Reba, Bush is clearly an anti-enivorment person.. Look at Texas and you will understand the result. There are numbers of articles in several non-profit organization newsletters (Well-Being Journal, Wise Tradition, etc etc) concerns about Bush and his anti-environmental attitudes toward these forests and other enivornment issues. We are not that stupid.. we know what Bush really want and we don't want him to do that. Period.
Beowulf, let you know that there is a huge banner in downtown of San Francisco where highest density of population dwells in and it said: "Let's whack Bush and get him out of our forests." People in San Francisco and other many cities where huge numbers of enivornment-awareness people dwells in are working in many clubs, print several articles, posting the posters and few more things to rally people to be aware of Bush and his ruthless toward america citizens and mother nature (Remember 2004's Woman's Awareness march in D.C.? They repeatly told them to not be fool by Bush and his words. There are numbers of famous people there lectured to rally people to not vote for him and told us that we do have a power to change that). It is safe to say that people are no longer blind and start to open thier eyes about Bush, people do aware of these news, thanks to these people... That's one of several reasons why I love San Francisco.
Remember.. we DO have a power to kick Bush out of his president seat.. all we can do is vote him out.
Edit: Oh I hope Beowulf or anyone will keep posting these Bush and his ruthless action-related news to keep us up-date with these events..