Bumper Stickers

Originally posted by e
Tell us you've seen funniest/weirdest/or whatever bumper stickers....

A couple of hours ago, I was driving to home and I saw this car's bumper sticker in front of me says:
:ugh: That gave me a nasty thought about..... :ugh: :barf:

:eek: I don't want to know! :ugh:
Originally posted by kuifje75
If you can read this tiny print, you are tailgating! BACK OFF!

:rofl: I'd like to have that bumper sticker for my truck... :laugh2:
:bowdown: to Matt. I love his clever bumper slogans!!

Anyway, I noticed a rainbow peace sign and Calvin (from cartoon) pees on (what brand) cars.
"If you can read this, keep your eyes on the fuckn road and not on my ass"

(seen on a motorbike lighthead in reversed typos) "Move Over ..I.,"
Family Car/Truck/Van

mean people suck!!!!


hit me! i need the money!

too many honor roll bumpers from various schools between K-12 grades

DARE (drug awareness resistance education for those that arent familiar with that program)

those are the ones i remmy and the most common i see around here -- if i see any that are TRULY hilarious ill post them :)
Originally posted by Sydlie
Sadly, he already has. He's got that written on a t-shirt, I think. I've seen a picture of it. LOL

he really made that t-shirt I thought it was a computer trick... I bet you his cheek will be red........and he will need to wear a cup also......

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