Bush Plans to Rape Our Forests

Yes, I took a class about the oil drilling in Alaska. I don't like Kerry, but I also don't like that Bush has no concern for the environment. I really do not like that one bit. We need to protect the environment and Bush sure needs a tour of the world about it's environmental problems.

I am not voting for either, but I wish I knew more about other parties, so that I could vote for them. If they don't win, that's fine, but at least I am not voting for two morons who have no interest in what I am not interested.

Where can I learn about other parties that rarely exists in the media?
This explains why I am anti-Bush. He kills off our social services and now our trees.

I saw a bumper sticker recently and it said " Defend America, Defeat Bush" and I liked that a lot!!!!

I do remmy Maine used be very beautiful with many many pine trees during my childhood years. Now, Maine is not really pretty at all after saw many pine tree off. Cuz of business and adding more roads.

What's next? Alaska! I am Anti-Bush as well. Bush done bad job with Houston, most smog city in State of Texas. Not see many presidents can support enivorment, tell me if I am wrong.
Not so good when it comes to marriage amendments apparently.
HelloKittyGal said:
Yes, I took a class about the oil drilling in Alaska.
If America can access more of its own oil fields, then we won't have to be as dependent on foreign oil and their control of oil prices. If OPEC decided to quit selling oil to the United States, what would you do?

Where can I learn about other parties that rarely exists in the media?
Search the web for starters. Almost all political parties, large and small, have websites now. Some others are called the Green Party, Libertarians, and Independent Party, or you can check out individual candidates like Ralph Nader. Or search the causes you support and find out which party supports those causes.
Happy searching! :)
Beowulf said:
Not so good when it comes to marriage amendments apparently.
Those states that have passed DOMAs are being threatened by activist courts to void their laws. California passed a DOMA and local government officials are not obeying that law, and their courts are trying to toss it out. That's the problem. That states' rights are being interferred with by judges.

Now, back to the topic at hand please....
*rolling on floor laughing*
You submit a PROPAGANDA site and expext us to believe it????
Words and actions are entirely two different things.
Who give craps what Bush do...once Bush is dethorned..he gonna head to village of chimpanzee so he can live with them...in deep forest, because he is ancestor from chimp period okay...IM GETTING SICK OF BUSH MANIPLUATE PEOPLE...HES SICK MINDED PERIOD...
Beowulf said:
Words and actions are entirely two different things.
Fair enough. Do you have documentation to prove that he is doing other than what the website stated?
BigSpike said:
Who give craps what Bush do...once Bush is dethorned..he gonna head to village of chimpanzee so he can live with them...in deep forest, because he is ancestor from chimp period okay...IM GETTING SICK OF BUSH MANIPLUATE PEOPLE...HES SICK MINDED PERIOD...

he is pathetic which should be resident on Heard St at WCI. He may becomes an individual. :giggle: Donati would love him in his anus ! :booty:
BigSpike said:
Who give craps what Bush do...once Bush is dethorned..he gonna head to village of chimpanzee so he can live with them...in deep forest, because he is ancestor from chimp period okay...IM GETTING SICK OF BUSH MANIPLUATE PEOPLE...HES SICK MINDED PERIOD...
Now that's a well-thought out reasoned response.
I heard about that recently. It made the news so don't worry, it's not unknown... but spreading out. Clinton worked hard to protect that forest and Bush wants to have that protection dropped. Jeez!
Reba, Bush is clearly an anti-enivorment person.. Look at Texas and you will understand the result. There are numbers of articles in several non-profit organization newsletters (Well-Being Journal, Wise Tradition, etc etc) concerns about Bush and his anti-environmental attitudes toward these forests and other enivornment issues. We are not that stupid.. we know what Bush really want and we don't want him to do that. Period.

Beowulf, let you know that there is a huge banner in downtown of San Francisco where highest density of population dwells in and it said: "Let's whack Bush and get him out of our forests." People in San Francisco and other many cities where huge numbers of enivornment-awareness people dwells in are working in many clubs, print several articles, posting the posters and few more things to rally people to be aware of Bush and his ruthless toward america citizens and mother nature (Remember 2004's Woman's Awareness march in D.C.? They repeatly told them to not be fool by Bush and his words. There are numbers of famous people there lectured to rally people to not vote for him and told us that we do have a power to change that). It is safe to say that people are no longer blind and start to open thier eyes about Bush, people do aware of these news, thanks to these people... That's one of several reasons why I love San Francisco.

Remember.. we DO have a power to kick Bush out of his president seat.. all we can do is vote him out.

Edit: Oh I hope Beowulf or anyone will keep posting these Bush and his ruthless action-related news to keep us up-date with these events..
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Let him rape the forest bare, I got 15,000 shares to a plastic lumber company.

Richard Roehm
Yeah, you should have stop playing monopoly board game sometimes ago.
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If America can access more of its own oil fields, then we won't have to be as dependent on foreign oil and their control of oil prices. If OPEC decided to quit selling oil to the United States, what would you do?

Then save it until they stop selling us oil. I have done a paper about it, and I am very against it, but I cannot remember all the details why. I got an A on my paper though. I am very much against it. Drilling oil damages the land. We don't have that much oil over here, and it can be empty in a few years, then we have nothing. That's why I say leave it out until as a last resort.
Where I live...almost 2 years ago. Many of the lands were grass and not many houses. It's very much country. Over the next few weeks as I before we moved and after we moved, we saw a DRAMATIC change. They are now in constructions to make the roads wider and more stores and more suburban houses.

It's a pity because whenever we would drive it was very a stress-free zone to watch all of the greens, now it's a huge stress. It makes a huge difference. People nowaday just wants everything really close by so they don't have to do much. If they could do it before that, they can continue to travel a little farther. There's also a lot of abandoned buildings in downtown, not to mention crimes...if they would turn all of this constructions over there and made people move there especially middle class and wealthy families, the crime rates would drop and it'd be a beautiful place.

I know it's such a capitalism place, but if people would just think a little bit--it would make a huge difference. I have seen MANY places destroyed as a result of a lot of people moving in. Many people seek out areas with little crimes and the best schools, but if that happened in poor and bad areas--the environment would be boosted up and things would go much better.

My opinion and my vision of the future if only it'd be that way.