I should have to say 1998, I was joined with built pc club and was ignorant about hardwares etc.. I followed others suggests. forgive me?
I am glad to learn faster & research it. but my very close friend suggested me as give a try AMD cpu and Nvidia video cards. then I did step in his path. thanks to my very close friend for recommended.
Like today some deaf people keep to tell me ASUS motherboard is best without their example.. ASUS motherboard did give me **huge headaches**, due BSOD. again, my very close friend suggested me MSI motherboard. I became a crazy fan of MSI and user for 9 or 10 years!
I dont give a sh!t if AMD processor is not powerful. but I am happy with AMD cpu for 9/10 years without any regets. I admit you that I used to have the pervious intel processor, but I never like intel processor at all.. AMD was my dream. till my dream was fulfilled!
Dude, Ahh I got it. thank for clarfication..
Hey, Wow I didnt aware that CX support mutli cards before nvidia reintroduce nvidia users the new support Main Muti-cards with any sli cards.. many thanks for link from Wikipedia and makes my knowledge growing and growing as always. I really appreciated it.
Yeah I should have to make clarfy it before.. anyway Retailer was thought that I am ati card user without ask me what kind of video cards I use, then bought it. Yes it was MSI CFX motherboard. Thats why I am careful with retialer who did not ask me if i am nvidia user or ati user before buy the specfied msi mainboad for sli or CFX.
Now i got it... MDA, thank for links. and Deluded, Once again thanks for clarification..