Bulletproof backpack sales soar after Conn. school shooting


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
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JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- Bulletproofing kids before they go to school. Some companies are cashing in after Friday's Connecticut school shooting. But some parents and teachers think it's gone too far.

"This is absolutely unbelievable," Alberta Marks said.

The company Bullet Blocker sells the backpack. They offer a variety of bulletproof products, with a whole section devoted to school safety.

Samantha Dixon is a third grade teacher at Saint Clair Evans Academy in North Jacksonville.

"It's too much for a five year old to know about. They're supposed to be innocent, not covering themselves from gunfire. It's too much," she said.

We also asked parents. Senait Johnson has an 11-year-old. Would she buy him the backpack?

"My son is in elementary school, so most of the time they keep them in their cubby holes, so what purpose is that?"

While some are questioning the practicality of this product, a company spokesman tells us the intended use is during a lockdown, students could use this pack as a shield. And he said since Friday's shooting in Connecticut, sales have skyrocketed 300 to 400 percent.

But Dixon thinks there are better ways to protect kids in her third grade class.

"I think keeping doors locked and things like that. I am a teacher and we actually have all of our doors locked at all times. People have to be buzzed in, so I think all schools should have to do that," Dixon explained.

Bulletproof backpack sales soar after Conn. school shooting | firstcoastnews.com
I carried my sons back pack into the house yesterday, holy crap!! it was so heavy. I had totally forgotten how heavy a kids back pack could be......I don't even want to think about how much heavier it would be if it was made out of kevlar.

This is just stoooopid. There have been 4 mass shootings at a school ever, the first one being 47 damn years ago. So let's just freak the kids out, make them scared of their own shadow and make them hunchbacks before they're 15 carrying around a backpack that weighs almost as much of them.
My son's backpack weighed at least a ton also...and I worried about his back...asked why he didn't keep those heavy books into his locker?...He said whenever they change classes...there is not enough time to go to the locker to get the books needed...if he did, then he would be late for class...and get a write-up.....He went thru 5 backpacks last year!

But he now has a very muscular back....:lol:
This is actually a copy cat version of "My Back pack" which was created by a cop in Danvers, MA. He's a great guy; it's made him enough money to close up his gun shop which has been nothing but hassles getting through the Massachusetts red tape. I don't blame him, but a bullet proof backpack really isn't that great and offers little more than the illusion of protection.

What good would that had done for the poor children in Newtown?? They where in their classrooms and where not wearing their backpacks and do kids that young use a backpack?? And it would not protect the front of the kids or their heads.
What good would that had done for the poor children in Newtown?? They where in their classrooms and where not wearing their backpacks and do kids that young use a backpack?? And it would not protect the front of the kids or their heads.

yes kids that young have back packs. When my kids were elementary school though they had to have clear ones, at the first one they went to here in MB anyway. They built a new school and they didn't have to have them anymore. But anyway, for schools you have to have clear ones they couldn't even use them anyway. Those are really flimsy btw and get ripped real fast. But from the article said they are intended to be used as shields for when they are in "lockdown".
My son's backpack weighed at least a ton also...and I worried about his back...asked why he didn't keep those heavy books into his locker?...He said whenever they change classes...there is not enough time to go to the locker to get the books needed...if he did, then he would be late for class...and get a write-up.....He went thru 5 backpacks last year!

But he now has a very muscular back....:lol:

I get the same story. BUt he's a big strapping lad eh? ;) make an 8 year carry kevlar around on their back though? criminy!!!
My son's backpack weighed at least a ton also...and I worried about his back...asked why he didn't keep those heavy books into his locker?...He said whenever they change classes...there is not enough time to go to the locker to get the books needed...if he did, then he would be late for class...and get a write-up.....He went thru 5 backpacks last year!

But he now has a very muscular back....:lol:

What about buy a college level backpack? They are more durable than standard backpack.

I had to use backpack at all time at high school because of worst overcrowded and limited supply of lockers, also in many classes, you can't leave with textbook so had to put under desk or bookshelf in the class, even I had to share a textbook with other students.

I'm sure that tardy policy at your son's school is less strict, such as detention hall, however at my high school, you can be forced to transfer to other high school or alternative school if you have 5 tardies, so it is most ridiculous policy.
If protecting schools from an outsider coming in much like the shooter did, shooting out the window/door to break in then all schools nationwide need to have bulletproof windows, that includes the glass on the doors instead of a bullet proof back pack. What is the point in having all the doors lock automatically if the door is made of glass? My HS had all glass doors that were entrance points. Pointless to have if they are not bullet proof. Granted this will not protect from someone inside the school before all the outside doors are locked but will and could prevent anyone from being able to break into a school to do harm. A bullet proof back back will do no good, they do not wear back packs all the time.
If protecting schools from an outsider coming in much like the shooter did, shooting out the window/door to break in then all schools nationwide need to have bulletproof windows, that includes the glass on the doors instead of a bullet proof back pack. What is the point in having all the doors lock automatically if the door is made of glass? My HS had all glass doors that were entrance points. Pointless to have if they are not bullet proof. Granted this will not protect from someone inside the school before all the outside doors are locked but will and could prevent anyone from being able to break into a school to do harm. A bullet proof back back will do no good, they do not wear back packs all the time.

it's not that easy. the windows at high school are thick and shatterproof. it's much cheaper to install security bars than to replace everything with bulletproof windows.
it's not that easy. the windows at high school are thick and shatterproof. it's much cheaper to install security bars than to replace everything with bulletproof windows.
I think fire laws prevent that.
I think fire laws prevent that.

there is actually a security window that is compliant with fire code - it can be pushed out but not pushed in.
I don't think bullet resistant back packs are meant to be worn the whole time. The idea is to use it like a shield and hold it in front of you for protection. They've had "bullet proof" briefcases, clipboards, and inserts like that for years.
I don't think bullet resistant back packs are meant to be worn the whole time. The idea is to use it like a shield and hold it in front of you for protection. They've had "bullet proof" briefcases, clipboards, and inserts like that for years.

It's just more logical to reinforce classroom door/locks and convert a closet room into a panic room.

bulletproof backpacks for children? oh my.... what is this? Colombia? :roll:
It's just more logical to reinforce classroom door/locks and convert a closet room into a panic room....
Logical maybe, but feasible? Realistically, I don't see how most school districts can afford that. In our area, they can't even keep up with overcrowded and aging facilities. Every year they have to build new schools for the increase in students.

I can see them doing the better locks but I can't see them installing panic rooms. Most of the classrooms that I've seen don't even have regular closets; there's no space.
Logical maybe, but feasible? Realistically, I don't see how most school districts can afford that. In our area, they can't even keep up with overcrowded and aging facilities. Every year they have to build new schools for the increase in students.

I can see them doing the better locks but I can't see them installing panic rooms. Most of the classrooms that I've seen don't even have regular closets; there's no space.

as you said - every year, they build new schools. that's the one. they can easily design and install features that would help victims in case of mass shooting.

I read an article somewhere (or maybe it's already posted in other thread) that a security expert recommended designing a corridor or entrance hallway that would slow shooter (bottlenecked pathway) or prevent him from going in further and placing classrooms away from entrance. In most cases of massacres, shooters chose an efficient route and specific time in order to maximize the kills.

About the panic room - I don't mean the bank-like vault room style. Just a walk-in closet with reinforced door and lock that can protect victims when a shooter sprays at the door... and also equipped with 2-ways intercom system. I can agree that it would be impractical for all classrooms to have a walk-in closet doubled as panic room. It's logical to limit it to larger classrooms with over 40 students because larger classrooms tend to have 2 doors-entrance that is easily kicked in.

For a regular-sized classroom - just a reinforced door and lock will do. That classroom should have a teacher table (heavy and strong) that would serve as an excellent additional barricade to protect a classroom from getting sprayed at thru door.
Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

With all due respect, if you or your immediate family haven't been in school shooting, you have no idea how fast it happens and how little there is that can be done once the shooter is in the school. Once they're inside there's not really a lot you can do.
as you said - every year, they build new schools. that's the one. they can easily design and install features that would help victims in case of mass shooting.
That doesn't help the older schools. Also, I don't know how much that would impact the design and cost of the new schools. Do you really know the numbers?

About the panic room - I don't mean the bank-like vault room style. Just a walk-in closet with reinforced door and lock that can protect victims when a shooter sprays at the door... and also equipped with 2-ways intercom system.
Like I posted, some classrooms don't have space for even a small closet. They are jam-packed.

The school where I subbed has had the two-way intercoms for years. Our Christian school also has the two-way system. It's common.

I can agree that it would be impractical for all classrooms to have a walk-in closet doubled as panic room. It's logical to limit it to larger classrooms with over 40 students because larger classrooms tend to have 2 doors-entrance that is easily kicked in.
I've never been in a primary or secondary school that had large classrooms for over 40 students. Usually it's a room that was designed for 28 students and they jam 32 students in there. I could hardly walk thru them it was so tight.

For a regular-sized classroom - just a reinforced door and lock will do. That classroom should have a teacher table (heavy and strong) that would serve as an excellent additional barricade to protect a classroom from getting sprayed at thru door.
That's just it; bullets can penetrate walls, windows, and doors. Even teachers' desks aren't bullet proof. :(

The school shooting that happened in SC took place mostly in the cafeteria at lunch time. That's one large, open area with lots of people sitting there.

In some cases, victims were shot at outside the buildings.

Nothing is foolproof.
My son's backpack weighed at least a ton also...and I worried about his back...asked why he didn't keep those heavy books into his locker?...He said whenever they change classes...there is not enough time to go to the locker to get the books needed...if he did, then he would be late for class...and get a write-up.....He went thru 5 backpacks last year!

But he now has a very muscular back....:lol:

it was great worry for me my son school back pack for same reason as you rr seem american school kids got same reasons as brit kids with lockers and books..boys wanted to look cool by wearing it on one shoulder and you certainly dont want be on school train where i live, you get knocked out by all the kids bags...
what sad world it become talking about bullet proof bags,plus make no difference re this awful shooting ,coloumbine ,dunblaine all children were in class