hope that one day they will be able to find the "Truth"..... That's all that matters ! And, of course I do love them.
I think we don't need marriage anyway. Marriage and money don't make you happy.
Know what ? That word "marriage" belongs to GOD and it should remain HOLY.
CyberRed said:
You just wait and see when Jesus comes. He will separate His flocks from the goats. If, any one of your friends happen to be in "goats" that He separated... oh, boy! You are the one who caused this serious consequence, just because you ALLOW them to MARRY what it's not RIGHT in the eyes of God. You send them straight to HELL, because of what you believe that it is OK for gay/lesbian people to MARRY. :nono:

*Laughing*....Oh Lord Lord Lord....

I am the ONE who caused this serious consequence?...

Did I marry them?...

I don't force people to believe in the same God as I do....as I said before I know how to keep my belief to myself.....

I know what I believe ...I know my God....I know my Bible...I know whats right or wrong in the eyes of God....So, don't tell me what I believe or NOT when U don't know what in my heart but God does....

Ure not God so don't make any judgements....I am NOT saying that I ALLOW them to marry or what they can't do...I simply am implying here, that it's THEIR choice to however they want to live their lives!! Everyone has rights, and for their lifestyles, it's what they believe is their rights....

I did not say you were NOT ALLOW to share what you believe in....but you have no right to judge people for who they are.....

Government and Religion should NOT mix when NOT EVERY ONE shares the same Religion! :smash:
CyberRed said:
Know what ? That word "marriage" belongs to GOD and it should remain HOLY.

What about the Muslim, Jews, Hindu, and many different religions that involve marriage but with different Gods?

Does it belong to them too?

P.S., your answer please, not God's.
illustrator said:
Gay already have enough equal like us! Why does gay need another right we never hear of before?

Apparently not equil like us if thats your view. Again, what is the problem with letting people do what makes them happy if it doesnt hurt you? There is no problem, and no matter what you think the us govt will let them marry by the end of 2005

Thinking about it, i have a way to possibly open your closed little mind, now try and follow what i say as i try not to offend anyone but you. Lets say that getting married is only for hearing people, but your deaf and you cant get married. Yea you believe in god, and you have a woman that somehow managed to love your ignorance, but your deaf, so to fucking bad, right? Well thats what you seem to be saying to gay people, your different, your not like me, and even though they dont want to bother you, you feel the need to stick your face in their buisness. Get off your high horse, your ignorance is really pissing me off. Stop fucking posting too!
Banjo said:
What about the Muslim, Jews, Hindu, and many different religions that involve marriage but with different Gods?

Does it belong to them too?

P.S., your answer please, not God's.

At this point, if i was to be married, it would be by a judge. Lucky for me that marage isnt just a religous thing.
CyberRed said:
Know what ? That word "marriage" belongs to GOD and it should remain HOLY.

In what way is marriage the sole province of God? How are the two concepts even related? Marriage in industrialized nations is essentially a financial contract designed to ensure an adequate replacement population, which ensures a sustainable gross domestic product. The long term financial benefits of permitting same sex marriages are overwhelming. The resultant skyrocketing adoption rates would alleviate billions of dollars of strain on the social services system. Not to mention the long term social and financial benefits of increased psychological health on the part of hundreds of thousands of children currently in public custody. God seems like a nifty guy—I can’t imagine he would disapprove of that, would he?
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Banjo said:
What about the Muslim, Jews, Hindu, and many different religions that involve marriage but with different Gods?

Does it belong to them too?

P.S., your answer please, not God's.

I am speakin' of gay/lesbian marriages. If, you are askin' that it implies to them, then the answer is the same.
^Angel^ said:
*Laughing*....Oh Lord Lord Lord....

I am the ONE who caused this serious consequence?...

Did I marry them?...

I don't force people to believe in the same God as I do....as I said before I know how to keep my belief to myself.....

I know what I believe ...I know my God....I know my Bible...I know whats right or wrong in the eyes of God....So, don't tell me what I believe or NOT when U don't know what in my heart but God does....

Ure not God so don't make any judgements....I am NOT saying that I ALLOW them to marry or what they can't do...I simply am implying here, that it's THEIR choice to however they want to live their lives!! Everyone has rights, and for their lifestyles, it's what they believe is their rights....

I did not say you were NOT ALLOW to share what you believe in....but you have no right to judge people for who they are.....

Government and Religion should NOT mix when NOT EVERY ONE shares the same Religion! :smash:

*done with soapbox* :wave:
CyberRed said:
I am speakin' of gay/lesbian marriages. If, you are askin' that it implies to them, then the answer is the same.

I don't think you understood, I asked you a very specific question.

You said that the word marriage belongs to God, and it has to stay remain.

What about the Muslim, Jews, Hindu, and many different religions that involve marriage but with different Gods?

Does it belong to them too?

Or does it just belong to the "Christian" God?
Levonian said:
I what way is marriage the sole province of God? How are the two concepts even related? Marriage in industrialized nations is essentially a financial contract designed to ensure an adequate replacement population, which ensures a sustainable gross domestic product. The long term financial benefits of permitting same sex marriages are overwhelming. The resultant skyrocketing adoption rates would alleviate billions of dollars of strain on the social services system. Not to mention the long term social and financial benefits of increased psychological health on the part of hundreds of thousands of children currently in public custody. God seems like a nifty guy—I can’t imagine he would disapprove of that, would he?

Marriage is the purpose for the opposite sex to "produce" children. Marriage is the natural thing for the natural opposite sex. Not "unnatural" same sex, because they don't produce children naturally like hetersexual couples do. It's why I don't AGREE for gay/lesbian to marry. To me, that's like the "devil" is laughin' at God, sayin' to Him that "marriage" can marry to "sin", no matter what or how bad the sin is. It just bugled my mind !! The "ungodly" is gettin' worse and worse in this nowdays. What happened to our "traditional", "sense of morality", "family value" and all that? Where did it go ? And, of course no body cares about this, just because they want something MORE than that... I mean, this is TOO MUCH. I feel like that this world expects the children to grow up too fast and it will make children's lives more miserable. *SMH*
Banjo said:
I don't think you understood, I asked you a very specific question.

You said that the word marriage belongs to God, and it has to stay remain.

What about the Muslim, Jews, Hindu, and many different religions that involve marriage but with different Gods?

Does it belong to them too?

Or does it just belong to the "Christian" God?

Oh, sorry. *Chuckles* Well, I am not Muslim, Hindu or what other religion is. I am just what I believe the way I was raised and PLUS from my own experience that I walked with God in the past when I first discovered Jesus Christ at the age of 18. He knocked on my "door" and I "opened" the door to invite him in my life. *Chuckles* Hey, why don't you make a thread in forum and ask for everyone's experience to share their Gods, hmm? Maybe, that helps everyone to understand their unique experience ... ? Don't ya agree? lol !
@Illustrator: Just because I am gay does not mean I want to go after kids and molest them. The mere thought of molesting a child is totally against all of my morals and ideas. Lasza is right, statisitics have shown that it is mostly straight men who molest children. Stop stereotyping gay people. Just because I am gay doesn't mean I am a criminal.

As for being a role model to children, I can guarantee you that it does not influence the children in any way. My sister is married to a woman, and they have two children who are straight. The daughter is dating boys and the boy is girl-crazy. What did my sister and his wife teach them? Love and respect, no matter who people are. One of my friends has a girlfriend too, and they have two children too. Both of the children are straight as well. The daughter got married last year in a beautiful wedding. In the wedding, people respected the mother and the girlfriend. What is that? Love and compassion!

@CyberRed: A wedding does not have to be performed in the church. It can be performed in the city hall. I don't know what this is called in English, but it is called staatliche Hochzeit in German. A lot of Germans do it, and have a church wedding later. Does it make that these marriages are no good because they have not had a wedding in the church yet? It still has nothing to do with God, and it is like a government contract between two partners validating their relationship is recognised by the State, not by God.
A wedding does not have to be performed in the church. It can be performed in the city hall. I don't know what this is called in English, but it is called staatliche Hochzeit in German. A lot of Germans do it, and have a church wedding later. Does it make that these marriages are no good because they have not had a wedding in the church yet? It still has nothing to do with God, and it is like a government contract between two partners validating their relationship is recognised by the State, not by God.

That's what I am sayin' about gay/lesbian's business whateva they want to do with their own FLESH, but SPIRIT...that's something else I spoke earlier. The reason I brought up about the spirit is because, God is SPIRIT, the Supreme Being and He looks at the people's souls/spirits, not the flesh. But, it's the FLESH how it will affect the spirit that God will judge Himself. Each person have their own spirit/soul in his/her body. And, of course it's people's choices what they make in their own lives. But, hey.. I know you are a nice person and I have nuthin' against you or other gay/lesbian people.
CyberRed said:
hey.. I know you are a nice person and I have nuthin' against you or other gay/lesbian people.

:roll: Nothing against gay and Lesbian.. :confused: See you changing your story over and over and over again and again and again You know what u don't even make sense yourself anymore. First you said u are the same way as God says in the bible.. now you saying u not against lesbian and gay... I think U Do not know what u talking about yourself.
Cheri said:
:roll: Nothing against gay and Lesbian.. :confused: See you changing your story over and over and over again and again and again You know what u don't even make sense yourself anymore. First you said u are the same way as God says in the bible.. now you saying u not against lesbian and gay... I think U Do not know what u talking about yourself.

What CR is saying is that she has nothing against their lifestyle, but she believes it is wrong for them to marry. Plain and simple. It is same idea if we said that we have nothing against, say, aliens, but we think it is wrong for them to marry humans.

Of course, I dont agree with this opinion. It is just a fine example of how some Americans are close-minded and blindly following the words of the Bible, not even thinking for themselves of all the suffering that they are imposing upon others. It's like the Hitler Era, where the Germans blindly followed Hitler's Government and did not realise that they caused much destruction.

I call this attitude: "As long as it's not in my backyard, I don*t care."
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